I just moved to a new neighbor yesterday. Because it was the house of the same two landlord rented, the second landlord merged a bureau tonight and invited all the tenants to have dinner. Although so, there are few people who come.

The new female neighbor's net name is the walking pig. In the text, I will first call her a pig. We have talked a few words in the group before, and the group friends also called her so. Pigs are a big voice, and their character looks careless. As soon as I settled in yesterday, I was busy in the group of the second landlord. Therefore, the dinner was just pushing the boat this time.

Pigs lived upstairs. In the half afternoon, she sent me a message to meet with the second landlord. She said that she wanted to go to another familiar little brother's family in the group, but because the little brother hadn't got up yet, we went to the second landlord together.

When I was chatting in the group, I said that I like to cook. The first few parties after I moved here, most of them were also the friends who raised cats, because this time he hadn't got up, so he did it, so he did it, so he did it, so he did it, so he did it. The task of rice fell on my own. But it doesn't matter, as long as everyone is happy. It's just that I feel that the empty hand was not good in the past, so I knew that the next day when I was going to dinner the next day, I bought canned plasma beer while buying fruits online and brought it together.

I am this personality and I don't like to owe others. After eating and using other people's things, I will definitely find a way to double back. Perhaps because of this, despite being lonely and indifferent, the popularity is not bad these years.

In fact, I do n’t like someone to bother to cook, and I hate it even more. But because of the kitchen of the second landlord, everyone was neighbors of the neighborhood, and they were not a regular meal, so they were chatting with them beside them, as long as they did not add chaos to me.

Nevertheless, there are still a lot of chaos. Forget it, don't mention it.

The daughter -in -law's daughter -in -law took out the carp that had been fried at noon and said that she would eat grilled fish. Others are also attached, so barbecue. Cut some onions, green peppers and garlic on the baking sheet, and spread the fried fish on it. Fortunately, I made the spicy pot seasoning, and I was too lazy to cook again, so I mixed the spicy pot seasoning in a small bowl with boiling water, poured it directly on the fish, and cut off the shallots and coriander. Next, you can get out of the fire.

The second dish is the frozen golden catfish sent by another neighbor. It should be delivered at noon or morning. When I got it, it was basically thawed. The whole fish is complete and full. I think selling good looks and intended to steam. So the internal organs were removed, washed, cut a flower knife on the fish, stuffed the sliced ​​onion ginger and garlic into the mouth of the knife and the belly of the fish, and then coated the fish body evenly with cooking wine and salt, and marinated it for ten minutes. I like to put more cooking wine and soak the fish body slightly.

Taking advantage of this empty block, I made a cucumber. Why is it called cucumber? The cucumber and the cucumber of the cucumber cells are different. On the one hand, Duchuangkou can emit the original taste of the ingredients, and on the other hand, it is easier to absorb the taste of taste. Therefore, it is my most commonly used method to shoot a few knives first, and then cut a few knives at will. The cucumber was put in a deep pot, and two red millet were embellished with two red millet, but not rushed to add seasonings. Because the cucumber is easy to get out of water earlier, it affects the taste.

The fish is almost marinated, steaming for eight minutes to ten minutes. If you forget to watch a watch or timer, there is a way to determine whether the fish is steaming. Looking at the fish's eyes, if it is white and protruding, it is cooked. Fortunately, the lid of the second landlord's house is transparent, making it easier for me to judge.

In the empty gear of the steamed fish, there was a neighbor who was a fitness coach to help, so I asked the operating counter to let him cut the fruit. After the chopping boards and kitchen knives of fish and green onion ginger and garlic must be cleaned with detergent. The best way is to smell it with the nose after washing to determine that there is no odor.

Watching his fruit cutting, I gave up the best taste of the fishing time. One -quarter cantaloupe peels, seeds, and pieces, and two pears are cut into pieces. Not to mention whether the size is consistent, the pear is peeled. For more than 20 minutes. Fortunately, the fish's eyes were whitening at that time, and I closed the fire.

Originally thought that the steamed fish was splashed after the oil, and the steamed fish soy sauce and coriander were broken. At this time, the cat's neighbor. He bought pork belly, green peppers and gluten, and made a plate of fried gluten. Coincidentally, the second landlord brought other potential tenants to see the house before returning, so let the fish continue to stay in the pot. I first fought him to complete the dish first.

他的做法是,先用热油炒香五花肉,再放入姜蒜碎继续翻炒,而后加入撕碎的面筋和切好的青椒一起翻炒,再放盐、生抽、老抽、鸡精、 MSG and cumin powder are cooked until they are cooked. Put some coriander crushed before leaving the pan. When I got him, I saw that the color of green peppers was a bit monotonous, so I asked two red millets to mix together. As for his cooking wine when he fried meat, it doesn't matter if he sprayed vinegar before leaving the pan. Everyone has everyone's approach. But this dish has been for the first time. The taste is not bad. But why do you put cumin powder? I didn't eat the taste of cumin. Maybe it is other role.

The second landlord came back. Steamed fish can finally be out of the pan.

Pour the excess water caused by steaming, peel off the excess onion ginger and garlic on the fish and abdomen, wipe other debris in the plate, and keep it only clean and complete. In fact, it is reasonable to put a clean plate and re -set again, but the conditions are simple.

Sprinkle the garlic and shallots on the fish. After the oil temperature is hot, it is evenly poured on it, and then pour the steamed fish soy sauce, and then sprinkle some coriander. However, there was no steamed fish soy sauce, so I had to replace it with a soy sauce. Fortunately, the selling looks pretty good.

见锅里还有一点热油没用完,我顺势又用葱姜蒜爆了个料油浇在之前准备好的黄瓜上,而后放入盐、生抽、白醋、味精、一点点糖、几Drip sesame oil, stir well.

The newly moved female neighbor pigs brought a specialty cold rabbit from their hometown. After the fitness coach cut the fruit, she torn the sealed -sealed rabbit into small pieces with disposable gloves and entered the plate.

After doing these, the time has reached seven o'clock in the evening. In the two landlord's outdoor gazebo, we started today's dinner.

Counting the two landlords and their relatives, we have ten people in total. According to the amount of rice from the northern people, these dishes should not be eaten enough, but fortunately, the southerners have a small amount of rice and they are swept away, and even the steamed rice is forgotten. In short, there are vegetables, wine, laughter, and new friends who have arrived one after another. The atmosphere is pretty good.

After dinner, the second landlord proposed to watch a movie. He has a screen and a projector. We have seen it once before, and the atmosphere is not bad. However, some neighbors want to run, and there is something else, so I will go first and come to Japan.


PS: Forgot to take a picture, I don’t know how to insert the video, forget it, next time.

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