He lost one yuan or gave it to a beggar for a while, and he felt no feeling. Sometimes, because of your own decision, it will not cause you to feel too bad. However, when you find that someone collects you one more yuan, you will be worried, and even make a big deal, which will cause a lot of losses on both sides. What is the reason?

Hong Kong rich Li Ka -shing, because of the rush, a coin of his own coin rolled down into the sewer ditch. He spent more money to salvage this coin. From the perspective of value comparison, this is obviously obviously obviously. It's not worth it, why did he do that? You know he is a very savvy businessman.

Let me answer the first question first. Many economists assume that people are economic people, so they think they are unlikely for this. However, it is a common thing in reality.

You lose one yuan or lose one yuan due to your decision errors, you are not psychologically harmful, because the value of this yuan is very limited. You have a lot of one yuan, and you will lose one yuan. It becomes bad, and at the same time, because your decision -making loses one yuan, because the value is small, you don't feel much.

However, when you lose one yuan because of other people's deception, such as selling water, the same bottled water collects you three yuan, and anyone else is only dual. At this time, although the value of one yuan is still limited, it is given to you for you Psychological damage is very large.

First of all, you feel the feeling of being discriminated. The salesman only collects one more yuan for you, which has greatly hurt your dignity. At this time, this yuan represents your dignity. You are a decent person. In this case, you will be treated differently. You can't bear it, if you choose to ignore it, you will be criticized by others. At this time, you decide to fight bravely for your dignity. Therefore, the one yuan at this time already has greater value amplification, and it is no longer the value of metal currency in the general sense.

Sometimes, you can have spent more money to invite friends for dinner, but friends have changed your thoughts because you have occupied your little interests, which will stop your plans. This is because you feel that the other party possesses your little cheaper from the behavior of a friend. You originally wanted to give the other party more, but now you stop the loss in time.

Therefore, I think that from these incidents, people are not simple economic people, and what he thinks is beyond the meaning of ordinary currency.

So, Li Ka -shing spent a greater price just to salvage one yuan coins that fall into the sewer. Why?

Li Ka -shing is a savvy businessman, and such behavior may make some people feel confused. For many poor people, similar incidents, they often choose to give up because they know that compared with the cost of paying, this is obviously not a wise decision.

However, if this falling thing is of great meaning to you, although its currency value is not great, you may still choose to spend a greater price to salvage. However, this situation of Li Ka -shing is obviously not the case. So why did he do this? Is he looking for things for himself too much? Obviously not!

First, this is a difference in concept. Li Ka -shing may be very superstitious about Feng Shui, superstitious things. Although a coin is not valuable, it may fall into the sewer. This may be an ominous sign to him, which has caused him a lot of psychological burdens. The value of losses far exceeds one yuan. In order to solve this psychological burden, he needs to spend some currencies to solve it. Therefore, although it is not worth it in the sense of metal currency, it is very worthwhile to liberate his psychological burden.

Secondly, he may have a kind of behavioral values, that is, the coins that fall into the sewer to choose to ignore his behavior values. He believes that if something happens, he must find a way to solve it, instead of choosing to ignore it. As for what kind of solution to choose, there is no need to do it by himself. Moreover, if you do it yourself, it will damage your image.

Thirdly, there may be an extremely special situation, that is, he thinks that this coin is his lucky coin. He used to use this coin to determine something in the past. If this is the case, he spends more money to salvage this coin and it is easier to understand.

However, as a celebrity, his behavior always attracted a lot of attention, and he also made some perfunctory answers to this incident. However, we can see from this incident that his persistent spirit of things is reflected in many successful entrepreneurs.

This persistent spirit is not understandable by ordinary people. It may suffer a lot of criticism before they fail, but after them, this persistent spirit will be interpreted as a successful password.

Therefore, in the actual economic operation, it is far from enough to rely on the principles of economics, because an important element in our economic development is human participation. When a person or a group of people think that something or something is in a very important position, they are willing to pay a greater price to do this.

In the process of business business, it is necessary to create a very important thing in the hearts of users. If you do n’t create this important thing, but return everything to the naked interest relationship, divide the user's interests with the interests of the platform as the unique chip, then the user and the platform will one day go to the opposite side. If that day, at that time, no so -called high tricks could not achieve the expected results.

For example, when I had done user training, after three months, I successfully shared the sharing into the user's mind, so that they can get a sense of accomplishment in sharing. Therefore, although the value they share is far greater than the returns given by the platform, they are still happy to share.

However, many people just made the incident and analyzed the wrong, and thought it was because of the good commission. Therefore, later employees began to destroy the existence of this portion in the minds of the user, so from a moment, the development of the platform will inevitably move towards a decrease in the development trend of compensation.

Unfortunately, except me, no one else realized this. Even many years later, some leaders still took courseware as the core secret, thinking that these courseware is a magic weapon to increase traffic and attract users. They even pack the courseware as their own things, and then talk to the newcomers, but they will eventually find that the effect is getting worse and worse. Because they lost or abandoned the important things that have been formed in the minds of the user's minds, when this important thing was destroyed, it would be difficult to rebuild.

What we do is not great, but we are sober enough to realize the nature of these problems than more people. When you seize the essence of the problem, others may be excited for the so -called tricks, you have seen the future of the future. result.

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