Find the site and truth of the Junye Teaching Plan

On Friday, April 19, 2024, in the morning, Director Zhang of the Management Committee of the Juye Church led us to find the ruins of the Junye lesson plan. At that time, the Juye teaching plan shocked China and foreign countries and became an important event in modern Chinese history. Subsequently, an important event of a series of important events was related to this. Jiaozhou Bay was occupied. The German forces started from here. Continue and development. According to Director Zhang: Without the Junye Teaching Plan, there will be no development of Qingdao and Jiaozhou Bay and Shandong. Although both Germany and Japan have occupied Shandong, the Germans have left many buildings and facilities to make people read them how good them. The Japanese do not seem to leave something else for Shandong people except for plundering and brutality.

Director Zhang had a soft spot for the ruins of the Juye teaching plan. Many sites were taken the lead to protect it, which was retained. Today, the place he took us was one of the three churches paid by the Qing government after the Juye Teaching Plan. This building was originally demolished. Director Zhang and others applied to the relevant departments for the protection of the Junye teaching plan, and this building was not completely demolished.

The original church had been demolished many years ago. Now, with the broken bricks on the flat ground, it is faintly imagined. In fact, this church is still considerable, and it is larger than the supporting buildings now. The supporting buildings are some offices and dormitories, which are also blocked by other buildings. Director Zhang climbed up the wall with his agile skills, went deep into the yard, took a lot of photos, and left us valuable information.

After the Juye lesson plan, in order to calm the German anger, the Qing government apologized to them, and built three churches and some corresponding supporting facilities in Juye, Jining, Caoxian and other places, such as office and protective residences. The building at the place should be one of them.

We then went to the newly -built Joye Museum. The museum is tall and magnificent, and the exhibition hall is spacious and bright. We have seen such a large county -level museum for the first time. The prominent position of the museum also showed the audience the Junye teaching plan to the audience by electro -sound images, but the parties were added many labels. For example, several people who killed the two missionaries were stray men and ground. Become a patriotic righteous, but the killed priest has become a person who intervene in lawsuits and oppress the villagers. This is obviously a certain distance from the truth of history.

Then we went to see a new Catholic church nearby. This was also replaced by the government's implementation policy to be destroyed. Usually, the church is not open, and only a believer on Sunday opened the door when a believer came to make a mass.

The church was guarded by an elderly believers. He was a master of repairing electric vehicles. His two children were already big. When a mass was mass on Sunday, he came to inform everyone and also meals.

Generally, he dedicated himself to twenty or thirty people. We visited his residence and kitchen, and the pots inside were complete, and they would simply ate a little, and they couldn't spend much money, but it was not easy to keep doing it.

They have a priest and a nun. They do not live in the church, they just come when they do a mass. Their beliefs are inherited by their families, and they are less vocabulary. The number of people is relatively fixed.

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