The movie "Long Confession" (Director Zhang Lu), but most of the audiences they have watched prefer the original name of "Liuchuan". The film tells that the two brothers Lichun (Xin Baiqing) from Beijing and Lidong (Zhang Luyi) traveled to Liugawa, Japan, and have reunited Achuan (Ni Ni), who had been in common in the past for nearly 20 years. Achuan's real name Liuchuan, when he lived in London, because of the Japanese classmate Nakayama Daishu (Ikeeson Zhuangliang), "You are my hometown", remembering this city of the same name and came here.

Actor's wife, Mu Cong, singer De Yongying, the poet Kitahara Baiqiu, and the hometown of Ono Yoko's ancestors, all of which are Liuchuan. Liuchuan is located in the south of Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, with a population of less than 70,000. The canal in the main urban area is vertical and horizontal, and the prosperity of the hundred industry is because of water, so it is also called "water capital" and "Kyushu Venice".

Bai Qiu was born in a wine dealer's house in Fukuoka in 1885. When he was studying at Waseda University at the age of nineteen, he was famous for his poetry "Awakening" and was famous in the literary world. He soon dropped out of school to create poetry creation. He has devoted himself to the aesthetic organization "Pan Shenhui" and participated in the initiative of the aestheticist magazine "Xingxing" in the 42nd year of Meiji (1909). In the same year, his virgin poem collection "Evil Gate" was published. Two years later, he published the mysterious function and feeling of his children and teenagers "Memory". It is these two episodes of poetry to establish his lofty status in the end of the Meiji poetry.

In February 2016, there were five minutes of Liuchuan's tourism promotional short films popular on the Internet. The three girls dressed in beautiful improved kimonos. Reference to the cute shape of the Liuchuan Festive (Liuchuan Daughter's Day). Tour traditional attractions, like Misaki Shrine, Nagura Temple, Nikko Shrine, and Chunchi Water Tianshan Palace. The characteristics of cities such as specialty products (taste increase, seaweed, Mixianbei) are interspersed, which is fascinating. The dance is simple and brisk, and the young girl is full of vitality as a small city. Thousands of groups have devoted their emotions. In the end, the green head of the river girl came out.

The middle girl is named Imamuraka. Born in 1997, "Bringing Tianqing" is her latest work; the girl on the left is Matsuo Yuhua, and the dimple girl on the right is Songyuan Aiyou. When shooting the video, both are 14 years old. Still in junior high school. The three girls are artists of Cover Girl Entertainment (CGE), mainly engaged in models and performances.

In addition to eating eel rice, I also go to the Nichry Shrine to worship. In addition to eating eel rice, the Royal Zhuyin here is very beautiful. Every month, there is a limited royal Zhuyin. The sacrifice god of the Liaosagawa Nikko Shrine is Dashan. Since ancient times, it has been called "Mountain Kings さ ん". It is said that in 1290, he invited to worship from the Kukaiben Nikko Shrine in Kumanaka. Later The patron saint.

Sanzhu Shrine

Liangchuan, located in the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture, is surrounded by the canal and is known as the "water capital". Local residents love the waterway of Liugawa City, make good use of the history of waterway to the development of urban and rural areas, and regard it as a gift.

The "Royal Flower" located near the end of the boat tour, since the Edo period, has been the Lord of the Liuchuan Fanzan Flower House. Because of its special historical background and context, it has added auspicious things such as engagement, marriage, and sending the best for many newlyweds and wives. blessing of.

"Songtao Garden" is an ornamental Japanese -style garden. In the 43rd year of Meiji (1910 AD), it was built by the 14th generation of the Earl Kuanzhi. As the name of the garden, it is a pond surrounded by lush black pine. There are two large islands, several rock islands, and various landscapes and stone lanterns in the pond, which outlines the beautiful gardens symbolizing the sea style. Today, the entire park, which is combined with the combination of Mansion, Songtao Garden, and the Western Museum, is designated as a national designated cultural property in the name of "Lihua Garden".

Liuchuan was once a famous Warring States general, Western Nugoshi • Lihua Zongmao's territory. Zong Mao is a legendary figure. He sets his achievements for Kyushu of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, making him independent from the big friend's house to become a big name. In the battle of North Korea, he rescued his famous star Kato Kiyoshi, so he was famous. He not only has martial arts, but also involves literature and art, is good at calligraphy, and has a good performance in tea ceremony, incense, madness, etc. Liuchuan was a student who lived in Japan when he lived in Japan, the thought of the Edo period, and the hometown of Antong Province, known as the "West Sea Giant Confucianism".

The famous Sumo Lishi from Liugawa has Yunlong Jiuji and Qinzu Chrysanthemum and Hong. Liuchuan also has the reputation of "the hometown of literature". It is still the hometown of the big poet Beiyuan Baiqiu. He wrote the verses of "Liuchuan, the hometown of water, the hometown of me, and the mother of my song; the composition of the water, the place of this place, and the beginning of my own body, the style of my style". Essence

Liuchuan's most attractive tourists are food. In the authentic restaurants here, you can taste various local famous products such as "eel steamed rice", seafood and creative seasonal banquet dishes with Minghai. "Although there are many Haichuan fish, but those who have no better eels." In 1922, Bai Qiu published an article in the "Liuhe New News". When talking about the landscape that Liuchuan should be reserved, he wrote: "The water of the water, the fluorescence of the fluorescence, the fluorescence Lichuan ... must be the eel. Liuchuan City and eels have a lot of roots, dating back to the late Edo period. Fishing, measurement, intermediary and wholesale.

Here is the famous cuisine "Eel Steamed Cage Rice". First, use chopsticks to keep rotating and cut eel on the charcoal fire. After baking the eel without any material, continue to coat the secret sauce. Then cut the grilled eel, arranged neatly on the rice, sprinkle some eggs, and finally steamed it in the pan. After the cage, the eel fish fish skin is crispy and delicious, and the fish is fresh and tender. The thick sauce penetrates into the rice and tastes particularly flavor.

In addition to eel rice, Liuchuan Pot is also a major local dish. There are bibimbaps, bulls, egg flowers, and onions in the pot, and the protagonist is loach. Together, the fish is soft and very meal.

Tourists appreciate the charm of Liuchuan City. The usual way to play is to take the boat called "ど ど ど 游" along the moat and watch these famous wins from the river. Or the city of the city), listening to the sound of bamboo poles, wearing grasshoppers, and wearing traditional clothing, the boatman at the helm, singing folk songs while shaking the boat, and explaining that the green trees on both sides of the strait are lined, flowers are lush, white sea mouse walls, red brick buildings He also jumped into his eyes, unknowingly shuttled in the tunnel of historical and cultural, immersed in poetic and painting to release himself.

The Japanese Daughter's Day is usually on March 3, and Liuchuan's event to celebrate the Daughter's Day began in mid -February until the end of April. If you visit from mid -February to early April each year, you can participate in the "Daughter's Day" and experience the boat. The Daughter's Day is called "Flower" (ひ な festivals) in Japanese, which is a holiday for the daughter of the daughter in the family. At that time, various households would set up a variety of exquisite humanoid dolls at home, and a humanoid doll will be placed on the boat on the bank of the Liuhe River. For tourists to appreciate.

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