When you are young or weak, you will find that the world is full of evil everywhere. Power is the most favorable weapon that is suppressed by evil. Without strong, other people's evil will attack you relentlessly. Although I also believe in the glory of sympathy for the weak and helping the weak, this is not a common thing. What we see more is the former.

My mother -in -law was married to Rendezhuang at first. After marriage, she gave birth to three sons and a daughter, but that era was particularly poor. The child's raising problem was a huge pressure. In addition, the grandfather had an accident. When I encountered it, I changed to Cangshan.

My mother grew up in such an environment. Since I have me, I often go to Cangshan. When I remembered, once the whole family lived in Cangshan, and a period of hardships that made me unforgettable for life happened.

After removing the man to that man, he gave birth to a boy. The boy was only one year older than me. Of course, after meeting, I still have to call a concubine, but this is not qualified at all. This child is the kind of bad species in my impression.

After I came to his house, he was often bullied by him. Every time he went out, he saw that my parents and others were not around and began to encourage others to fight me. I punched my feet and kicked me relentlessly, and I could only endure it and dare not resist.

The most impressive one was that he buckled a lot of needles from the pepper trees and the jujube trees, and then pierced into my face. I cried so much that he felt very happy and still refused to stop.

When he returned home, he specifically told me not to tell the adults, otherwise I would look good in the future. For this reason, I dare not tell the adults that once I was asked, I said that I accidentally did it.

Even so, he refused to let me go, and he often forced to eat his booger in private. When I thought of these, I felt particularly disgusting. If a person had evil thoughts in his heart, he could be so bad.

If he is bad, it can be understood that it is caused by improper education of adults. Then the man that my mother -in -law married badly, then understand that this is broken from the root.

Due to the appearance of two grandfather, I always refused to call this man and grandfather who remarried. He was very angry. I remember once a sack of popcorn in the house. The man said in front of my dad, who told Grandpa to eat popcorn.

My brother was sweet and called Grandpa immediately, and he gave my brother a popcorn. Then they ate popcorn together and said again and again, it's delicious.

At that time, I felt particularly wronged. On the one hand, I had to bear the persecution of this evil child in private, and on the other hand, it was still oppressed by this old man. How could I call this wicked grandfather again?

At this time, my dad saw me crying with grievances, and went to the bag to grab only one for me. Unexpectedly, the vicious man snatched it, as if he had hit my dad.

From then on, I could no longer call him Grandpa, and his morals could no longer be on the table. Later, his girl was about to get married, and the girl was born with his ex -wife. At that time, he arranged for my dad to be busy from the sky to the sky, and kept we hungry. Later, he couldn't starve to death? So we arranged for us to go to a relative of their village to eat pancakes and pickles. He didn't let us bite for the meals at the wedding. My dad has always been worried about this. After so many years, I can still remember it, but my mother disagrees. These factors have caused me to have some views on my mother. She does not understand who is the real loved ones. Even the son of your own morality can be regarded as a garbage, but he is diligent in the demon, and it is still the case when you can be independent. This makes me look at it from the bones. I would rather not eat a grain of the devil's house, and I was unwilling to succumb to be a humble slave.

In Cangshan, this devil's relatives are also very bad. I remember what "brother" of this devil often threatened me when no one was, and punched me and kicked me. Be happy to beat me. Sometimes I met again on the road. I was worried about it. I just greeted others. The bad guy immediately dressed as a normal expression, and I ran away quickly.

They are in front of people, but they do evil things for this humanity. If it wasn't for my parents to lead me in this place, I would never go again.

One year in winter, one night in the night, the cold wind, two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, I do n’t know why, my parents suddenly went back to my hometown, so I followed me back. We were walking all the way. Snow, the bitter cold wind is particularly uncomfortable. Although I still don't understand what the reason is, I am very impressed.

This rotten family also profoundly affected my family. Later, my mother divorced my father. That year I was about seven or eight years old, and my mother finally remarried to the field. What happened to this, I am afraid that only the parties know the most.

Many years later, I saw my mother again. Mother lives unsatisfactory in that family, withstand her eyes, ridicule, abuse, and so on. My father kept paying attention to the news of my mother, so I asked me to go to Linyi to follow up and just persuade my mother to change her mind.

The wooden factory working in Linyi at that time met the demon. At that time, my father and grandma brought me a fried dish that we couldn't bear to eat. The relationship between the demon and the man that my mother remarried was very irony, and he was very happy. During the period, the devil said that you should have a sweet mouth.

At the same time, including my mother, I persuaded me to call him grandpa, and said that my uncle in Rendezhuang could call his uncle. Why can't I call him Grandpa?

But does he match? A person who never thought he had done something wrong, nor did he apologize for the incompetent demon of the year, what qualifications to make me call him a grandfather? But because of my father's entrustment, I still endure it, but I can't call him grandpa after all.

At that time, there was a room separated from the middle, which could be resting and sleeping inside, and it could eat outside. One day I was resting in the room inside, and only me at the time.

Suddenly hearing the sound of the door outside, and then heard the demon say that it would be fine in a while. It turned out that the demon hugged the boss's little daughter in and closed the door. The little girl seemed to hate his harassment. After breaking away, she pushed the door and entered it. At this time, the little girl discovered me.

The devil found that I immediately restored the normal expression in the room. At the same time, the grandfather's grandfather pushed the door from the outside without politely, and then gave each other a few words to take away the granddaughter.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of injuries to be done if there are no outsiders' interference. Perhaps because of my existence, I avoided this tragedy, otherwise he was caught, and he might have to eat a lawsuit.

Of course, such things were too ugly after all. At that time, I did not mention it to anyone, including mentioning to my mother. After all, there is no substantial harm, but I also understand that this demon has passed for so many years and is still a non -human.

Many years later, my mother -in -law was seriously ill. This devil felt that it was a dragging, and she began to abuse her. She didn't cook for her. In helpless, the mother -in -law began to ask her daughter and died one year later. After all, the devil is the demon.

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