Recently living in a four -line town in the southwest. Although the temperature is not low, it is often raining, which is still moist. It's just that the dense places will inevitably breed a lot of mosquitoes. Listening to the locals that occasionally there will be snakes, squirrels, or other animals to visit home. I don't know when I will encounter it, I am looking forward to it.

The neighbors are very kind people. After chatting, they found that some were specially treated here. Among them, there were more psychological diseases. I feel that I have come here by chance, which may also be for this reason. However, it is not denied that it is indeed suitable for "lying" here. Therefore, compared to expensive treatment costs, some "patients" chose to rely on their own adjustment system. I guess, so is myself.

However, the disadvantage of "patients" to warm each other is that it is easy to "be miserable". After all, the typical symptom of psychological diseases is that they will be habitually pessimistic. When I realized this, I started to alienate again. In a way near "social terror", I ate, sleep, read, and exercise every day. This approach to "not asking for progress" in the eyes of parents will definitely make them "distressed", so I choose not to tell them.

It is said that I do n’t want to say the reason for this time, but during the period of "lying", I realized that accepting myself is the beginning of healing. I forgot where I saw such a celebrity saying: If you do n’t read, then your three views will only be forced to be shaped by the people around and lose your original self. Yes, we all care about the eyes of others, and we forget how we should live.

Remember the time when I first woke up in the dark room in the afternoon, it would have a strong sense of loneliness in my heart. But soon, this loneliness was replaced by guilt and anxiety. Countless times, "Everyone is working hard to work, you are embarrassed to sleep", "You see those who are better than you are working hard, why don't you ask so much", "You deserve that you are so old and have nothing to do with you" ... Hardness is getting bigger and bigger, more and more unpleasant, and emotions will become more and more anxious. Why do we always care about criticism and difficulties, but it is easy to ignore the happiness and happiness in life? The sense of "not worthy" is not born, but will accompany the rest of your life.

I bought cure books to regulate emotions, and found that this was only another way to take medicine, and the results were very small. So, is there any way to use external forces? My method is to "confess", admit that my own thing is nothing, admit my negative laziness, I should eat, drink, drink, sleep, and sleep. Although this is easy to drill the horns, it is a very dangerous way, but compared to mountain climbing and sports, I personally think that the effect is not bad.

I have seen deep scars on my neighbor's arm before, and I have seen my neighbors who are weak and weak. I find that I really want to thank the guidance for fate. Because, from a certain perspective, they are my replica. For a moment, thinking of the scene in the mental hospital, we should be the happiest person.

The reason why choosing to give up treatment is not really wanting to give up life, but deeper self -acceptance. Some people will say that doing so is not responsible for yourself. Go to see a doctor if you are sick. You should take medicine and medicine. But we don't think so, isn't depression recurred because it cannot remove the root? Why not make yourself more happy? This feeling is like cancer patients know that the limit is about to be calm, but it has lived for many years.

No one can estimate when to reach the end of life, but we are looking forward to it. Suddenly thought of a religious organization that I had participated in, utopian self -hypnosis, and people touted with each other, and even everyone could see a sense of arrogance that is isolated from the world. Regarding social news, they disdain that survival or death is the arrangement of God. There is nothing to be sad, and nothing is worth celebrating. Such indifference is frightening.

As we all know, patients with psychological diseases are extremely sensitive, and their perception is far beyond others. When indifference collides with sensitivity, it will naturally produce a hostile emotion. So, what is faith?

Frankly speaking, I am more satisfied with this "half -lying" state. No need to rely on any faith, let life run according to the original trajectory. It is not important not to force yourself to do what you must do, and even irregular work scores. Let the brain completely empty and live in instinct. It is not often said on the Internet: When you feel injured in your heart, let yourself live a plant. Some flowers will choose to bloom in summer, and some flowers grow silently late at night. It is precisely because there are too many worlds that more and more people are psychologically unhealthy.

After seeing some "healing", I left, and I also encountered some who had just come to "adopt disease". They didn't interact with each other and lived in their own way. And this state of utilitarian society with a large number of "acquaintances" does not exist. Some people will say that as long as they have money, they can live comfortably someday. Of course. But if you do n’t even have the motivation to live, what can you do if you make any money?

Perhaps in the next days, I will stay away from mobile phones like them, stay away from lyric products, do not deal with anyone, and seek deeper tranquility in the heart. I may also go to the "Patient Communication Meeting" again, knowing that I am not the worst one, but I can find the motivation to live.

I found that I still like dark nights and still like books in philosophy, metaphysics, psychology, and life. The state described in the book in the past will force yourself to deliberately pursue. But now, let's let it go naturally. The wind came to listen to the wind, and the rain came to the rain. Give yourself a safe healing space, as for others, I believe everything is too late.

Emotions are still low, then it will be low, and things will be reversed. Occasionally, the noise is still harsh, and then turn the ears. There seems to be a kind of: the mountain is just here. Even until now, I don't know what I really love myself, and I have not fully accepted myself. It seems that even if the next moment die, you will die.

Without the advantages of not being brainless, the defeat and disadvantage of weighing and disadvantages are missing. I don't know if the six pure people are like this. Is there such a possibility that psychological diseases are actually obsession and delusion? It was just intensified in worldly torrents. People with powerful hearts can overcome and master, and those who are fragile in their hearts will be trapped in pain. If so, is we pursuing worldly recognition or peace in the heart?

So, is it really a bad thing to suffer from psychological diseases? Is it possible to enlighten this? As described in the book "Genius on the Right": their spiritual world is normal.


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