The strongest idea of ​​this idea should be from a time when he returned to his hometown from a ticket. A little more, recall that you want to take a driver's license at first. Parents strongly opposed, saying that when they have money to buy a car, they have too late. At that time, I was in college graduation. Twenty years ago, as long as I had a driver's license, no matter what the practical skills, it was definitely an additional point in the interview. But parents just identify that there is a car to take a driver's license, and it is wasteful to have no car test. Seeing that I was hopeless in my hometown, I turned back and reported to the driving school in Beijing. In 40 days, even the theoretical belt was passed at one time. If it is not for the length of the car training, this period will be shortened a lot.

But at that time, I had missed several good job opportunities. Perhaps it is really related to not driving, or maybe it is the lack of other aspects. Later, I heard that the children of the aunt and the uncle's family went to the driver's license as soon as they were adults, and they were envious and jealous. The theory with the parents is another set of preaching. It was determined in their eyes that what girls were doing were wrong, and every penny spent was the cheapness of the younger brothers. So I was wrong again, because I really had no money at that time, and I knew that my parents would not give it. Later, I finally saved enough money to buy a car, and Beijing began to limit the number. When my parents learned that I complained that I would not plan to do things, I knew that I would support me if I was going to buy a car. But I clearly saw the amount of Beijing licenses from their eyes. I know that if you buy a car, you will soon become a toy for your younger brothers. So at the same time, I was fortunate that I didn't buy it.

Once, I always thought that the heavy men and women only existed in the native family, but I ignored my parents and brothers and sisters. Compared to me, they have known each other for a long time and the relationship is closer. In the practical experience of hope and despair again and again, I have to admit this fact.

I am afraid that I am afraid of staying for too long in a place, as if the door of the room will be opened in the next second, and the nightmare will never disappear with the environment. The same is true of living this time. So I chose to continue to travel.

There is a little savings in your hand. If you lie flat on the spot, you can make yourself comfortable for a while. But I dare not lie flat, as if on the way to "escape" can I learn a little sense of security. So I asked my friends to help me pay attention to the right used car. Yes, it is a used car, just walking. I have n’t drove for many years.

My parents have a car, and my father bought it with my money. The day before, my beloved dog just died because of his inaction. After the car was bought, he was borrowed countless times, which also made him make his face in front of relatives and friends. Just guarding me, I can't get it. Some time ago, my father was sick and hospitalized, and the car had not moved for a long time. He was worried that he would oppress the tires. After helping many people helping himself to move the car, he thought of me. Looking at the wolf borrowing in the car, I naively thought that I finally got the recognition of my parents, but I just changed a place to park.

Look, I am so stupid. I did not know the long memory in the last hundred times.

Regarding the idea of ​​buying a car, some friends support and some friends discouraged, but I can feel that the starting point they suggested is based on real concerns. Because their words are: considering that it can be affordable; this car is easy to cause failure and it is recommended to wait; you can try the feeling of the car first and make a decision; review the review regulations, especially some new policies ... and parents I only say: How can you get a driver's license so quickly, how can you get a driver's license so soon, fake; you do n’t know how to die if others are killed; what kind of car to buy a girl at home is a waste of money; you can’t understand something I still have to clean up the stalls ... so this time, I didn't plan to tell them at all. What's more, did they clean up the mess for me? If so, they are also caused by their own self -interest.

There are also friends that if I want to go farther, the train or plane is also very convenient. There is no need to drive by myself, tired. I replied to the other party: I need to hold the sense of control of the steering wheel. Is it naive? If there is a bird destined to fly throughout his life, it means death when stopping. I think I am this kind of bird. Although my friends are still worried, they still help me pay attention to the appropriate car.

I don't want to think so much about the sense of weakness of family relationships and the sense of confusion in life. At least on the road, I relax. I need a space to isolate myself from others, and I need to say more about the chips when I want to escape. I have imagined countless times when I am wild, and I have also imagined that countless times when the dogs are sitting in the co -pilot. But now, only a ray of hair with me. If you don't have an accident, you should accompany the end of life.

There are fewer and less luggage, and people are more and more silent. Even in the place where the scenery is very beautiful, I still like to nest in the room to read books and chase the drama. Occasionally listening to the sound of birds outside the window is enough. Perhaps my parents said right, I was numb and cold, because I learned to resist. Even if you have a lot of sores, at least have the power of lightness. I don't admit that they are deeply fear behind their desire to control, because they have their own siblings. The relatives who can humiliate me at will not be their backing.

It is getting lonely, more and more indifferent, and more and more people who push away from trying to care about me, because all the gifts are behind the price of humanity.

I said that I will leave my current residence before the end of the month. Friends say whether I can find the right thing to depend on God's will. Think too much, tired.


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