To create your own personal style, imitation is a good start. It is a good way to find an idol IDOL for personal style. They can be a well -known person or the way of dressing in life. The values ​​are similar to themselves. people.

Why I specifically mentioned that it is the way of dressing, because according to my observation, a person who has a comprehensive awareness in love will not only nourish his soul, but also take care of his personal image. Go to feel, learn and grow, and use wearing more accurately to express what kind of person you are. If you have such a person around you, avoid 1: 1 to re -engage.

Imitation can be a good start, or it may be a bad start. This depends on your motivation for choosing idols. If you just pursue the good look, then your idol can only meet your needs in stages. You can only meet your needs. The eyes will definitely stay on other people who are also good -looking.

My style IDOL is Hepburn. I have seen all the Internet that can be found on the Internet. The most impressive film she has performed, except for Roman Holiday, is "Lady Lady". In "Roman Holidays", she wore a shirt of Gaoli Gaoli Parker and a round skirt. I do n’t know how many generations have been affected. This is the power of style, which is long -lasting; and the love comedy of "Lady My Fair Lady" , Talking about Hepburn played a flower girl who is poor, rude, and vulgar accent, has become an elegant and laughed image with an elegant manner and laughter. At the same time, the two have feelings in the process of this process. Eventually came together.

The plot of "Lady Lady" has carried out spicy irony of the middle class's moral hypocrisy. This is manifested in the transformation of the flower selling girl because Higgins bet from friends, saying that she can train the three -time -selling flower girl into nobles. Finding a serious job, so this gambling game also made language training a comprehensive transformation of selling flowers.

Looking back on this film, there is still no lack of deep meaning, especially in the era when we have many "amateur transformation techniques". If individuals want to change their heads, through various methods such as makeup, plastic surgery My own internal capacity matches the external transformation, which is a more comprehensive and systematic project, and the top priority in this is the core of the transformer. It is a man who can walk out of Taishan to go out of his own style.

At the same time, the creation of style is as mentioned in many articles before. It is not only manifested in dressing and dressing. A person's posture, talking, and raising your hands are an important part of the style.

Mu Qiang because of the confidant means deeply aware of yourself, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and so as to respect and yearn for idols (strong). This will become a motivation for a person to change. For the internal driving force, for selling flower girls, the love for Higgins has crossed the barriers of the class and realized through self -improvement.

Another driving force can be an attraction of values. For me, Hepburn exists like this. She once said that "the beautiful eyes will discover the advantages of others, the beautiful lips will speak good faith, and the elegant gesture is because they understand yourself rather than isolation."

The above three sentences say the one I want to live deeply deep in my heart, and it is also part of my continuous practice in my life. Before I embarked on the road, it was not easy for me, because what I most often discovered is the problems and shortcomings of myself and others. If you don't see the advantages, it is difficult to speak goodwill words. In addition, deeply judging and judging ourselves will also be alienated from our hearts and true ourselves, and the essence of these problems is Do not accept ourselves and do not allow ourselves to make mistakes. These will cause us to close our ourselves, block the way of growing up, and learn how to truly love ourselves and others.

Finding an idol that meets your own values ​​is not just a superficial skill to learn to wear. Of course, this is also important. Observe what their own conditions are, what are the advantages of appearance, how to use color, silhouette, fabric, pattern to go Express your own advantages and weaken the shortcomings of the image; there are also very important to understand their stories, and how the reason is to shape their values. From these stories, find the connection between the internal and external expression. These can all be possible. Help us understand the style, so that we can also enrich how to create our own style of language.

Below in 1981, at the Kennedy Center Honorary Awards Ceremony, Hepburn said a paragraph that Hepburn said in his speech for his friend Gary Grant. In this passage, you can experience the flower of friendship and warmth between them. Growing up to embrace such friendship.

Consistent with love. When we are restless in our own existence, we often have unrealistic expectations for ourselves, and use the perfect filter to take care of ourselves. When we meet the standards, I am narcissistic and happy. If you go to observe yourself.

If we know our existence, we will not be confused by external performance, and will accept our light and dark side, so that we will see the reasons and space we need to grow; We have the ability to choose a bright path, which is the true love. Only when you love yourself, you will not blindly pursue the praise or recognition of the outside world, and abduct yourself with external standards. This is what I think of removing charm.

The same principle is the same for creating your own personal style. Even Hepburn said that he had inferiority until he confirmed that he was loved. This Beloved first came from the acceptance and recognition of itself. When she was young, she didn't like her square face, thick eyebrows, and big nostrils, and these were exactly what we thought of her beauty. When she saw that idols were young, she also experienced her extremely harsh, so I rest assured! Haha, the homework of learning love and acceptance is not too late now.

Of course, there is still the same to dispel charm, that is, the beginning of the article mentioned that the idol wearing 1: 1, because even the twins are the two individuals that exist independently, even if they have the same shape conditions, they must use the characteristics of digging their own characteristics. To find unique items or wear ways to express their uniqueness.

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