According to common sense, it should be more popular and touching in the snow in the snow, but in the real world, it is completely the opposite, and the icing on the cake is even more popular. You may not believe it, and listen to me slowly.

In the past, I always thought that sending charcoal in the snow was the real talent, so that I could truly help each other. The icing on the cake is just to take advantage of others. This is a very positive three views, but it is just the opposite in reality.

For example, there is a startup or a company that needs a new project. At this time, who will the boss consider?

Many people will say that those who have true skills must be considered first. There is no problem with this answer, but in fact, the boss seems to never find a person who has the ability. In fact, it is preferred to find a well -known person. In other words, this person has worked the same position in somewhere and has achieved good results.

Because in the opinion of the boss, such people are equivalent to those who have the ability. After all, it is a person who needs to have the real ability, but there is only one criterion for the judgment of the boss, that is, it has done it in other places and this platform has a good result. Operation is related, because it can prove the correlation because of occupying the position.

As for whether there is a real skill, it is another topic. This situation includes the position of occupying the position without real things and no position to have the real ability. Under this option, the former will be selected.

Many people are too deified bosses. They think that the boss must be a wise eye. In fact, the boss can only choose what he thinks the safer way to select talents. The most secure way is undoubtedly what the person's past historical content is.

I tested a good friend N years ago. He is both our students and a boss with a certain courage. My company at the time was just a lecturer, but I have been studying and practicing the project strategy, and I have been further studied in more profound operations after work. I can even predict the company's decision -making results in advance. In other words, I can achieve actual decisions better than the company's decision makers.

Later, I thought it was almost, and that friend asked Xian to be thirsty, so I took the time to discuss the project with the other party. I found that the perception of the other party has always turned around on the most basic things. I really want to discuss more systematic things and deeply penetrate the operating details of the key links. However, the other party has been on the surface concept. Explain that the knowledge reserves of the other party are stretched with the content of the trading content.

At that time, I proposed that I can be responsible for their full business and according to the systemic advancement I have set, it can ensure the implementation of the results. But the other party hesitated. He believes that I have not occupied this position in the original company, and the experience must be insufficient. No boss is willing to make a joke with my company, unless you have occupied similar positions in other companies and have outstanding performance in order to be able to in order Rest assured that the company project is handed over to me.

I did not refute this set of remarks. In fact, this is one of the laws of hiring talents. Don't expect to say that Qin Mugong, Baili, Uncle Wu, etc. in history, they cannot be Qin Mugong, and they do not have such a long -awaited ability to consciousness.

Later, I did not enter a friend's company after all, but provided some development advice as a friend. As for whether the other party adopted it, it was another matter. Although my friends have always invited me to enter his company, I consider that after I entered, I just listened to some of the old concepts and strategies of the people he hired. Different contradictions in development have always declined.

When I met with my friends again, at this time I saw the experts he hired. It turned out that the supernan was done in a state -owned enterprise in the 1990s. He also said that the performance of the state -owned enterprises at that time was because of him. It's amazing because the company achieved performance during his tenure. However, in the process of communicating, I found that the other party had no dry goods except bragging. I worshiped the vulgar words as truth, and repeatedly explained the truth and complacent. At that time, I was stunned, thinking that my friend's company was completely abandoned.

Since then, I have never been to a friend of friends. Later, my friends said that I expanded the scale and hired me to be responsible for a certain department in the past. I said that if you do things, you must start and end, and I have passed after the current enterprise gradually exits. I was thinking that if you are responsible for the direction of the department, as long as there are fewer interference. I did not expect that in less than half a year, he was gone because he was under too stress or other reasons.

Although I have always disagreed with his business philosophy and employment strategy, as a friend, I am still very sad for his death. I often blame myself with the fact that I have not truly helped each other in corporate operations. So I thought about starting a business. When I really wanted to implement my business, I found my shortcomings. I did not have his investment power, and I could not start at the beginning. Operation methods.

After gradually calming down, I thought that I still insisted on the past and found a company to do their project development. I also came into contact with some companies, but I found that the other party was carved out by a mold. They didn't care about your current ability. They just care about which company you were in the past, what positions you worked in that company, and the company during his tenure. What are the performance? If these problems are excellent, then they can basically succeed in job hunting, otherwise they think they are unqualified. At the same time, they are overly concerned about the communication state in communication.

I always think that the state of communication depends on the needs of scenes. I think that the only state of working when working is formal work is the state, not to brag to express some state. Moreover, I also found that many HR did not know the business at all. When they were involved in the business link, they tasted a lot, which made me like my throat and didn't want to communicate too much with it.

So sometimes I was thinking on the way to return. The level of people in this company is too bad. It is estimated that the business development will not be too good in the future. If the other party is not invited me strongly, then it is really necessary to be a fart. Get the opportunity to join.

During this period, I also crossed the industry and briefly admitted to the beauty industry. To be honest, it is not because the other party knows people, but my recommender is more tolerant. He has always believed in me. At the same time, my wife also said that let me try it. If you have to follow my thoughts, you may not go at the time.

In the actual work process, I found that the barriers between the industry only exist in simple technologies, and these simple technologies can be grasped in the short term as long as they are grasped with heart. As for the industry's universal ability, such as investment promotion sales, conference training, operation guidance, event planning, Mo Bai transactions, etc., as long as you have rich experience and experience support in the past, you can get started quickly.

However, in the actual operation process, the change of employment is relatively slow, which cannot achieve the effect of hitting the iron while it is hot. When a person's mind becomes bland, changes are often lagging, and the maximum effect of people cannot be played.

Later, because of an accidental fracture of a cycling, and the strong opposition from the family, I quit. But this experience made me understand a truth. Except for the high -precision industry barriers in this world, it is difficult to leap in the short term. Others can achieve the rapid or horizontal development in the short term.

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