The logic of paste is a concept proposed by psychologist Wu Zhihong to describe those ways and behaviors that have no boundaries and sticking to each other. In real life, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Many people under the guise of "good for you". This behavior not only triggers contradictions and conflicts, but also leads to increasingly tense relationships. The logic of paste is not a kind of kindness, but the lack of education. In this regard, I have the following points.

First of all, the logic of paste reflects a way of thinking that lacks boundaries. In psychology, the border refers to the individual's psychological and emotional to clearly distinguish between the boundaries between themselves and others. This boundary is based on respecting the autonomy and privacy of others. However, many people often do not realize this boundary when dealing with interpersonal relationships. They thought they were helping others, but they were actually invading the private field of others. For example, some parents always use "good for you" to interfere with their children's lives, choose their careers, friends, and even marriage. This approach not only makes children feel depressed and disgusted, but also destroys the harmony of parent -child relationships.

Secondly, the logic of paste led to contradictions and conflicts. People without borders often cannot understand and respect the wishes and needs of others. Their kindness often becomes a burden and pressure on others. When others refuse their "good intentions", they will feel puzzled and angry, thinking that the other party does not know how to do it, and even has hostile emotions. This situation is particularly common in intimacy. The excessive care and control of one party often causes strong resentment and resistance of the other party, and eventually leads to the breakdown of the relationship. The contradictions between husband and wife, friends, and colleagues often caused by one party that one party could not respect the boundaries of the other.

Third, the logic of paste covers true goodwill and education. True kindness and education can respect the wishes and choices of others while helping others. Real concern is not to impose their own ideas and requirements, but to understand and support others. Those who are under the guise of "good for you" and infringe on the border of others are actually lacking true education. They did not learn how to express their care and love correctly, and did not learn how to respect the autonomy of others. Their behavior seems enthusiastic, but selfishness, because they only care about their feelings and ignore the feelings of others.

To solve the problem of paste logic, we need to start from the following aspects. First of all, we must strengthen self -awareness and clarify the boundaries of their borders and others. Everyone has their own lifestyle and values. We must learn to respect and tolerate the differences in others. Secondly, learn to express care and help correctly. Before helping others, we must first understand the needs and wishes of the other party, rather than apply their own good intentions blindly. Third, cultivate good communication skills. Through effective communication, misunderstandings and conflicts can be reduced, and each other's understanding and trust can be enhanced. Finally, improve your own education and cultivation. Education is not only reflected in external politeness and behavior, but also in the inner respect and understanding. Only with good education can we truly care about others without crossing the border.

In actual life, we often encounter various interpersonal problems. The key to solving these problems is whether we can correctly understand and handle the boundaries between people. The root cause of paste logic lies in the lack of boundaries, and the fundamental way to solve this problem is to enhance the sense of boundaries, cultivate respect and understand the ability of others. Whether in family, friends or workplace relations, respecting the boundaries of others is the foundation of maintaining a good relationship.

In family relations, the border between parents and children is particularly important. Many parents think they are good for their children, but they are actually interfered with their own autonomy. For example, parents over -care about their children's study, work and marriage, and even forced their children to live according to their wishes. This not only makes the children feel depressed and disgusted, but also can cause the rupture of parent -child relationships. Parents should learn to respect their children's wishes and give them enough freedom and space. Only in this way can we establish a healthy and harmonious parent -child relationship.

In the relationship between friends, respect for each other's border is equally important. The care and help between friends should be based on respecting the wishes of the other party. If one party always tries to control and interfere with the lives of the other party, over time, friendship will change. True friendship is a relationship of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual support, rather than one party's control and interference in the other.

In the workplace relationship, respecting the boundaries between colleagues and superiors are the key to maintaining a good working atmosphere. Leaders should respect the working methods and lifestyles of their subordinates, rather than excessive interference and control. The subordinates should also respect the authority and decision -making of the leaders, rather than challenging and questioning at will. Only on the basis of mutual respect can we establish a good cooperative relationship and improve work efficiency and team cohesion.

In today's society, with the rapid development of information technology and the diversification of interpersonal communication, the problem of paste logic has become more prominent. In the face of complicated interpersonal relationships, people are often easier to lose in the ocean of information, ignoring the boundaries and respect between people. In this era of high degree of interconnection, how to properly handle interpersonal relationships, how to keep enthusiasm and not cross -border, becoming a problem that everyone needs to think deeply.

First, we need to reflect on our behavior and thinking mode. The formation of paste logic often stems from our own cognitive deviation and psychological needs. For example, some people try to meet their psychological needs by controlling others because of their lack of security; while others ignore the feelings and needs of others because of excessive self -confidence. By self -reflection, we can better understand our behavior motivation and make adjustments in behavior.

Secondly, we should actively cultivate the same mind. The so -called empathy refers to thinking about problems from the perspective of others and understanding the emotions and needs of others. The empathy not only helps us to better communicate and communicate with others, but also enhance our respect for the border of others. In daily life, we can gradually cultivate and improve our empathy by listening to the voice of others, observing the emotional response of others.

In addition, the social education and cultural atmosphere also plays an important role in solving the logic of paste. School education should focus on cultivating students' boundaries and social skills, and help students understand and respect the boundaries of others through the form of mental health courses and team cooperation activities. Family education is equally important. Parents should lead by example, respect their children's wishes and autonomy, and set a good example for their children. The improvement of the social and cultural atmosphere requires the active guidance of the media and public figures. By promoting and advocating the values ​​of others, it will create a more tolerant and understanding social environment.

Finally, we must realize that the solution of paste logic is not a one -time work, but a long -term process. We need to continue to learn and practice in daily life, and continue to reflect and improve. In this process, tolerance and understanding are the key. Everyone has their own growth trajectory and cognitive methods. We must learn to tolerate the shortcomings of others, understand the dilemma of others, and gradually establish mutual respect and trust interpersonal relationships through continuous communication and communication.

In short, the logic of paste is a way of thinking and behavior that lacks boundaries. It not only triggers contradictions and conflicts, but also destroys the harmony of interpersonal relationships. By strengthening self -awareness, cultivating empathy, and improving social education and cultural atmosphere, we can gradually solve this problem and establish a healthier and harmonious interpersonal relationship. Respecting the boundaries of others is the foundation of maintaining a good relationship; only on the basis of respect and understanding, can we realize true concern and help, we can find our own position in a complicated society, be happier and happy to live life. Through continuous efforts and practice, we can make society more tolerant and harmonious, so that everyone can find their own happiness and satisfaction in respect and understanding.

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