On the vast stage of our lives, we accompanied the dexterous people. Their existence not only affects our daily behavior, but also shapes our personality and values ​​in virtual, and even determines our life trend. Just as the ancients said: "The decents are red, and those who are near the ink are black." Who do we accompany and who choose to be, in fact, we are choosing our own life.

1. The diligence is around, laziness has nowhere to hide

In the fields of the countryside, we can often see those hard -working farmers. Their figures looked particularly firm in the morning light, and their sweat turned into rich fruits on the land. For such diligent people, we will naturally be infected by their spirit. We will cherish every minute and every second, and no longer be greedy for comfort and comfort. The diligent person tells us that only through unremitting efforts can we gain full fruits and realize their dreams.

In a school tyrant dormitory at Northwest University, six girls living in a bedroom have spent four years of undergraduate. In these four years, they received a total of more than 16,000 awards. Before graduation, all six of them took the postgraduate entrance examination or underwritten to a prestigious school. Every member of this bedroom is deeply influenced by diligence, and encourages each other and progress with each other, so that laziness has nowhere to hide in this environment.

Second, the light of the positive, dispel the haze of the soul

In this world, there are always some people who are warm and dazzling as the sun. No matter what difficulties they encounter, they can maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and infect the people around them with smiles and confidence. Walking with the positive, we will be surrounded by their positive energy, learn to look at the world from a wider perspective, and face the challenges of life with a more optimistic attitude. The active let us believe that as long as there is light in our hearts, we can dispel all haze and move towards a better future.

Zou Qing, a junior student of the Hunan Environmental Biological Vocational College of Environmental Biotechnology, although he was poor, with her own optimism and self -improvement, she not only took care of her mother with congenital cerebral hemiplegia, but she also entered colleges and universities through her own efforts. Opportunities for further studies. Her deeds infected the people around her, allowing more people to see the power of actively facing life.

Third, the guidance of the wise, light up the path of life

The reason why the wise man is wise is that they have extensive knowledge and profound thoughts, but also that they can give guidance for confused people. With the wise, we can not only gain knowledge nourishment, but also learn how to think independently and how to rationally analyze problems. The guidance of the wise man allows us to take less detours on the road of life and move forward more firmly towards our goals. With their company, we gradually grew into a wise and insightful person.

Lawrence Joseph did not give up treatment and pursuit when he was seriously injured in a car accident. He firmly believed that his belief continued to challenge his own limit, and finally recovered and continued to climb its peak. His story tells us that wise men can always guide us in the predicament and let us take less detours on the road of life.

Fourth, the leadership of high people, climbing the pinnacle of life

The reason why high people are tall is not only their status and achievements, but also their morality and cultivation. They are ambitious and pursue excellence, and they can always climb new peaks on the road of life. For high people, we will be infected by their great ambitions and lofty pursuits, and we will continue to challenge ourselves and surpass the limit. Under their leadership, we bravely pursue our dreams and eventually reached the pinnacle of life. Accompanied by the experts, we achieved our own value and gained endless glory and pride.

In the case of serious illness, Harvey Makin was exercised through unremitting physical training and exercised better lung function, and eventually successfully climbed Mount Everest. His story inspires us to have a firm conviction and courage to challenge ourselves and surpass the limit.

Fifth, the erosion of negatives makes people sink gradually

However, in real life, we will inevitably encounter some negative people. They lack confidence, pessimistic disappointment, and grievances. With such people for a long time, we will be eroded by their negative energy and gradually become negative. The existence of negatives has caused us to lose the motivation and confidence of moving forward, and let us lose the direction on the road of life. Therefore, we must learn to stay away from negative people and avoid their negative impact.

After the failure of Xiang Yu in the Chu and Han Dynasty, he chose to chose himself because he was unable to face failure and setbacks. His negative pessimistic attitude not only made him lose the opportunity of Dongshan's resurgence, but also ended his life to the end.

6. The power of positive hints, stimulate inner potential

On the road of life, we not only need to be active with active people, but also learn to give ourselves positive hints. Active hints can change our emotions and physiological state, making us more confident, firm and brave. When we face difficulties and challenges, give ourselves some positive hints, such as "I can be able to overcome this difficulty", "I have the ability to realize our dreams" and so on. These hints will inspire our inner potential and let us give us an extraordinary level. At the same time, positive hints can also promote the development of our physical and mental health and improve our immunity and resistance.

As a rural child who has never been in touch with skiing, Zhang Lin finally won the championship in the national competition through his love and perseverance. His story tells us that positive hints can stimulate our inherent potential and motivation, and let us play a super level.

Seven, who to choose with is the wisdom of life

What kind of partner and partner to choose with, is actually a kind of wisdom of life. We need to learn to distinguish between right and wrong, and choose people who can bring us positive energy and motivation to those who can bring us positive energy and motivation. Only in this way can we continue to move forward, surpass ourselves, and realize our life value on the road of life. At the same time, we also need to learn the ability to maintain independent thinking and rational analysis, not by the outside of the outside world, and firmly take our own way.

Choosing to walk with the road of life is an important decision. We need to learn to distinguish between right and wrong, and choose people who can bring us positive energy and motivation to those who can bring us positive energy and motivation. At the same time, we must also maintain the ability of independent thinking and rational analysis, not being controlled by the outside world, and firmly take our own way.

8. Conclusion: Select the good and hand in life, and paint the Chinese chapters together

On the road of life, each of us is a traveler. We accompany different people with different people to experience storms and sharing joy together. However, it is not a random thing to accompany, it requires us to choose and operate with the heart. Let's learn to choose good! Let the positive, sunshine, wisdom and noble people become friends and partners on the journey of our lives. With their company, we jointly draw a wonderful life chapter! At the same time, we must always maintain a grateful heart and cherish everyone who is walking with us, because it is their existence that makes our lives more colorful and full of meaning.

This is exactly:

Painted Jinhua Zhang together,

Dermit and positive wisdom.

Stay away from negative defense erosion,

Choose a good dream in my life.

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