Fireworks are the most moving scenes in the world. It is not only a warm scene of family reunion, but also a symbol of national prosperity. Fireworks not only exist between the stoves of the kitchen, but also permeate all aspects of our lives. It is warm, peaceful, and the extraordinary beauty in every ordinary day. Fireworks need to cherish and guard with our heart, and we also need to use action to dedicate and take responsibility. In my life experience, the fireworks always shone the most dazzling light at the most ordinary moment.

I remember when I was a kid, the kitchen at home was the strongest place in fireworks. My mother always got up early and prepared three meals a day for us. The fireworks in the kitchen are not only the aroma of food, but also a taste of home, a sense of security and happiness. Whenever we sit around the dining table and share delicious food, the warm feeling always keeps me in mind. At that time, I didn't understand the hard work of my mother. I only knew that behind those delicious food was the busyness and dedication of my mother all day. When I grew up, when I walked into the kitchen myself, I really understood the love and dedication behind the fireworks.

Fireworks are not only families, but also a symbol of stability and prosperity of society and the country. Whenever night falls, the city's lights are bright, and small vendors on the streets are busy doing business. These ordinary scenes are the best proof of Guotai Minfeng. I remember that one year of the Spring Festival, I couldn't go home for the New Year because of my work, and wandered alone on the streets of a foreign country. At that time, I saw small vendors on the roadside selling hot snacks. The children put fireworks on the square. At that moment, I felt a strong firework gas. This kind of firework not only makes me feel warm, but also makes me realize that it is the efforts and adherences of these ordinary people that we have our stability and happiness today.

There is also an intangible force in fireworks, which is warmth and peace. In life, we will always encounter various difficulties and challenges, but it is this kind of fireworks that gives us the power to persist. I remember once, I was sick and hospitalized, and my parents could not come to take care of me in other homes. The neighbor auntie takes some family meals every day to visit me and chat with me from time to time. She brings not only the aroma of food, but also the selfless care and tenderness. It is this kind of fireworks that make me still feel the warmth of human feelings and hope of life at the most difficult moment.

However, fireworks are not born, and it requires us to cherish and protect. The pace of modern life is getting faster and faster. Many people often ignore the fireworks around them in order to pursue a better material life. Few family dinner, fewer and fewer interactions between neighbors. We need to re -examine our lifestyle and find those forgotten fireworks. Every ordinary day is worthy of our cherishment. Share a simple dinner with your family and talk about things with friends. These seemingly ordinary moments are the true manifestations of fireworks.

To cherish and protect fireworks, each of us requires efforts and responsibility. In the family, we can increase the concentration of fireworks through more companionship and care. Parents can accompany their children, and couples can communicate and understand more. Children can care and take care of the elderly. In the community, we can increase the temperature of fireworks through more interaction and exchanges. There can be more concern and help between neighborhoods, and community activities can participate and support. In society, we can increase the height of fireworks through more dedication and responsibility. Each position in each post, every help and support for others add fireworks to society.

Dedication and responsibility are not just a responsibility, but also a life attitude. I remember once, I participated in a volunteer activity to give warmth to the lonely old man. Those old people live in remote mountain villages, and their living conditions are very difficult. When we walked into their home with food and daily necessities, those old people smiled long -lost. Although our efforts were insignificant, at that moment, I felt the power of fireworks. This power not only warmed others, but also warmed themselves. Each tiny good deed, every selfless dedication is to add fireworks to life and add warmth to society.

Fireworks are not only personal, but also collective. Each of us is part of fireworks. Every family, every community, and each country are composed of countless individuals. In modern society, fireworks are not only in family and communities, but also in work and career. Everyone in their own posts, work hard and pay carefully, is contributing to collective fireworks. I remember that I worked too late in the company. When I walked out of the office and saw that Auntie Clean was still busy cleaning, at that moment, I felt the fireworks of work. It is precisely because of the efforts and efforts of each person that the company's good environment and development.

In today's society, fireworks need to be inherited and developed. With the development of science and technology and the progress of society, the connection between people has become more and more alienated. We need to maintain and enhance fireworks through more interaction and exchanges. Family members can increase the fireworks of affection through more communication and companionship. Community residents can increase the fireworks in the neighborhood through more activities and interactions. All sectors of society can increase the fireworks of society through more cooperation and support. Everyone can become the inheritance and promoter of fireworks, add more warmth and beauty to the society through their own actions.

Fireworks are not only the past, but also the future. We need to find and maintain those traditional fireworks in modern life. At the same time, we also need to add new elements to the future of fireworks through innovation and development. The development of science and technology can bring more convenience and comfort to our lives, but we cannot lose fireworks because of this. We can strengthen and enrich the fireworks through the methods of technology. For example, through smart home devices, we can make more convenient cooking and enjoying food. Through social media platforms, we can interact with relatives and friends more conveniently and share our lives. The development of science and technology and the maintenance of fireworks are not contradictory. The key is how we balance and use.

In general, fireworks are the most beautiful scenery on the world. It not only exists between the furnaces of the family, but also in every corner of the society. It is warm, peaceful, and the extraordinary beauty in every ordinary day. We need to cherish and protect the fireworks with our hearts, and we also need to use action to dedicate and take responsibility. Through more communication and interaction, through more care and support, we can add more fireworks to life and add more warmth and beauty to society. Let each of us become the guardians and inheritors of fireworks, in their own ways to create and share those most beautiful scenery.

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