
After a year of preparations for the Special Shopping Center, it has finally opened.

I have experienced and participated in the entire process of preparations and opening, but there are many of them that the stories and details known to the future generations. I just write the process of recruiting personnel during the preparations I know, and the running -in process of both parties and B. After coming out, other cooperation with the Japanese side, investment promotion, personnel training, stocking, storage and transportation, engineering, wasteland cleaning, floor layout, secondary refinement, public relations advertisement, safety management ... Although I heard it, it was not me, not me, not me Don't write the job responsibilities here.

One month before the opening, Party A's departments and all employees moved into the new office of the shopping mall from the Corporal Courtyard of the company's headquarters.

My Human Resources Department was assigned to a house on the southeast side of the shopping mall. This office is about twenty square meters. In the east, there is a large wide -body floor -to -ceiling glass window. In the middle is the five -section iron filed cabinet. As a department manager, I enjoy a relatively independent office space. Desks and chairs ... The outside area is the office area of ​​my two subordinates.

Below my office is the Ministry of Defense of Party A and the Finance Department above. Party A's general manager and general manager's office and service department at the sage office of the northwest side of the shopping center.

The headquarters of the company's headquarters and old colleagues often go to the shopping mall to work and visit. Whenever they come to our offices, they can't help laughing and envious of our office conditions. They believe that as of then, our office conditions exceeded the leadership of Set Company, and the Special Building and Sett Hotel were in the competition. One was the spacious and bright area, and the other was that the furniture in the office was also the best.

Party A's human resources department has three preparations. I am a manager and a supervisor and a clerk.

Both of my subordinates are newly recruited. A male director's surname Chen was originally a cadre of the personnel department of a large hospital in Beijing. There are several reasons for choosing him among many interviewees. Orders are prohibited; five or six years of personnel work experience; mild personality; writing good pen characters; first test assessment. Later facts showed that I was right. Not only did I work well under me, but I also promoted the newly built Sett Square manager manager in a few years.

My other subordinates are female clerks. She is surnamed Dai. She was a Chinese teacher in a elementary school in a certain elementary school in Dongcheng District. She graduated from a normal school and is a very quiet girl. Because it was a novice, I asked the supervisor Chen to take her. Xiaodai was serious and never said much, which made me very satisfied.

After moving into the shopping center, the time to open the shopping center is getting closer and closer. Not only can the construction sites sweep the tail and the goods start to enter the market everywhere. The human resources department of Party A is even more busy.

Most employees have come to an end, but they have been dragging for a long time to receive personal files for fresh graduates. The Human Resources Department of Party B is responsible for recruitment and training. Our Party A must participate in the recruitment and responsible for the graduates who are responsible for receiving the admission notice and receiving files.

It is particularly explained here that at that time, more than 400 employees were admitted to the shopping mall. Except for the archives of the fresh graduates of the Greater Middle School, Party A was received by Party A. Other personnel will not accept personnel files for the time being, because Party B's Chinese -Chuang Commercial Company does not receive receiving reception Personnel rights of archives. This problem was merged one year after the opening of the shopping mall, and only after the company was collected, it was resolved behind the special company.

Only employees recruited in the initial recruitment of shopping malls, they all know that the inside is both A and B. Only Party A personnel and fresh graduates who transfer their archives are the real employees of Set.

The 12,000 -square -meter Sett Shopping Center was at the forefront of domestic domestic decoration or shopping malls.

Sett Shopping Center officially opened its foreign business on December 20, 1992. With the permission of open policies, it became the first Chinese -foreign cooperative business enterprise to introduce foreign companies (Japanese Yao Bai). The business strategy of "famous stores" has changed the traditional consumption concept of Beijing, won a good reputation, and also created a well -known "Set" brand.

The Cyd Shopping Center created a number of "first" in the Beijing business community, including the first department store with an opening rate of more than 90%; the first shopping mall with the most automatic ladder; the first shopping mall with the highest degree of photos; Supermarkets mainly engaged in imported products; the first shopping mall with the largest screen in the room; the first shopping mall using a computer -connected cash register system ...

Sett Shopping Center is the first mall to really invite foreign business institutions to manage. In fact, it is nominally a Chinese -foreign joint venture, which is actually a state -owned controlling enterprise. The mall is part of the Set Group, not an independent legal person. By 2003, there was no business license.

Sett Shopping Center is near the embassy area, and it is positioned at high -end from the beginning. Most of the goods are foreign imports and luxury goods. Its momentum soon surpassed the earliest foreign -related shop friendship mall, and pulled the foundation outside the founding gate into the most fashionable and trendy place in Beijing.

In the form of marketing, Set also walked at the forefront of the times. It was the first Western concept of Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas and other Western concepts into Chinese shopping malls. The brand event invites Guan Zhilin, Guo Fucheng and other hot first -line Hong Kong stars. The time Guo Fucheng attended, which caused 10,000 people to watch and squeezed the entire Chang'an Street. Even when the former British Prime Minister Sachel visited China, she went to Sett.

When the opening of the Sett Shopping Center is still a new stage of my country's reform and opening up. Sett's high -price luxury sales strategy is not only a matter of positioning of a shopping mall, but also a matter of what direction the market economy will develop. The high price of Set products once triggered more than 30 media arguments. They are discussing: whether luxury consumption can be accepted, what does it mean?

But for Set, this is just an episode. Times wheels rolled forward, and Set himself became a small episode in many people's lives.

Three days before the opening, more than 100,000 people poured into the Sett Shopping Center (the population of Beijing was 11.02 million at that time). Even the square in front of the door was crowded with people. Some people came to buy things, and some people just came to "see the excitement."

On December 20, 1992, the opening ceremony of the Sett Shopping Center was so solemn and high -end as the opening ceremony of the Sait Hotel because there were too many guests, but the flag fluttered and the atmosphere was lively.

I was at the scene at the time. The weather was very cold that day, but the sun was bright and the blue sky and white clouds.

(To be continued)

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