Ji Bu, born in the late Warring States Period, is the Chu people. He was burly and infinitely powerful, and he showed extraordinary martial arts and courage since he was a child. In the era when the wind was surging and the fire was flying, Ji Buhuai held the dream of protecting his family and defending his country, and devoted himself to the army of Chu Kingdom to become a member of the West Chu Bawang Xiang Yu.

1. Ji Bu's life trajectory

1. Loyalty and faith

Ji Bu's loyalty to Xiang Yu originated from his inner belief. He believes that Xiang Yu is the hope of the revival of Chu and the savior of the world. Therefore, he followed Xiang Yunan to conquer the North War without hesitation. On the battlefield, Ji Bu was always the first soldiers, the charge was trapped, and he used his bravery and loyalty to defend the dignity and glory of the Chu Kingdom.

However, the wheels of history rolled forward, and Xiang Yu finally lost to Liu Bang. Ji Bu did not betray Xiang Yu because of this, but chose to be anonymous and exile in the countryside. In the days of exile, Ji Bu always remembered his loyalty and belief in Xiang Yu. He silently endured loneliness and pain, but his heart never shaken. Until later, Liu Bang pardoned Ji Bu's crimes and appointed him as Langzhong, and Ji Bu returned to the court.

2. Brave and tenacity

Ji Bu's bravery and tenacity are the most precious qualities in his life. On the battlefield, he went down the mountain like a tiger. No matter how powerful the enemy faces, Jibu has never shrunk. He waved his sword in his hand, led the soldiers to kill the enemy bravely, and created a miracle again and again.

However, bravery does not mean recklessness. Ji Bu is always calm and calm on the battlefield, good at observing and analyzing the situation. He can formulate reasonable tactics and plans according to the weakness of the enemy and his advantages. It is the combination of bravery and wisdom that makes Ji Bu's invincible on the battlefield.

In the predicament, Jibu showed amazing tenacity and perseverance. He never bowed his head to fate, and always believed that he could overcome all difficulties. Even if he was in a desperate situation, Jibu never gave up hope. With his tenacious will and firm beliefs, he broke away from the constraints of difficulties and re -stood up again and again.

3. Integrity and promise

Jibu's most preaching quality is his integrity and promise. He has a good respect for his life, and his words must be done. In Jibu's view, integrity is one of the most important quality in interpersonal communication. Only honest and trustworthy people can win the trust and respect of others.

The story of Jibu's "One Nobel" is more eternal. According to legend, Ji Bu borrowed a sum of money from a friend during his exile. In order to repay the debt, Ji Bu did not hesitate to perform the task at the danger of life. In the end, he successfully completed the task and earned enough money to repay the debt. When Jibu gave money to his friends, his friend moved his eyes with tears. He sighed: "Ji Bu, Ji Bu, you are really 'one -Nobelin"! "From then on," Yinuo Qianjin "has become Ji Bu's synonym.

During his tenure in the court, Jibu was the criterion for his integrity as his own. He never deceived his boss, slandered his colleagues, and did not corrupt the law. He won the respect and trust of his colleagues with his integrity, and set a good example for the court.

Second, Jibu's revelation

1. The power of loyalty and faith

Jibu's story tells us: loyalty and faith are important pillars of life. Only by loyalty to your own beliefs and careers can we firmly take every step of life. In modern society, we also need to be loyal to our country and nation, and contribute our strength to the prosperity of the country and the revival of the nation.

2. The spirit of courage and tenacity

Ji Bu's courage and tenacity tells us: In the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to keep calm and courage. Only by bravely pursuing the goals in difficulties and toughness can we realize their own life value. In modern society, we also need this brave and tenacious spirit to deal with various challenges and difficulties.

3. The value of integrity and promise

Jibu's integrity and promise revealed us: integrity is one of the most important quality in interpersonal communication. Only honest and trustworthy people can win the trust and respect of others. In modern society, we also need to promote the spirit of integrity and establish the values ​​of integrity. Only in this way can a harmonious and stable social environment be established.

Third, the practical significance of Jibu revelation

Jibu's life trajectory and quality are not only his personal glory, but also a profound revelation of future generations. These quality in the long history of ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign, have lively reflection and far -reaching influence.

1. The model of loyalty and faith

In Chinese history, there are many models of loyalty and faith. Yue Fei, a famous Southern Song Dynasty, was loyal to the country and was committed to fighting against the aggression of the Kingdom. Even when he was framed and persecuted, he never changed his loyalty to the country. His deeds inspire generations of Chinese people to work hard for the prosperity and prosperity of the country.

In the West, Brurtus in the Roman Empire is known for its loyalty to the Roman Republic. He participated in the assassination of Caesar. Although this action triggered the Roman civil strife, Brutus always adhered to his beliefs and struggled for Rome's republican system.

2. Brave and tenacity examples

Brave and tenacity are the common quality of heroes in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign heroes. Hercules in ancient Greek mythology completed twelve workers with its unparalleled courage and strength and became an eternal hero. His story tells us that only by facing difficulties can we achieve extraordinary careers.

In modern times, Nelson Mandela in South Africa is a model of bravery and tenacity. He led the South African people to resist the racial isolation system and experienced decades of imprisonment and suffering, but never gave up his pursuit of freedom. In the end, he successfully overthrew the racial isolation system and obtained equal rights for blacks in South Africa.

3. The practitioner of integrity and promise

Integrity and promise are indispensable quality in interpersonal communication. In China, Li Mu was faithful during the Shangyang Reform. He practiced the promise of integrity through practical actions, won the trust and support of the people, and successfully promoted the reform. This story tells us that integrity is an important cornerstone for establishing trust and promoting social progress.

In the West, US President George Washington is known for his integrity. When he was a child, he accidentally cut down his father's beloved cherry tree. Facing his father's question, he truthfully acknowledged the mistake. This honest quality has won the forgiveness and appreciation of his father, and it has laid a solid foundation for his future President of the United States. When Washington, as the founding of the United States, keeps his promise after establishing a country and chose to be an discomfort. He knew the harm of excessive concentration of power, so he took the initiative to step down after the first period of expiration and returned to civilian life. This move not only shows his noble moral quality, but also lays the cornerstone for the stability of the American democratic system. Washington's example has inspired the politicians of later generations to adhere to integrity and work hard for the well -being of the country and the people.

Ji Bu's story reveals us: loyalty, bravery, tenacity, and integrity are the indispensable quality in life. Whenever we are, we should adhere to these qualities and contribute our own strength to the progress and development of society.

This is exactly:

Loyalty and brave earthquake,

One Nuo Qianjin is full of reputation.

I do not regret the wind and frost,

Ji Buying is named Yong Lifang.

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