When I saw her taking a selfie and sent it to the circle of friends in the green bubble, I said in the comment area, do not show the photos to other boys, the reply she gave is a expression of disdain. , "They Feel Normal, But I feel beautiful.especially your eyes, you know why? Maybe the correct answer is well known in China, and I naturally translate "because you have me in your eyes" and translate it into English through the online translation of the input method. At this time, she responded to "Hahahaha". , It's really sweet.

This made her soul torture. I always said so sweetly, often because of the fact that the opposite sex was flirting with the opposite sex?

This seems to have a big blow to me, but I don't want to return to the prototype. At this moment, I have to pretend to be calm and calm, and slowly explain to her ~ I said that before I met the person I like, my heart was ice. It is sealed, and your appearance can melt the glacier of the outer layer, so as to warm my heart and make it hot again ~ Do you have no confidence in me? Wake up my inner tenderness? I couldn't wait to reply for a long time, maybe I really stunned now ~ But I remembered her big watery eyes, and a round face, plus a plump figure ... Can I care about it?

Finally, when she came to her reply, when she sent me to play at the beach, the scenery photos taken ~ She told me that the scenery was beautiful. Unfortunately, I was not with her, and saw a pair of couple Qingqing me, and me I can only stay in her heart, and I also hope to go to this Longmu Island with 10,000 Chinese people, holding her hand to appreciate the local natural scenery. When she accidentally, on her round face, she has a sudden Sweet and fragrant kiss, let her delicate skin nourish my dry heart ~

In the next few days, she posted how the six -month -old little niece fell in love with each other. At that moment, she successfully shaped the image of "good wife and mother" in my heart ~ I started to look forward to traveling in Longmu Island. Learn to say hello to her family in Indonesian, learn to sing the original original "Sweet Honey" and "Star Corporation". When I said "Agujin's stuttering" to her in a sentence, she used Cantonese to me back to me. One sentence "I love you" ~

But all of this seems to be nothing. When I called her "Has Ben", I did not hesitate to respond to "Lie Afu" ~ When I asked her if I was willing to come to China, the answer I got was also negative.

Because she is the only daughter at home, she was originally a sister but was gone. The elder brother was married and had a daughter. The age of marriage, but does not meet the registration standards of China's marriage law, so you cannot apply for a long -term visa in China. The only thing that can apply for is a seven -day tourist visa. ? Even if the legal procedure is registered over there, it is not even admitted in China ~ Not to mention that she is a Muslim family, Indonesia who has freedom of religious belief in accordance with the law, and the family of all races and sects must be matched with one. Education and renamed surnames, children will not be Chinese or Chinese ~

I am the only child in the family, and my parents are red organization cadres. This faction will make the family lose all my face ~ but when she meets her in the registration conditions of domestic marriage, the time is too long.

She can't come to China. It really makes me feel sincere. After all, everyone doesn't want to stop here, but when I go to Indonesia, I find that she and the criminals tear the cat tail, sing Shuanghuang to get me into telecommunications fraud, and then deceive more China to more China If the compatriots fall into Indonesia, the organs will be removed without the performance. Is this what my parents want?

After I took this on my own concerns, after lectures on her, I heard her, and I had a cold war with me for three days and three nights. I was in her circle of friends and asked her whether she loved me, but she said that we had been divided yesterday ~

To be precise, I have never mentioned breaking up, but she blame me for the reason, but it seems that there is no love relationship, and the end of as soon as possible can be considered alive.

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