On the midsummer night, the village's sunbathing field became a place for people to cool down and communicate emotions. The old people tell the ancient story. Women are talking about their parents, and children are playing or counting the stars in the sky. This simple leisure time is not only a bond between the emotional communication between people, but also a true portrayal of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. This traditional lifestyle is precious today with the rapid development of science and technology.

However, with the advent of the mobile Internet era, smartphones and networks have gradually penetrated into all aspects of our lives and changed our original rhythm and way of life. Social media, instant messaging tools and various entertainment applications occupy most of our leisure time. The flow of information on platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin came like floods, which made us unknowingly falling into a seemingly casual appearance, but it was actually a highly busy and mental state.

We are used to brushing mobile phones anytime, anywhere, for fear of missing any news or dynamics. Rather than using our mobile phones, it is better to use our mobile phones to use us. We were driven by information flow, lost the ability to choose independent choices, and became a leaf flat boat in the torrent of information, followed by waves. Those leisure time that should have belonged to our mobile phones and the Internet ruthlessly.

What's more serious is that we are farther and farther with ourselves, imagination, and thinking under the wild bombardment of this kind of information. Although the world on the screen is colorful, most of them are fragmented information and shallow entertainment. This information is filled with our lives, making it difficult for us to calm down to think and reflect in depth. We are getting more and more impetuous, and it is more and more likely to be controlled by the outside world.

This change is not only a change in personal lifestyle, but also a profound change in social culture and interpersonal relationships. Traditional face -to -face communication is gradually replaced by online communication. Public spaces such as the Gangu Farm and Tea House have become deserted and even disappeared. Although online communication is convenient and fast, it is difficult to carry deep emotions and real experiences. The relationship we established in the virtual world is often shallow and fragile, lacking real temperature and texture.

In the face of this change, we need to review our lifestyle and values. Although mobile phones and networks have brought convenience and entertainment, we cannot let them dominate our lives. We need to take the initiative to find those forgotten leisure time and regain the real and deep emotional communication between people. We need to find a balance in a fast -paced life, let ourselves have time and space to think quietly, and feel the beauty of life.

First of all, we need to learn self -management and reasonably allocate time. You can set the daily period of use of your mobile phone to avoid swipe screen without restraint. You can set up a "mobile phone area" at home, such as next to the dining table and in the bedroom to minimize the frequency of using mobile phones in these areas. In this way, we can make more time to perform face -to -face communication and interaction.

Secondly, we need to cultivate more hobbies and enrich our content of life. You can participate in some offline activities, such as reading clubs, fitness, travel, etc., expand your social circle, and increase your chances of contact with others. Through these activities, we can not only enrich our own life experience, but also meet more like -minded friends to establish a more real and deeper interpersonal relationship.

At the same time, we need to pay attention to the emotional communication between family and friends. You can regularly organize family gatherings or friends to dinner to create more opportunities for communication. You can try some common activities with your family or friends, such as walking, outing, cooking, etc., to increase the time and quality of interaction. Through these methods, we can enhance the emotional bonds between families and friends, and feel more warmth and support.

In addition, we also need to pay attention to our spiritual life, cultivate the habit of deep thinking and self -reflection. Some meditation activities can be carried out on a regular basis, such as meditation, writing diaries, reading classics, etc., to enhance your internal cultivation and spiritual realm. Through these activities, we can better understand ourselves, find the peace and satisfaction of our hearts, and improve our happiness and quality of life.

Of course, we cannot ignore the positive impact of technology. Mobile phones and networks do bring a lot of convenience and opportunities for our lives. We can use these technology tools to obtain more information and knowledge, and improve our ability and level. The key is to learn to use it correctly to avoid being led by his nose.

In short, in this era of rapid change, we need to maintain a sober mind, rationally use the convenience brought by technology, and to cherish those traditional leisure time. We need to find a balance in a fast -paced life, so that ourselves can enjoy the convenience of modern technology, but also feel the beauty and truth of life. In this way, we can better cope with the changes in the times and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

We might as well think about those old leisure time. On the midsummer night, the old people told a moving story on the village's sunbathing field, and the children counted the stars in the sky. What a pure and beautiful time that is. In such an environment, we can not only relax our body and mind, enjoy the fun of life, but also conduct in -depth thinking and exchanges to enhance our inherent cultivation and spiritual realm.

Although modern life is fast and stressful, we can still find our own leisure time. You can choose a quiet morning and read a good book quietly; you can choose a sunny afternoon and stroll alone on the tree -lined road in the park; you can choose a bright star to chat with your family on the terrace. Through these methods, we can recover the long -lost tranquility and beauty, and feel the truth and warmth of life.

Leisure time is not only the adjustment of life, but also our inner habitat. In this era full of changes and challenges, we need to learn to find a tranquil harbor in busy, so that we have time and space to think, feel, and grow. Only in this way can we better cope with various pressures and challenges in life, and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Let us cherish those old leisure time, and also create their own new leisure time. Find a balance in a fast -paced life, stay sober in the convenience of technology, and keep yourself in the torrent of information. In this way, we can not only improve our quality of life, but also contribute to the harmony and progress of society.

In this era of rapid change, let's work together to find the long -lost tranquility and beauty, cherish those old leisure time, and create our own new leisure time In this era of changing and challenges, we must cherish the old In the free time of the day, we must also strive to create your own new leisure time. Whether reading through meditation or relaxing our body and mind in nature, we can find our own tranquility and beauty. In the fast -paced modern life, learning self -management, rationalizing the convenience brought by technology, and maintaining the real and deep emotional communication between people are the key to improving the quality of life. Let's work together to find tranquility in busyness, maintain ourselves in the torrent of information, feel the beauty of life with heart, and make each moment full of meaning and warmth. In this way, we can not only better cope with various pressures and challenges in life, but also contribute to the harmony and progress of society. Let leisure time a habitat in our hearts and make life more fulfilling and meaningful. , Make life fuller and meaningful.

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