The old man is eighty years old and speaks very clearly. She was married from outside to this village. When she was married, she also saw a few enters of the church, and the church was dismantled in the second year. Counting it, it was dismantled in 1966. She told us that there was a 91 -year -old man in the village who knew the church. She led us to find the 91 -year -old. After a few houses, I went to the elderly.

It happened that the old man heard the movement and came out. The old man happened to be a Catholic, and his father was still the chairman of the church. Now, the old man is dependent on his 100 -year -old wife, and he has to take care of his wife. His wife is not a believer, she is deaf, and she can still see her eyes. The two of them were embarrassed, and they gave them high life together. On their walls, we saw their respective photos and photos of his father. The old man generally introduced the incident at the time.

It turns out that the two killed priests were guests from afar. Father Xue Tianzi received them. At that time, the host gave them the master bedroom to the owner of the landlord. went. Therefore, Xue Tianzhang escaped this robbery, and the two priests were martyrs. We asked, what's wrong with Father Xue? The old man said: I haven't done it. They are here to persuade people to teach, how can they do bad things? The priests are all with the scriptures. The scriptures are packed in golden paper. They look like a large bag of money. Maybe the robbers see wealth, or they may come to find a gun to grab the gun. gun.

Regarding the Juye Teaching Plan, some scholars described it like this. On November 1, 1897, on the night of Halloween, Father Xue Tianzi from Zhangzhuang, Juye Mo, received two visits from afar. They were also the priests of the Holy Words. One was Fang Ji and the other was Han Li. The two of them were preached in Yanggu and Tancheng, respectively. They went to the Luzhou Catholic Church to participate in the "Sheng Zhanli" and passed by here and stayed because of the night. That night, they sang songs of their childhood, accompanied by Xue Tianzhi Zitraqin, and they also practiced the peaceful mass they had to do the next day. About one hour before midnight, suddenly the gunfire was made, and the yard was covered with arsenic. About 20 or 30 people with a dagger, short knife and red gimbrin rushed into Xue Tianyi's residence to break the door. Cut with a messy knife. They discovered that Xue Tian's capital was not there, and they rushed to the Holy Instrument Collection Room and searched the entire church. Before they had time to search for the servant's ear room, the people around them came to defend, and the group disappeared into the vast night.

Xue Tianzi found that the situation was not good, and he fled to Jining. He called the German ambassador to China and told the German government. On November 6, the German William learned the news. The incident spread quickly, causing a shock of all parties. Shandong governor Li Bingheng said in the memorial on November 15: "According to the priest Xue Tianzi, German priests can learn from Wen Shang to Cao County to preach. Timely was stolen by the thief's resistance to the door, and after the priest Han Li and others were shouted, the thief was temporarily aggressive, destroyed the window, and wounded with a javelin in the room. Han Li and Fang Ji fell to the ground. Escape.

Subsequently, the German envoy Hai Jing was not very satisfied with such answers, and several photos of his officials such as Prince Gong of China would be said. "On the night of October, about 30 people broke into Zhangjiazhuang Church in Juye County with a knife and gun, prying the window into the house, and killed Han Li and Fang Ji. In the place, there are five cautiousness inside. The two people were similar to the beasts, and the knife was killed several times. Later, there were thirteen places in Fangji's body injuries, and there were nine places in Hanli. This department is specially caused by violence. After the murderer kills the second inheritance, he speaks in the courtyard. It is very long, fortunately to find a hand. "

Unlike the Qing court's barely cope, the German government responded rapidly. On November 13, 1897, on the 12th day after the lesson of the lesson, the German government sent many warships to forcibly occupy the Jiaozhou Bay, forcing the Qing government to sign a China Germany "Treaty of the Plum Australia Concession". At the same time, the Qing court was required to punish Shandong governor Li Bingheng and others; lost 200,000 yuan; and built a church and supporting protection residence in Juye, Jining, Caozhou and other places.

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