The Internet is full of prompts about how to achieve the goals: start the intention of small -scale implementation, delete temptation and build habits from the environment. Essence Essence Although this behavior strategy may be very useful, only the key aspects that they may miss the goal of success: why do you first pursue the goal.

Studies have shown that people are more likely to make progress and achieve their favorite goals, to maintain the same goals as their values ​​and self -concepts, or they have determined to be personal. Get praise or approval, be rewarded or avoid punishment-but, it cannot reliably predict the progress of the target. ² ² ² ²

I have been witnessing this in my own life.

A few weeks before work every morning, I have almost no trouble when I work in the story every morning. At the same time, I have always moved the manual instead of the boring work task from the list of the day to do it to the next one, which lasted for two weeks. This comes from a person who is proud of high self -control .

So, what promotes the progress of what we think is pleasant, meaningful or important? (From now on, I call these goals as "I want the goal.*)

In this article, we will discuss science at the intersection of our goal, self -control and motivation. This is a story about why it is so powerful. I end the story by answering some of the questions that the study may be raised.

The goal you want is easier (even if it is not)

Some goals are just easier. This is a group of social psychologists concluded after studying the desire of motivation and target progress (in fact, this is the title of their papers).

They demand about 180 college students to list the three personal goals they are currently pursuing, and how difficult it is for each goal. Then they followed these students in a semester. Throughout the research process, participants feel easy and easy for pursuing goals.

"As a result, participants found that they wanted to achieve their goals, no matter how difficult they were at first."

The results show that participants find that the goals they want are easier to achieve, no matter how difficult their initial scores of their goals. They have also made more relaxed goals.

Another study specifically studied interests-one aspect of motivation and discovered similar results. Compared with participants who do not like mathematics, after solving (quite dull) mathematical problems, the participants who like mathematics feel less fatigue after solving (quite dull) mathematics problems. Although it is more likely to choose more serious mathematical issues, they do this.

How researchers explain their results:

"People who like to give a given task may be more likely to think that it is easier or tired to engage in this task.

Therefore, when you do something you think of fun, even if you are working hard, you will not find its loss. Then you want to do more things.

It seems that there are some goals that you want to make self -control easier (even unnecessary).

Want to make our motivation reduces our attractiveness to temptation

"I can't give up cheese." When people heard me eat (mainly all food) plant -based diet, this may be my most common comment. I don't blame them; five years ago, when I saw a vegetarian, I could say the same thing.

Because I loved my cheese at that time. I put it on the bread every morning. I once joked that "Palma -style Palma cheese". I considered a corn film platter and generously helped one of my favorite foods.

Because of my love for cheese, I am surprised to say that "no" and many other delicious animal food are easy. Maybe I only have a great willpower. However, according to my reading research, it may also be my source of motivation-I changed my diet because it was very important to me and made it easier to choose eagle-mouth beans instead of Car Da cheese.

Studies have shown that positive goals may cover the temptation by automatically guiding a person to achieve their goals.擅 seems to be particularly good at activating these unconscious processes and prevent temptation.

"A study found that for personal reasons, participants who want healthy consumption are more actively evaluating healthy food than unhealthy food."

A study found that participants who wanted healthy consumption for personal reasons (wanted motivation) actively evaluated healthy foods more actively than unhealthy food. There is only a small tendency for unhealthy food. Bleak

However, are these discoveries into settings in real life?

The same researcher conducted two other studies. They followed the quality of motivation, perception of obstacles and hard work. Bleak

The results of the two studies are similar:

  • When pursuing the goal they want, there are fewer obstacles (temptation) encountered by participants.
  • Participants do not work more or less on the goal that wants goals, rather than the goals.
  • Participants are more likely to achieve their desired goals.

Based on these results, even in real life, it seems to avoid the goal of temptation. As a result, we have made greater progress in these goals without more effort. Maybe this effect helps me stick to a plant -based diet.

However, sometimes we need to restore some good old will to get rid of the temptation. In these cases, can I also protect us with motivation?

Wanting motivation will reduce the cost of self -control

Suppose I went to my friend at a barbecue party, but the only plant food provided was roasted corn and pineapple. When I roared vegetables with my stomach, someone pushed a plate of meat on my face. Nevertheless, I decided to politely reject sausages. Once I came home from the party, I would eat a proper meal.

Based on the classic and controversial self -control force models, saying that "no" to such a temptation will consume my willpower reserves and make me easily be seduced. When I get home, I may buy it from my partner, or carnival in a barrel of vexyy ice cream as my meals. (I described this effect in detail in an article about relaxed self -control .)

However, for reasons, is self -control that is also exhausted?

Well, most of the research that will happen when we apply self -control to make participants through a series of exercises that need to be controlled or suppressed. Some scholars criticize this method because it may cause participants to experience motivation.

These critics show that modifying the research design may change and discover. it has:

  • The participants lasted longer in the self -controlling task (holding the handmade) after resisting the temptation of the temptation biscuits, because they wanted the reason (because it felt important or like an interesting challenge), and It is not a reason (because they want the experimenters to like them, or if they eat biscuits, they will feel the inner GUI).
  • Participants who were rewarded because they participated in an interesting video who had to control the laughter in a interesting video to be rewarded in subsequent mode recognition tasks (how they controlled laughter) for rewards in the subsequent mode recognition task.

