It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up. In fact, I woke up once at three o'clock, and a strong sense of guilt appeared in my mind -it wasted for another day. My mother scolded me without asking for a word, and my father slapped coldly. Each bridge is "Look at other children's children, you look at yourself, you can sleep under the food, and you have no heart or lungs." I fell asleep again without knowing it.

Waking up this time, I feel so satisfied. There was no scolding in my mind, but the relaxation of "breaking can". Perhaps admitting that your incompetence is also a kind of liberation. Knowing that you can't live as a "child of someone else's family", parents are not "parents of other people's family". Since they are not worthy of living, learn to treat themselves well in their lives. With such a mind, I ordered takeaway that I usually feel extravagant.

In fact, it is not a rare thing, it is just a roast duck. I have eaten in my hometown before, so unpalatable! Presumably this group of friends recommended by the roast ducks bought in the origin of the country should not be unpalatable. Waiting for the takeaway time period, I got up and washed it briefly, and wrote this text on the sofa.

Aside from the freshness of the first place here, I returned to the original life rhythm of life these days, and it was done at the sunrise and sunset. I still like the soberness and quietness of the night, although it is not very noisy during the day. In the group of the second landlord, every day, there are various meals. Even if I have withdrawn from the group of hundreds of people in the past, I can still see many messy news here. Read the information about the recommended food, and ignore the gossip of the tongue full of mouth. Although there are people who hate it, there is no need to waste food.

There are friends who have known each other nearby to get a business trip here for many years. I trouble him to help me pay attention to the second -hand car. It is not inconvenient to travel here to travel here. I really do n’t understand what the government and bicycles are more powerful. Fortunately, there is a bus station near the community, which is not too difficult for me to travel at home. Occasionally take a bus to the market in the market to buy some fruits, Tao Tao's various local characteristics, which is enough. What do you usually want to buy, it is very convenient to buy online or buy in the nearby farmer's market.

It's half a month in a blink of an eye. Even at the foot of Mount Emei, there is no desire to climb the mountain. At most, buy a cup of snow -coffee coffee in Honey Snow Ice City, where to walk along the mountain road, sometimes you return to the place where you live, a cup of coffee has not finished drinking.

In fact, you do n’t go to the circle of friends, do n’t go through all kinds of small videos that inspire the fighting spirit, stay away from social, and have no exchanges with parents and relatives. Life is still comfortable. After choosing to admit fate, the deep bone marrow should also be cured.

I remember when I woke up at three in the afternoon, I turned around for a while to find a part -time job, because the figures of 996 and 007 were lingering in my mind, and my parents also echoed my parents holding a stick to make me struggling. Alas, do you really can't even be worthy of being alive! I found the same kind in many short videos, and the minds were slightly comforted and the idea of ​​committing suicide. Forget it, don't watch it.

In fact, after I came out, I rarely looked at my mobile phone. It is the panic of the message and the protection of yourself. A friend said that seeing me hanging on Douyin all day, it must be very idle. I said I was just to listen to various edition novels. It is also the truth. After the eyes are not good, the time to listen to the book is too much to read. If it wasn't for writing, I rarely turned on the computer. Chasing the drama, I don't seem to know when it has been lost.

I don't know why, it seems that I can easily leave the impression of "very idle" to others. Once, they were either chasing dramas or writing dramas. In the eyes of others, it is very leisurely to chase the snacks to eat snacks, and I just need to work. I can't forget the days when I watched seven or eight films one night, and I also wrote a film review. I am used to the vision of analysis when chasing the drama, and naturally I can't get pleasure. The same is true of reading, but now it is much better. I wo n’t be able to read a book for a long time, I ca n’t wait to sleep, sit directly on the toilet in the bathroom. Although the days of writing various analysis reports of PPT are not experienced for a long time, they will still be afraid.

Maybe my parents are right, I just don't want to go up. How much is money to make money? It's enough. It doesn't matter if you can't afford a big house, renting a house; there is no well -known brand car, there is a one who can travel. I used to like to eat all kinds of food, but I still like it now, but I just love the Flying Museum.

Oh, by the way, I have n’t used skin care products for a long time. It is often raining here, and the air is very moist. I feel comfortable after washing my face without using a towel. As for cosmetics, it has already been thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun, and at most it is enough to use a lipstick. Top to the sky, draw a lipstick, spray a perfume or something. Most of the time, it doesn't matter if you wear pajamas to throw garbage.

Sometimes watching the group discussion in the group, you can fall asleep when you turn on the air conditioner. I don't feel much, and even sleeping occasionally, Xia Liang needs to be put up. It may be different from the schedule. I was sleeping when they were in various activities during the day. It was cool at night before starting to act.

Several times, walking in the community at two or three in the morning, there are dark buildings around you, and occasionally you can see a few rooms with light lights. This feeling is very comfortable, very comfortable, and there is no sense of insecurity at all. This community is very big. I just came to meet with the group friends in those days. Someone rode me back to me. Later, I declined to send off and declined the dinner. It is really unnecessary to take a personal relationship at least three or five minutes. Walking by yourself, it will be more than ten minutes. What's more, occasionally, there will be a community security guards who ride a battery car patrol.

The knock on the door sounded, it should be my takeaway, it's really! A little hot, just write a few more words.

In fact, I don't know when my depression comes up next time, but I can just feel it. If you feel tired when you wake up, you have a lot of dreams, then the state will be relatively low before the next sleep time. If you feel satisfied, your mood and state will be higher.

I remember a very good friend once said: When you send it away, you will live like this, so you want to live like this. He also often complains to tiredness and likes the relaxation of his brothers on the wine table. When I complain that it is not easy to wander, he will say envy my freedom. When I felt as shy in the pocket, he was also under pressure by the loan of the mortgage car. Maybe, if you become a home, you will bear more responsibilities, and I am also glad to be single. It is happy that there are not many when you are alone.

See when my friend can help me find a suitable used car. For inferior people, do not feel too cool to hold the steering wheel. Finally, you can control your own life, not forced to escape. Although the fate pushes us forward, the right to choose is ourselves.

In fact, before this came out, I tried to discuss with my mother driving my father's car. With his current physical condition, he was afraid that he could not move the car. Although I bought this car, I bought it to him, but it was him for him, and the respect must be. Her mother has complained more than once, and her father often lent the car to others at will, which makes her scared and scared to happen. And every time I raise a car with my father, he seemed to see the enemy. I no longer speak, and I don't say hello.

Sometimes, see the parents too heavy, and I have no presence. So, can't find the relaxation, is it the PUA of the parents or your own psychological shadow?


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