In early August 2022, the funeral of my grandmother just ended, and my grandfather said to me who was still sad: "When people are alive, you are not filial, and you will go to worship after death.

His words are like a sharp sword, stabbing my heart. In the next half of the year, I became mentally sluggish and irregularly menstrual. I was sure to go to the hospital to see Chinese medicine every month to regulate the late menstruation. When the doctor consults, I always ask me if I have a boyfriend, and is it married? Because menstrual drugs have the effect of fetal tires, they need to rule out the possibility of pregnancy.

At that time, I was still single. Whenever I heard someone asking about my marriage status, I felt extremely embarrassed. However, the doctor found that I was abnormal in mental state, so I asked me further. For health, I can only tell the doctor frankly -my grandmother died, and I was still single. She couldn't see that I got married and had children. After hearing, the doctor comforted me -going out and walking, good luck will naturally come.

However, I am a little lazy, and I always treat the doctor's instruction as the wind side, and in a blink of an eye to restore the original state, at home.

I do n’t know that in less than three months, a classmate in the self -study test group even started to contact me frequently. He always shared the daily life during the period of epidemic control. At that time, he rented a house alone in the controlled area and lived hard. He and I were lacking with the supplies. In just three months, we established a deep connection in spirit. After the epidemic was lifted, we met offline, began to fall in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

The combination of my husband and I could not be separated from my grandmother. After my grandmother's funeral, I dreamed of my grandmother many times -I tried to deceive her with a single love object and compose a lie that I was about to get married. However, my grandmother immediately broke through my lies: "Yong Shi, do you like him, but do he like you?" I couldn't lie to her, I had to close my mouth.

Maybe because my grandmother still cares about me, I can meet her again ...

One week before her death, I unexpectedly stunned 600 pieces of wool from the scammers who scammed the scams;

Before my grandmother entered the puppet, a black butterfly danced, like a messenger of the soul, gently wiped my arm, and finally stayed on my mother's thin back;

The night when my grandmother left, I turned over and over, and my mood was like a tide, so I looked for a happy moment when I spent with my grandmother in the WeChat circle of friends. However, the more you miss, the more painful. Whenever I see her sound and smile, my mood is out of control and it is even more difficult to fall asleep. At 3 o'clock in the morning, I ordered a song adapted from the Buddhist scriptures on the mobile music software- "Great Tragedy Mantra", which is set to a circular playback. Under the guidance of Zen, I seemed to be in a pure meditation, and my soul got unprecedented tranquility and washing. At 4 o'clock, I finally entered the sleep state.

However, this spiritual awakening and liberation are just a flash. After my grandmother's death, I was deeply troubled -exhausted, irritable, sensitive and suspicious.

My mother's family is a family of light and daughter. My grandmother and grandfather love the most is the uncle and cousin (inner grandson), while the mother and aunt seem to be a tool person to take care of the two elderly people. Because I died in the past few years, my cousin had a serious illness, so on the eve of my grandmother's death, my grandfather arranged for me (grandson) to assist my mother and aunt's cooking.

During the four days after my grandmother's death, I accompanied my mother and my aunt to the hospital, the bank and the funeral home.

We found a funeral service company for helping grandma's funeral. Mr. Ye is the agent of the company. He is responsible for guiding us in all aspects of his grandmother's funeral.

On July 29, Mr. Ye brought us to the service hall of the funeral home to make an appointment for the funeral time and venue.

At that time, the people were crowded in the hall, and almost every corner was crowded with people. We took the number before we got it.

The staff member pointed to the appointment on the screen and told us: "All the reservations have been made in the morning in the next few days. There will be a few empty rooms tomorrow afternoon. You have to decide as soon as possible that the remains cannot stay in the house for a long time."

"However, the funeral needs everyone to be held in Qi!" The aunt explained first, "Ping Ping (cousin's wife, cousin's incubation due to illness, she became the economic pillar of the family) was finance. It was her at the end of the month. The busiest time, it is difficult to draw time. "

"There are still many people waiting behind. You find a place to sit down first, and consider it slowly!" The attitude of the front desk was a little impatient, and then "please" us aside.

Mr. Ye took us out of the crowd and found a empty position to sit down. After sitting, the aunt immediately called the cousin to discuss ...

"Pingping, hello! Grandma (grandmother )'s funeral needs to be held as soon as possible, when will you be free?"

"It's really busy at the end of the month. I'm at work. I will try to ask the leader to leave leave and reply to you later."

When I heard such a conversation, I was anxious in my heart -the deceased was great, no matter what the reason, I had to put it down first! Is the cousin's time more important than the grandmother's funeral? I am angry, but my aunt is an elder. In addition, we can only choose to respect on such a solemn occasion.

I tried my best to suppress the anger, and said to my aunt, "The cousin is the administrative class. It happened to be the weekend in two days. This should not affect her work?"

"She is really busy at the end of the month. She needs to ask for leave from the leader, and she is in a Japanese -funded enterprise.

It's incredible! Is a salary given by the Japanese, is it really more important than the grandmother's funeral? This ridiculous answer makes me feel so angry!

At this time, Mr. Ye took us to visit the sacrifice shopping mall in the funeral home. He said: "Shopping the mall is just a process. The service package you bought already includes all funeral supplies and no additional purchase. If someone sells the additional additional additional additions Serve, you can just reject it, the things here are precious! "

When visiting the sacrifice mall, I glanced at a "snow hate" opportunity -showing an additional charging project on the screen, calling for a pure body (that is, the body bath).

I think my grandmother stayed in bed for many years, and her back was full of bedsores. One month before the death, the kind career supervisor was cleaned once for her. If you buy a clean service to let your grandmother go clean and dignified, wouldn't it be beautiful? However, the cost of cleanliness is not cheap, and my aunt and mother may not agree.

I asked Mr. Ye: "How to charge a clean service?"

Mr. Ye responded: "The service here is very expensive ..." He didn't want to have extraordinary branches, because the money was not made by the funeral service company.

"No need, we don't need it!" My aunt grabbed a grabbing, trying to stop me from continuing to ask.

I waved my hand to my aunt and motioned for her not to "intervene": "I just ask, not to buy!"

My aunt glanced at me and had no attack. Perhaps she realized that her preference for my cousin's family was too obvious, which caused me to be jealous!

However, this is only the fuse of our contradiction.

Later, my aunt did a more extraordinary thing, causing me to get out of control and hit her ...

The reason why I hit my aunt was childish on the one hand, and on the other hand to defend my grandmother's dignity -I want to "turn over as the master"!

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