In China, the college entrance examination has always been regarded as an important bridge for social flows and class leaps. However, with the change of society and the reform of the education system, some people have begun to question the role of the college entrance examination. Among them, Xiong Bingqi, the dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, is the representative of this view. Is the university successfully studying universities in the college entrance examination is the bridge of the general public across the class?

1. The college entrance examination is indeed a bridge that the general public crosses class

(1) The historical status of the college entrance examination

Since the recovery of the college entrance examination in 1977, the system of college entrance examination has become an important mechanism for the flow of Chinese society. Through the college entrance examination, countless children from ordinary families have obtained the opportunity to receive higher education, and have been improved in terms of knowledge, abilities, and horizons, laying a solid foundation for the realization of class leaps.

(2) The significance of the college entrance examination to the bottom of the public

For the underlying public, the college entrance examination is an important way for them to change their destiny. In a social environment with limited resources and uneven opportunities, the college entrance examination provides them with relatively fair competition opportunities. The success of the college entrance examination is often directly related to a person's future destiny and the rise and fall of the family.

2. Xiong Bingqi's point of view and specific content

Recently, from the perspective of the popularization of higher education from the perspective of higher education, the dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute put forward this seemingly disruptive view that the concept of changing the destiny of the college entrance examination has passed.

He first pointed out that in the era of elite education, higher education resources were scarce, and the proportion of people who could contact and receive higher education were small, accounting for only less than 10%of the social population. Therefore, for the social environment at that time, as long as they can be admitted to college, it means to realize the transformation of identity and have relatively good career prospects and higher social status. In this case, the college entrance examination does have the function of changing destiny to a certain extent.

However, with the development of society and the popularization of education, higher education has gradually moved from elite to popularization and popularization. According to statistics, the proportion of college students has reached more than 60%of the current age, and even in certain regions and groups, this ratio is higher. It is foreseeable that in the next ten years, the penetration rate of higher education may continue to rise, or even approach or 100%. When everyone can receive higher education, the status of the college entrance examination as the only way to change destiny will naturally be challenged.

However, this does not mean that the concept of changing destiny of the college entrance examination is completely outdated. Although the popularization rate of higher education has increased, the college entrance examination is still a relatively fair and fair competitive platform, providing students with opportunities to show their talents and abilities. Through the college entrance examination, students can obtain better educational resources and development opportunities to lay a solid foundation for their future.

In addition, the college entrance examination is not just a test, it is also a kind of sharpening and challenge. During the preparation process, students need to pay great efforts and time to cultivate their learning ability, will quality and teamwork ability. These abilities are very important in future work and life. Therefore, even if higher education has been popularized, the college entrance examination is still an opportunity to pay attention and cherish.

The view of Kumi Bingqi is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

(1) The college entrance examination is no longer the only way

With the expansion of universities and the popularization of higher education, the proportion of college students has increased year by year, and the decisive role of the college entrance examination on individual destiny has gradually weakened.

Students can now achieve their own development goals through various channels, such as vocational education, online courses, entrepreneurship, etc.

(2) The importance of the multiple evaluation system

Xiong Bingqi emphasized that the college entrance examination is only an aspect of evaluating the comprehensive quality of students, not all.

He advocates establishing a more diversified evaluation system, encouraging students to develop comprehensive quality, and cultivating innovative thinking and practical ability.

(3) Personal attention and special attention

Xiong Bingqi believes that students should pay more attention to their interests and specialties, rather than blindly pursuing high scores.

By discovering and cultivating personal interests, students can find a career path that is more suitable for themselves in the future.

(4) Change of social needs

With the progress of society and the update of educational concepts, the needs of social talents are also changing.

Enterprises and society values ​​the comprehensive quality of personal actual operation ability, innovation ability and teamwork ability, not just the results of the college entrance examination.

4. How to take the role of the college entrance examination correctly

(1) Adhere to the fairness and competitiveness of the college entrance examination

In order to maintain the fairness and competitiveness of the college entrance examination, we need to continue to promote the balanced allocation of educational resources and the popularization of high -quality educational resources. At the same time, strengthen the supervision and evaluation of the college entrance examination system to ensure its fairness, fairness, science, and effectiveness.

(2) Encourage the exploration of diversified development paths

While adhering to the fairness and competitiveness of the college entrance examination, encourage and support the exploration of multiple development paths. The government and society should provide diverse educational resources and opportunities for different types of students, so that they can choose the development path that suits them according to their interests, specialties and career planning.

(3) Cultivate students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability

Pay attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability to meet the development needs of future society. This includes students' thinking ability, communication ability, teamwork ability, innovation ability, etc. Only students with these qualities and abilities can better meet the development needs of future society and maximize personal and social value.

Fourth, the college entrance examination is a bridge across the social class to realize the value of life value

When discussing the significance of the college entrance examination for the leapfrog by the general public and class, we have to face a fact: the college entrance examination is still an important way for many civilian families to realize the flow of social class. For those families with ordinary and limited resources, the college entrance examination is not only a test, but also an opportunity. A chance to allow their children to cross the social class and realize the value of life through their own efforts.

In today's society, competition is everywhere, especially in the field of education. It is not difficult for many people to take the college for many people, but if you want to enter a prestigious school and get better educational resources, it is not easy. Among them, the hardships and efforts can only be experienced by those who have experienced it. However, it is such competition and challenges that make the college entrance examination a fair and relaxed shortcut. It does not require family background, wealth, or network support. It only requires students to work hard and time, and they may achieve class leaps.

If we all think that the concept of changing destiny through the college entrance examination is outdated, then this is undoubtedly a disaster for countless ordinary people. They may lose their motivation and direction, confused and helpless. Without the relatively fair competitive platform of the college entrance examination, they may be more difficult to change their destiny and realize the flow of social classes.

For those experts who blow air -conditioning in the office and talk about the argument, they may not be able to understand the expectations and sustenance of the general public for the college entrance examination. But if these experts really go deep into the lives of ordinary people and feel their hardships and efforts, they may have different views. In high temperature weather at 42 degrees, those who work hard on the fields and construction sites, do they not want their children to change their destiny through hard work?

Therefore, people who say that the college entrance examination changes the concept of destiny outdated is irresponsible to the general public. In fact, it is destroying the spiritual totem of the bottom of the public. They may not realize that for many ordinary families, the college entrance examination is their only hope.

The power of education is endless. It not only allows us to gain knowledge and improve our ability, but also allows us to have the power to change destiny. Therefore, we should cherish the opportunity of the college entrance examination, study hard, work hard, and lay a solid foundation for our future. At the same time, we should also respect those who realize class leaps through the college entrance examination. They are precious wealth of our society.

As an important bridge for ordinary people to cross the class, its role cannot be ignored. However, with the change of society and the reform of the education system, we need to re -understand the role of the college entrance examination, and take corresponding measures to improve and optimize the college entrance examination system. At the same time, encourage and support the exploration of multiple development paths to provide students with more choices and development opportunities. Only in this way can we ensure that the college entrance examination really becomes a fair competition platform and provides the opportunity to change destiny for the bottom.

This is exactly:

The college entrance examination road is not as far as possible,

Is it easy to find the rotation of destiny.

Although the passage changes the concept,

The cold window is still studying dreams.

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