"The flower card does not put flowers, and my grandmother knows how sad it is! Thinking that the grandmother's funeral was so beautiful, not because the aunt (grandma's eldest daughter) had to do it."

"Yongshi, each has the rules of each family. I am your aunt and the eldest sister in the family. You can speak a little bit."

"Those three guests are the nephews of the grandmother's house. They have to come to give their grandmother for the last journey. It's too not particular about the flower cards to put silk flowers! Grandma has been angry in her husband's family for a lifetime. Farewell to relatives of the maiden family, "

"The husband's family is the grandmother's house, and the relatives of the mother's family are all guests."

Two days before my grandmother's funeral, my aunt (grandmother's eldest daughter) quarreled on whether the flower card was placed with flowers or silk flowers.

In fact, how much flowers and silk flowers are not much worse (the silk flower card is 80 yuan/piece, the flowers are at least 130 yuan/piece, which ranges hundreds of thousands or thousands of yuan). There is no pressure. So I was particularly angry and directly said a few words of my aunt.

Grandma and grandmother are traditional women in the old age, but their funerals are very different. At the funeral of grandma, relatives and friends were endless, and the grandmother's side seemed to be much deserted. Only the three nephews of the maiden family came to see off. Speaking of which, this difference is probably related to their status at home.

Grandma has a soft personality. When she was young, she was often bullied by strong colleagues, aunts, and 妯娌 in both work or in her mother -in -law's house. Fortunately, Tai Gong (grandma's mother) hurt her particularly, not only let her live in her mother's house, but also help her four children -especially my dad. Moreover, Grandpa was deliberate to his grandmother. Whenever someone disrespects his grandmother, he will always come forward to protect his wife.

When her grandmother was young, she worked hard at work, and everyone joked her "sister Lin". In her mother -in -law, she also won the reputation of a good daughter -in -law. At that time, she could get this title, which shows that she was really virtuous.

Grandma ranked old in her mother's house, but her parents only loved her eldest daughter and son -very little attention to her. Grandma and grandfather are the marriage of free love. The grandfather's mouth is sweet and can coax the old man and mother -in -law, so he lived in his grandmother's house when he was in love. It wasn't until they got married that they moved out to rent a house.

However, Grandpa is more likely to play. He does not like to stay at home, and go out to play football as soon as he has time. His contribution to his family is mainly to cultivate the logical thinking and physical quality of 舅 — invited the teacher to teach chess and punches. He devoted all his love to his son -he rarely cared about his wife and daughter. Later, when he married his daughter -in -law and gave birth to his son, he was proud of his son and grandson and spoiled his daughter -in -law to the sky. Surprising daughter -in -law.

Speaking of the topic, I don't want to get married and live in my mother -in -law's house in the future. I remember when I was a child, every weekend, my grandmother, aunt, and mother would gather together to chat, and they often talked about the difficulties of the relationship between mother -in -law and mother -in -law. So I have understood how important my mother has rely on a woman. In those families who are heavy men and women, the daughter is as if she is out of her house. When she returns to her mother's house, she has to look at her sister -in -law's face.

I am glad that I am a only woman in myself, and I also sympathize with my grandmother. She lives for others throughout her life, and rarely fights for herself. Now she is going to leave this world, shouldn't we hold a decent funeral for her, send her the last journey?

"Yong Poetry, your cousin is the eldest son of the eldest son, he is the master of this family (the son of the uncle, the uncle has died). Your attention should be placed on the family (cousin) A few years ago, he was seriously ill, and Ping Ping (cousin) has been holding his livelihood. What about grievances! "

"Auntie, you have to take care of both sides, I will have a bowl of water flat. What does the cousin mean?"

"Pingping's flower cards given by her parents must put flowers."

"Yes. What about the cousin (the nephew of the grandmother's house)?"

My aunt listened to me and asked her, silent for a moment, and said slowly, "Yes, you have to leave the face for the guests. This is polite."

When I heard my aunt's answer, I was very happy -I didn't insist in nothing, my grandmother finally could "turn over as the master" this time!

His grandfather and aunt loved cousin particularly. Because he was weak, he did not need to go to the funeral of his grandmother and attend the funeral. He gave the funeral to his aunt, mother and me. He also allowed his cousin to attend the funeral.

As a grandson, my position is a bit embarrassing. I want to do something for my grandmother, but I can't make it -inside and outside. From the occurrence of disputes to the end of the funeral, I don't have good fruit to eat ...

After the dispute, the big watch (grandmother's nephew) and my cousin came to the house to visit. The big watch was in his 70s, and his legs and feet were inconvenient, so he only came to send him to the funeral.

Seeing that my relatives came, I immediately hid in the room, because my family was ugly, and I was a "social terror". The thing just now made me emotionally fluctuated. The state has not been adjusted yet, and it is not suitable for receiving guests. Aunt is a "social cattle", which has a rich experience and an elder. She allows her to receive guests. She can give her a down step reasonably.

When hiding in the room, the phone suddenly rang -Mr. Ye of the funeral service company called, he wanted to confirm the number and style of the flower card. He waited for us in the noodle restaurant downstairs and let us quickly discuss.

After answering the call, I tiptoed to the living room and muttered a few words in my mother's ear. Unexpectedly, this move attracted everyone's attention, especially cousin and cousin, they all looked at me in confusion.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, I politely asked the guests, and then returned to the room, because I had to keep in touch with Mr. Ye. If the elders could not go, I had to go downstairs first and submit the list of the first flower cards.

They knew that we had something to be busy, so they stayed for a long time, greeted them, and walked out slowly. Seeing the guests left, I quickly picked up the previously printed flower card details and followed them out. At this time, my aunt suddenly crowded in front of me and hit me: "Sorry, can you go a little faster!"

It seems that she is still angry about what happened just now. I took a few steps back and let her go first. The four of us took the elevator together downstairs. When the elevator door opened, I pressed the buttons outside to prevent the elevator door from suddenly closed and clipped to the three elders in front. After they enter the elevator safely, I went in. But when I entered and exited, I couldn't hold the button, causing the elevator door to turn automatically and twice to my body.

"It's okay, be careful." My aunt looked back at me, and then moved forward.

At this moment, the cool breeze blew into my heart -I really wanted to return to my childhood, no matter how willfulness and naiveness, I can get the tolerance and forgiveness of the elders.

The world of adults is not easy, and it is a headache alone!

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