There is a strange phenomenon in modern society, that is, there are many older women's marriages that have been swimming. They are not unmarried, but they have lost their self -advantage in the years.

There was a fellow, who met me through the media introduction in more than 20 times. In fact, at that time, I didn't know how to talk about the object. Almost all talked about the urging in the home.

After we met, we never talked about feelings, that is, talking about the public account and the Internet, but this made their relatives misunderstand. Because the rich people who had sent me the past at the time, they probably thought I was rich.

They asked about how much I had an annual income, what car to drive, etc., and it was about to enter the state of marriage immediately. Later, if she met again, she invited her girlfriend to form a three -person group together, and we would not talk about emotional things. Later, I went out to work, and gradually faded each other.

In the next ten years, we are all ordinary friends, and occasionally just say a few words online. Later, when I went home, it had been ten years later. She was still single. Of course, this may be because people's eyes were too high.

I summarized the reason why single -old women who could not find true love was that there were problems with their own cognition. First of all, elderly women may still be a girl's mentality, and still want to meet Prince White Horse and get rich wealth. Their characteristics are extremely inconsistent with age, making people feel very awkward.

Secondly, elderly women often have a certain character, and they are easy to play with little cleverness. They think that these behaviors are amazing. In fact, it was these little cleverness that made her drive away.

For example, elderly women may deliberately dress up frugal and deliberately ask to buy cheaper things. They believe that as long as the man refuses to buy cheap things, buying her more expensive things shows that the other party is sincere. But what they don't know is that there are some simple boys who can't understand these winding around at all, and they think they just like to buy that cheap. These simple boys think that they want to respect each other's choices. It is these noble qualities but being translated as the opponent's stingy and embarrassed by older women.

I remember going out to eat as a friend. At first, the other party chose a good -looking restaurant, but the temporary other party changed his hexagram again, saying that it might as well go to another restaurant, and then finally went to a buffet hot pot. I thought I didn't go home all year round, maybe the other party knew where it was better. Who knows that after N years, the other party said, you are too stingy, ask me to eat a small hot pot. I suddenly felt particularly surprised. I respected your opinion. The other party said, do I say that you like to eat pancakes, do you go to buy pancakes? I said, yes, I will buy pancakes.

Therefore, many older women are too disguised, and it is these camouflage that makes them more likely to meet scumbags. Because for the scumbag, the scumbag likes to master the initiative and does not exist whether to respect the psychological burden of the other party's choice. Therefore, these young women of older women often make the scumbag more in line with expectations.

Again, most of the elderly women have girlfriends. They prefer to engage in three or more groups. For example, inviting a blind date to come and chat, they must bring their girlfriends. The electric bulb is always shining, and the communication of each other is definitely difficult to get in place.

Many parents also inertia thinks that since the other party brings her girlfriend, this shows that the other party has rejected you, and there is no need to continue to talk about marriage and marry in the future. For example, my mother, my mother is often used to think, because in my parents' view, the other person with a girlfriend means refusing.

To this day, I don't understand whether my mother's cognition is correct. For older women, if her girlfriend is married, it is easy to say that if girlfriends are also single, maybe girlfriends are more stinky.

Later, older women did not like to clarify their answers and like to play with ambiguous relationships. For example, the man may talk about marriage, so ask directly, can you marry me as a wife?

Some elderly women are particularly excited when they listen, and then they are very angry. Is it related to that level? You actually ask if you can be your wife? Do you want your wife to crazy?

It's as if the man violated the opponent's inverse scales. In fact, this is a very correct question. As for the emotional excitement of the elderly woman, it may be related to her past love history. For example, a man in the past said that she made her a wife. As a result, she lost and found that the other party deceived her. So when a similar scene appeared, she started to make no matter how she didn't care. This will make the man particularly embarrassing, and the monk also can't figure it out.

In fact, I think that for older men and women, such inquiries are a very rational move. Elderly women need to come out of some negative emotions in the past, seeking truth from facts to analyze the current situation, and make correct responses and judgments.

Without sincere treatment, you will not get sincere results. I think of all kinds of speculative ways to be clever, often missing a lot of beautiful encounters.

Of course, there are some older women who walk around. For example, I once saw a woman on the Internet with a man on a man and went to a very high -end restaurant. The woman ordered hundreds of thousands of things in one breath. The man went to the toilet and fled.

Afterwards, the woman felt particularly wronged, so I found a reporter to give the judges, and said that the man was too stingy. Isn't this normal consumption? Then he asked for men to pay off. This incident caused heated discussion among netizens. Everyone accused the woman of being a gold worship and expressed their understanding and support for the man left halfway.

For the first time in this news, the woman had a blind date with others and wanted to slaughter each other. The two sides did not understand each other. The woman dared to do this. Where is the blind date? Therefore, it is reasonable to be an elderly woman.

After that, some older women may be too smart. Perhaps she has a lot of blind date. She has not made up her mind for the time being. At this time, she said to someone. I am so good to anyone. If you like you, you can like it, you need to see your future performance.

This elderly woman thinks that she is smart, but she actually dug himself. In the understanding of a man, he will think that this is the other party rejected herself. At the same time, she is so good for so many men. Continue, is it just a licking dog?

Therefore, it is conceivable that there must be very few connections between the two sides. In addition, there is less opportunities for private communication, and the possibility of two people to the end is very small.

All in all, if old women want to find the right half of the right, they need to deeply analyze their advantages and disadvantages. Don't stubbornly think that these little cleverness is a good way to screen. Woolen cloth?

Some people can vote for it. You think you have encountered the other half of the better, and it may actually be your own calamity. Some people are always stupid. If you say whatever he said, he promises, maybe this is the innocent performance of the other party. You may feel that you have no interest, but you lose your beautiful marriage. Life is alive, three minutes are doomed, and seven points still need to rely on your own eyes and grasp.

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