After the reform and opening up, the logistics industry also attracted spring. Various brands of logistics were born in the Chinese land. Some logistics have emerged as unicorn, and some logistics have gradually been eliminated by the market. Today, it is also a miracle. Today, I will talk about Zhongtong Logistics with my own experience.

I don't know about this logistics company, but I know their services. This is a logistics company that is prone to various problems. It is the so -called Yiyezhiqiu. From the bit by bit by ordinary people, it can be speculated that the company must have a serious problem.

Many years ago, I saw that there was a Mo Mo's car passing by the street, so I told Zhongtong's courier that I wanted to mail a file, and then they lost my documents. Later, they called for consultation, and they couldn't find it. This incident failed to sign a contract, and in the end it was just symbolic compensation for me a little money.

When their customer service is dealt with this incident, they also complain that you have important documents to choose Shunfeng logistics, so don't lose it. Obviously, the loss of this logistics company may be normalized.

Therefore, I no longer use the company's logistics, because I know they can get things lost. But many merchants do n’t know. They can use this logistics for cheap prices or other reasons. This year I bought something from Taobao. The merchant used Zhongtong Logistics. As a result, it will not be updated after arriving in Guangzhou. It has not been updated for two days. It is only two days to know that from other provinces to Guangzhou, but it has stopped for two days in Guangzhou. This is really strange.

So I asked the merchant, and the merchant pulled the Zhongtong customer service in to inquire. As a result, this artificial customer service was either answering or not asking or recording the question. In the end, even the official Taobao official probably couldn't see it, remind me that I could choose the platform to intervene, so I clicked the platform hosting tracking. As a result, the next day was sent soon. The outside of Fengchao is inside.

If these things are not enough to promote this article, what happened today has made me motivated. The reason is that I bought some roast chicken. The merchant was mailing through Zhongtong Logistics. I took a look at the logistics delivery. It was probably at two o'clock this afternoon. At night, the logistics was sent from today to change to tomorrow.

For such a result, I have long been mentally prepared. It was a relatively garbage logistics. It will be sent tomorrow to be sent tomorrow. When I came back in the evening, I received another courier by the way. When I looked at the text message, I found a text message from 5.44 minutes in the afternoon.

How can I receive a text message from Zhongtong Express? Do they have any moths? After I turned on the text message, the content I saw was to say that the courier arrived at the address, and no one answered the call. If you want to know the details, you can call the courier's mobile phone number.

I was not angry when I saw this text message. If the other party dialed my phone, and I didn't answer it, this responsibility was indeed me. However, when I looked at the phone record, there were only two telephones that did not answer the phone. One was the fraud phone reminded by the anti -fraud app, and the other was a reminder harassment phone. Is this a call from Zhongtong Express?

Let's assume that if one of these calls is Zhongtong Express's phone, then, does Zhongtong Express are fraud? If these two fraud harassment calls are not Zhongtong Express, isn't this that the text message of Zhongtong Express is lying? Who is the behind -the -scenes person who manipulates this SMS? What is the purpose of replying to this false text message?

If I did not receive this false text message, I can still be calm and waiting for the courier. Now, I am only disappointed with this logistics company. No matter what the real reason for the false text message is, it seems that the company's unreliable is explained.

I didn't choose to call the courier's phone, I have to wait to see how they perform next. I am a person who is very disgusted in principle. Zhongtong Logistics is undoubtedly one of them.

Looking at it, there are too many logistics companies in China today. They have contributed indelible in economic development. In the long -term brand operation process, some logistics companies are still good. I will not specify here.

When I was writing, I did not check what kind of company Zhongtong Logistics was, because it was worth looking for it. From these personal experiences, I can basically judge that the company must have many serious problems. They do not take their reputation and user experience seriously. Maybe he can survive until now. On the one hand, it may be due to the huge market in the Chinese market. On the other hand, it may be the investment of investors behind. The user did not take it seriously at the beginning of the birth.

In the decades of reform and opening up in China, there are indeed some platforms that do not have to look at the face of the user. They seized the dividends of the times and got the market share when the seller market. Therefore At the time, he still couldn't survive in a way of thinking.

When there is a certain economic volume, as long as it is not a decision -making decision, even if the decision -making error or the direction distortion can continue to survive for a long time. However, for these platforms that are attached to the interests, they don't care what the future is, as long as they are so comfortable.

There are too many companies in China to operate in this way of thinking. The small volume of death is fast. If the size is good, it can be successfully transformed, and the luck can be stiffened without death. At the same time, the market is also full of such a cultural atmosphere, such as the current power, making everyone who believes a short -sighted and moral business. Another example is the last day of life as a life, so that the migrant workers do not know how to relax, just care about a second sister -in -law. This is the obvious slavery saying that they want to cover the truth of blood through these seemingly positive culture.

When culture was dismembered and believed, the culture itself became a wolf wearing sheepskin. For example, some platforms engage in gratitude culture, but they are very exclusive to gratitude. They think that gratitude is one -way output. Once the culture itself conflicts with the interests, they will not hesitate to abandon them.

I worked in a company very long ago. The boss not only asked my colleagues to sing gratitude all day and be grateful gymnastics, but also explained the company's great kindness to colleagues every time. Treasures can only be considered conscience by working hard to work hard to work hard. Essence This is obviously the meaning of gratitude. He just uses gratitude to cover up his dictatorship.

Will Zhongtong Logistics also exist in this internal problem? We don't know, but what we can basically sure is that his service is a bit unsatisfactory.

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