The following quotation is well summarized. It is found that it is found:

"The result shows that self -control is affected by the feeling of mission. It feels more outerly self -control than the feeling of self -control, and the feeling of self -control is more personal. The idea is why someone is engaged in the task (making choices or exerting self -control) is very important for him or her

Therefore, now we know why it is easier to make progress in interesting, important or meaningful goals: because (because unconsciously) stands on the side of our side and effort Stay away from temptation.

Therefore, if you want to make your goal more likely to achieve your goal, select a goal to light up.

This is where the story is over. kind of. Essence Essence

Question and Answer: This story may cause some questions-there are some answers

When studying this story, I realized that it might ask some questions among readers:

  1. Should I give up everything I don't like and follow my interests?
  2. Who can cultivate these relaxed longing goals?
  3. What if I do n’t really like or cherish any activities? How can I use it?

Next, I want to answer these questions. Although I do this, I will also introduce some cool research, which are not suitable for the main part of the story.

1. Should I give up everything I don't like and follow my interests?

"Find your favorite job, you will never work in your life."

I dare to be sure that many of you have heard this. And, if we consider the research we just cover, we can say that there are some truths. Nevertheless, it may not be wise to give up all boring activities and pursue fun.


Sometimes the boring task is part of a common interesting job (this is also suitable for hobbies). I delayed the task of two weeks of work is an example. Yes, this is a bit boring. But most of my work is not. I think it will be interesting, important or meaningful without any work at 100 %. But this may have 75 %. It doesn't matter. Just complete the less interesting task and continue what you enjoy.

If we try to browse work and life based on interest, it is easy to fall into a passion trap : "The more you enjoy the emphasis on your favorite work, the more you will become the more you have every minute you have. Unhappy. Things (the definition of goals must be achieved).

Sometimes a boring activity will become your favorite activity. "Emotional follow -up action" is what the podcast and super runner like Rich Roll. Therefore, don't claim that you lack a motivation to start a activity. Try it to see how you feel when you are doing. In fact, I originally thought that many of the tasks of "boring" once I stopped delaying and actually engaged in their work, it would become more pleasant.

No fun has always been interesting. After the social dance party held last weekend, I talked to a man. He obviously was disappointed and frustrated by the dance that day. Nevertheless, he did not intend to quit smoking completely based on this experience. He knew that in some days, you felt that in other days, you did not.

So this is my answer: No, you should not give up everything you don't like (unless you want to perform personal experiments and take risks). but. Essence Essence

When you do not rely on the payment of the payment of the electricity fee or your daughter's day care, the power of interest is stupid, especially because the goal you want will bring more types of happiness goals.

2. Can anyone cultivate these relaxed goals?

The brief answer is: "Maybe." This is a slightly longer and longer answer:

Studies have found that about 75-80 % of motivation differences come between goals-not between people. EMINE is also reflected in the feeling of pursuing goals. In other words, this is not to say that some people's goals feel easier. It is some goals easier than other goals.

"This is not to say that some people's goals feel easier; it is some goals easier than other goals."

But this is a warning: in an environment that supports a person's basic psychological needs (autonomy, correlation, abilities), it seems that it can help people choose the goal that really interested. For example, you think it may be more difficult to make some choices-cultivate the goal you want.

Therefore, the first step is to find a more secure environment for you and leave those environments that do not have. Choose a running group. When you go out online, you will feel the excitement of other members, and then choose to exit the dance class, where the teacher is discerning individual students.

If I sound easily, I apologize. no. It may take months or even years to start cultivating the real desire goal. In some cases, obtaining professional help may be useful. When you feel good, you want more goals to follow naturally.

3. What if I do n’t really like or cherish any activities? How can I use it?

You need to know what you like before choosing the goal, which feels too much (of course I have been there). I also think this is unnecessary. I believe you can find out your enjoyment and cherishment by doing what you do; thinking may actually hinder this process.

You can perform experiments, not to be paralyzed by analysis. You can almost choose new activities randomly. Alternatively, if you need to solve it urgently, please be completely random: choose two activities and flip a coin.

After looking for interesting courses near me, I signed a poetic course (I was actually looking for a course in the impromptu theater). Although I was afraid of sharing my graffiti with others, I signed it.

When conducting experiments, pay attention to your feelings. If certain activities have turned you into a stars (do this), please choose. If it is "NAW", continue the next.

You can't find the next big event. However, you may learn some knowledge about your own. I did not continue to enter the second semester of poetry courses, but I learned that even if this is terrible, I like to share my writing.

"Instead of trying to choose your goal, but to ignite your goal to choose you."

The method I just described turned out the search target's search scope. Rather than trying to light up your goal, you should choose you to choose you.

I recently heard a conversation between two friends on the subway.其中之一是批评大多数人练习一种乐器的方式:“人们在无聊的公司中练习无聊的歌曲。难怪他们不想打得太多。”这两个朋友继续分享他们如何通过使他们更有趣来It becomes more consistent with their hobbies.

Therefore, let's accept their suggestions, and then choose interesting songs to play and play on Fun Company's interesting musical instruments. Our performance may be longer and more frequent than before. And become happier in the process.

Note and reference

I collected all notes and references in this Google document. If you want to dig deeper, check it out.

If you are interested in learning more about easy self -control, please check my article "The Secret Life of a person with high self -control" (easier than you think) .

If you are constantly playing between hobbies and interests, you may cause me to resonate with articles that cannot continue to like things: nomadic interest .

But is self -control always a good thing? In the case of self -control failure, more information about this.

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