When the moon pillowed the auspicious clouds and meditated, Xue's author pushed the wheelchair while listening to his mother about the past. The old people sitting on a wheelchair were infected by a group of soldiers who were running and exercised. They couldn't help but miss the style of her march that year: "At that time, I was able to run very well, and running quickly. Our troops often traveled to the army, most of them marching at night. Sometimes I have to go more than a hundred miles a day, but I have never fell off the team. "

On June 7, 1949, all departments of the 18th Corps began to cross the Yellow River and prepare to march southwest. She recalled: "When I passed the Yellow River, we took the large wooden boat of the people. The firepower of the enemy on the other side of the river was very fierce. We lay on the boat to shoot. It was really a warrior and sacrificed some soldiers, but we still hit it. At a glance, there were some enemies in the trenches on the shore. At that time, there were more corpses, and we had a slogan that called revolution and not afraid of death, afraid of death or revolution! Go to the enemy.

Since then, there have been fighting almost every day, and march has become a commonplace. When marching during the day, she and more than a dozen female soldiers of the Propaganda team of the Military and Political Department had publicity and encouragement tasks. The superior leaders did not let them carry the guns, because they had to carry gongs, bamboo boards, and homemade paper tube. Standing at the height and shouting, "The comrades, hey, cher, come on, hey, hey, catch the gangs of the Jiang bandit, completely eliminate the light! Liberation of the northwest, liberating the southwest of the Great, the victory is hi ..." The soldiers joked with them while fighting the army, and their mood rose. They were thirsty, and their throats shouted dumb. Every time they arrived in a camp, the first thing was to find water to drink. In order to prevent the enemy from being poisoned, all wells must drink after testing by health officers, but they do not care about these. When they see the well, they drink a lot, and they have also criticized the chief of the army.

Of course, in addition to criticism, there are praise. At the combat evaluation conference, the head of the army specially praised the slogans they wrote on the wall along the way. The slogan reads: "Resolutely fight, eliminate Jiang Hujun, liberate the whole China, and make meritorious merit!" And so on. In addition, they also have a task. Each of the troops go to a town, they go to the streets and alleys to call the masses on the square to listen to the heads and discipline of our army. Because Director Hu of the Political Department of the Corps attaches great importance to the work and discipline of troops, he has repeatedly emphasized at the conference: "An important task of the army is to fight, and the troops that cannot fight can not be considered a good troops. The violation of policies are called politically defeat.

The old man said: "Director Hu was only in his 30s at that time, his appearance was young, he was not tall, and the voice of his speech even had a child voice, but he was very spiritual. I think he is a teacher. Our female soldiers have mobilized our enthusiasm. Going in front of the army means that you have more physical strength than others. And put a table tennis racing on table tennis racing, I took the first class every time. What should I do if I have a way. "

Her approach was unheard of in the whole army, but she quietly pulled out the cotton wool in the quilt and threw it away, and she only carried an empty set of soldiers, which made her feel a lot easier. But there is one thing that cannot be thrown away, that is, the rice bags containing fried noodles. She often feels hungry. She speculation is her rations, her snack, and a nutritional product that constantly replenishes her physical strength during her march. She is envious of some of the sick soldiers, because once the soldiers are sick and they are seriously ill, they will get a bowl of fragrant noodles every day, which is called "sick rice". The class leader of the cooking class of the Political Department is Li. He is an old squad leader over 50 years old. He is kind and cares about her very much. When he starts to cross the Qinling Mountains from the troops, the team leader Li has to bring her a bowl every time she makes a "sick meal". She was moved. However, in a battle, the team leader sacrificed.

On the day of the burial, she stayed beside the monitor of Li, and looked at the sanitation officer to change the new army uniforms for the team leader, wrapped in white bed sheets, and then carried it with a stretcher by several soldiers. She didn't go to the burial, she didn't dare to go, she couldn't bear to watch the monitor Li was buried in the loess. That night, she dreamed that the monitor of Li greeted her with a noodle noodle. She woke up from her dream, covered her head with her empty quilt, and sobbed sadly. Several female soldiers in the house got up to comfort her and found that she had no cotton wool in her quilt. She thought she was frozen, and she had to give her her quilt. She cried even more, and her mouth was in her mouth. I read in the darkness: "Master Li, the monitor of Li ..." I couldn't help it. She shouted hysterically: "Master Li, I still want to eat your noodles! Why do you just go! ... ... ... Suddenly, the female soldiers in a house were crying and crying. It turned out that squad leader once quietly sent noodles to each female soldier.

The moon prayed down the soft light of prayer, and listened to the old man sighing: "Son, that is not a bowl of noodles every day, it is the comrades left to us left by us in the war years. How many years have passed with your valuables, I still think about making a bowl of noodles for the monitor of Li, how good it is, I really want it ... "

At this moment, the author Xue finally knew why as long as someone said how good the noodles did, the old man shook his head and shook his head: "In this world, the person who does the best noodles is gone, that person is gone, that person is there, that person On the journey where the army southward, the noodles he made have a deliciousness that affects the soul. My comrades and I have tasted it. It is our blessing, and no one you can make that noodles.

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