In traditional education, there is a "strict teacher" view, and believes that only through strict education and training can we cultivate excellent students. However, with the continuous development of modern educational concepts and changes in the educational environment, people also have different views on "strict teachers out of high disciples". On the one hand, strict education can shape students 'self -discipline and sense of responsibility, and provide higher learning standards and expectations; on the other hand, excessive strict education may also cause students to have rebellious psychology and ignore students' personality and interest.

1. The rationality of Yan Shi is the reasonableness of the high apprentice

On the road of education, Yan's role has always been respected. The logic behind this view, that is, strict education can cultivate excellent students and have its profound rationality.

First, strict education helps to cultivate students' self -discipline and sense of responsibility. Under the guidance of Shi Yan, students need to be responsible for their learning behavior and always maintain a high degree of self -discipline. This self -discipline is not only reflected in learning, but also penetrates all aspects of life. Under the long -term strict requirements, the Student Union gradually develops a sense of responsibility to themselves, others, and society. This sense of responsibility will become the cornerstone of their future success.

Taking the famous scientist Qian Xuesen as an example, his growth process was profoundly affected by Yan Shi. Qian Xuesen's mentor, Professor Feng Carmen, is a rigorous scientist. His requirements for students are extremely high, not only require students to build academically, but also require students to have a rigorous scientific research attitude and moral concept. Under the guidance of Professor von Carmen, Qian Xuesen gradually formed his own scientific research style and eventually became one of the founders of China's aerospace industry. This case fully proves that Shi Yan's important role in cultivating students' self -discipline and sense of responsibility.

Secondly, Yan Shi can provide higher learning standards and expectations. Under the guidance of Shi Yan, students need to constantly challenge themselves and surpass themselves. Teacher Yan will set higher learning goals for students to encourage students to pursue higher achievements. This high standard and high expectations will stimulate students' potential, make them study harder, and make greater progress academically.

In addition, Shi Yan can improve students' skills and abilities through strict training. Under the guidance of Shi Yan, students need to repeatedly practice and consolidate the knowledge they have learned to achieve the degree of proficiency. This training can not only improve students' skills, but also cultivate their perseverance and patience. In future learning and work, these skills and ability will become valuable wealth of students.

Of course, we also need to realize that Yan Shi did not blindly pursue severe and harsh. While strictly demanding students, Yan also gives them enough care and support. This kind of care and support can make students feel warm and powerful, and thus go more firmly towards a road of success.

Second, the limitations of Yan Shi's high apprentice

Although the view of Yan Shi is rational to a certain extent, we cannot ignore the limitations of its existence. These limitations not only affect the growth of students, but also have a negative impact on education itself.

First, excessive strict education may cause students to have a rebellious psychology. When students have been in strict requirements and pressure for a long time, they may feel unbearable, which will cause resistance and resistance. This rebellious psychology not only affects the learning effect of students, but also may have a adverse effect on their mental health. For example, some students may choose to escape, abandon or take other extreme behaviors when facing the strict requirements of strict teachers, which will have a negative impact on their growth.

Secondly, Yan Shi's education method may be too single and cannot meet the needs of different students. Each student is unique, and their talents, interests, motivations, and backgrounds are different, so different educational methods and means are needed. However, some strict teachers may emphasize their educational concepts and methods too much, ignore the individual differences and needs of students, leading to poor educational effects. For example, for some students who need more care and support, the strict requirements of strict teachers may make them feel more helpless and frustrated.

In addition, the education method of Yan Shi may also ignore students' emotional and mental health. In the process of pursuing academic achievements, some students may face tremendous pressure and challenges. These pressures and challenges may have adversely impact their emotional and mental health. However, some strict teachers may pay too much attention to the academic performance and academic performance of students, ignore their emotional and psychological health needs, and lead to a deviation on the road of growth.

Finally, we need to realize that education is a complicated process, and we cannot simply summarize with "strict teachers out of high disciples". Education involves multiple aspects, including the teaching of knowledge, the cultivation of morality, and the exchange of emotions. Although Shi Yan can give students a lot of help academically, it may not be able to meet the needs of students in other respects. Therefore, we need to adopt a variety of educational methods and means to fully pay attention to the growth and development of students.

Third, the role of strict teacher under the concept of modern education

With the continuous development of the concept of modern education, the role of Yan Shi has also changed quietly. In the modern education system, Yan Shi is no longer just a transmitter of knowledge, but also the guidance, incentives and partners of students' growth.

First of all, as a guidance person, Shi Yan needs to help students clarify their learning goals and formulate learning plans. Modern education focuses on cultivating students' independent learning ability. Yan Shi should help students recognize the importance of learning and stimulate their learning interest through guidance and inspiration. At the same time, Shi Yan should also pay attention to the learning progress of students, give guidance and suggestions in a timely manner, help students adjust their learning strategies and improve their learning effects.

Secondly, as a motivation, Shi Yan needs to give students sufficient support and encouragement. In the process of growing up, it is inevitable that frustration and difficulties will inevitably. Yan Shi should become the strong backing of the students and give them sufficient confidence and courage. By affirming the efforts and progress of students, strict teachers can stimulate students' learning motivation and make them more actively invest in learning.

In addition, Shi Yan should also become a student's partner and establish an equal and harmonious relationship with them. Modern education emphasizes the interaction and exchanges between teachers and students. Yan teachers should take the initiative to communicate with students, understand their ideas and needs, and pay attention to their growth and development. By establishing a good relationship with students, Yan Shi can more deeply understand the students' learning status and psychological state, and provide them with more personalized education services.

Under the concept of modern education, Yan Shi's role has become more diverse and comprehensive. They are not only the preaching of knowledge, but also the guiders, incentives and partners of students' growth. Shi Yan needs to constantly update his educational concepts and methods to meet the requirements and development trends of modern education. At the same time, Shi Yan also needs to pay attention to his own growth and development, and continuously improve his education level and ability to better fulfill his responsibilities and mission.

This is exactly:

Yan Shi teach rhyme like a bell,

Students sowed wisdom.

Mo Daogao is easy to come out,

Thousands of practice began to become a dragon.

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