One day at the age of 30, I took my grandmother to the Xiaotang Tower next to the cemetery, and then found a hidden corner and talked to my grandmother to whisper -I close my body close to my grandmother, leaned my mouth to her ears, and whispered softly. Say: "I'm going to get married, you have the granddaughter."

Since my grandmother's death, my mental state is very bad, and I resist social networking. Every time I have been late, I always go to see the traditional Chinese medicine conditioning menstruation.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Did you get married? What are you unwilling to get up in the near future?" The doctor noticed that I was weird and would ask these questions every time. At the same time, she would remove the possibility of my pregnancy.

"No, just irregular menstruation, my grandmother left me, so ..." The doctor's words poked my "wound" —— Grandma failed to see me getting married when she was alive.

"You have to go out and relax, and your state will turn well." The doctor's words were very warm, but I was too "tired" and did not do it according to her requirements, but continued to stay at home.

Unexpectedly, my grandmother came to me when I was sleeping.

Grandma took me out. We sat on an old -fashioned bus. However, there were no one except me and my grandmother in the carriage, and there was no driver. The carriage is full of wooden paint with orange paint. The single seat in front of it. Starting from the back door, it is a row of benches with a bench to accommodate two adults.

I sat down in the bench of the carriage. My grandmother sat directly on my thigh. In order to prevent my grandmother from falling, I also hugged my grandmother's waist tightly with both hands. It seems that this space is upside down -I changed from my child to an adult, with the "young" grandmother playing out.

There is no air conditioner in the car, but the window next to the seat is opened. A burst of breeze blows in from the window. It removes the gasoline smell produced when the vehicle is driving. The car is more comfortable than the air -conditioned car. I have no motion sickness.

The car kept driving forward and didn't stop. Because of confusion, I kept looking at the window on the way, hoping to spend the long and unknown journey. There is nothing outside the window, only a light blue sky, it seems that it is now dawn.

When the door was opened, the light yellow light shot into the carriage (not very dazzling). My grandmother got out of the car and hid in an old building.

During the evasion, I found that there were two closed iron doors next to the old building. The door was painted with red paint. At the top of the door, there was a white chrysanthemum -like pattern, which was a bit like a wreath. I first think that this is the entrance to a park, and then think about it: this is very similar to the galaxy cemetery where the Qingming season goes.

The building faced the road with only three floors height. The space on the first floor was narrow. It was a staircase (the staircase was not opposite, and the stairs were used in bricks). The stairs and walls were rough and there were no paint.

My grandmother sat down on the armrest wall of the stairs. Then, the corner of my mouth raised a V -shaped, my teeth were exposed, and my vocal cords laughed stiffly. I said to my grandmother, "Grandma, I am going to get married, you have granddaughter. "

After that, I turned on my phone and handed the photos of the object of the single love to my grandmother for many years.

"Hahaha ... Do you like him, but do he like you?!" Grandma glanced at the photo, her cheeks bulged, and laughed. Two small eyes narrowed into a line.

It seems that my lies were demolished. I quickly lowered my head, wrapped her mobile phone with both hands, turned back to her back, like a child who did something wrong.

I am single, I am eager to meet the right opposite sex, love and get married, but I have never been able to do so for many years. I think, I am still young, and if I do n’t taste the taste of love, I will be young. So, no one loves me, I will shape one. The target of Shan Lian met I have only seen him with him. He has always maintained a delicate connection with me on the Internet -he didn't do anything to hurt me, nor did he say anything to me.

After the dream wakes up, the real fate is here. My husband and I have a relationship because of the epidemic ...

My husband and I are all self -study candidates. I enrolled in the same school. I studied Chinese language and literature, but because we have never met online because of online study.

Three months after my grandmother left (at the end of October 2022), the epidemic gradually entered the most severe stage. The accounting test points were set up everywhere in Guangzhou City. In addition to the nuclear acid test, there were many places being closed and controlled.

At that time, both of us after graduating were all preparation for the teacher qualification certificate (I took history, my husband exams Chinese). A few days before the exam, the husband consulted the policies of the epidemic policies in the alumni group -he was afraid that there would be an emergency, which caused the test to the normal test. I answered him a little bit in the heart of helping others. I thought, I just met him like this, and I still took the exam in the same test room.

Then, the two of us exchanged WeChat methods, he kept in touch with me every day ...

He rented a house in the Sea -Control District. The epidemic policy allowed him to only work at home, and sometimes he could not buy things (shops, restaurants may close). And my mental state is not good, helping and care for others have become my meaning of life. I gave him goodwill, he gave me companionship, so we became online friends in a short time. After the epidemic was liberalized, he confessed to me, and I gradually started to contact with it. In just half a year, we entered the marriage hall.

On the eve of marriage, my grandmother "looked for" me again. This time her grandmother changed a lot. In the dream, she was indifferent and no longer had a "person" taste. She always kept a distance from me.

We met in a classroom. There are no seats in this classroom, there are only a few stretchers that placed corpses. There is one on the podium on the right side of the entrance, and two are placed on the window in front.

There are no one except her and me in the classroom. She was facing me and sitting on the stretcher at the window.

"Don't worry, I am very good! It's just a bit of the wind here ..." Grandma said to me expressionlessly.

Where is this? Why do you meet in the classroom? I am puzzled. However, as soon as I wanted to understand the situation, I woke up.

My grandmother hurts me so much before, even in another world, I was anxious for my marriage. Why is it now?

I couldn't figure it out, so I repeatedly pondered her words, and tried to remember the tone of her speech, and even told her mother.

"Don't complain about my grandmother's ruthlessness. She is separated from you from Yin and Yang. She may think that approaching you will affect your health and fortune."

"Mom, my marriage is connected by grandmother. If it wasn't for her, how can I marry people within half a year?! She really hurts me. She would be cold and cold during her lifetime. Burning the clothes. "

"The worship of the Qingming worship was chaired by my aunt (grandmother's eldest daughter), and I would tell." My mother agreed without hesitation.

The last time I met my grandmother with my grandmother was when my grandfather died. At the end of December last year, bad news from the hospital's intensive care unit, saying that the house was rescued and died of organ failure.

In the past few months, I had a miscarriage, and my mood was very unstable. I even thought that my grandfather had snatched the child's birth opportunity. I explained to my mother and aunt in advance to refuse to cook the funeral for the grandfather and not participate in his funeral.

In the early morning of that day, my parents kept discussing how the grandfather's funeral was in the living room, and I was sleeping in the bedroom. In the haze, I found that I was in the living room. My aunt and the late grandmother hurriedly broke into my house and rushed towards me. It seemed to blame me to help me cook the grandfather. My aunt didn't speak, just staring at me, and my grandmother said to me: "Aren't you talking about it?!"

My grandmother is the most gentle person to me. I have the desire to satisfy me as much as possible. I don't want to do what she does, and she will not force me.

"Grandma, I will always miss you and love you forever!"

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