There will be some good things in this world, and some bad things will happen. However, these things seem to happen suddenly. In fact, there are signs before it happened.

I remember that I went home many years ago. At that time, the villagers and developers in our village had serious differences in villagers and developers. My mother is a person who is not allowed to rest. Everything says, so he is remembered by some villains. In addition, some people are constantly encouraging from behind, she feels more and more feelings of the incarnation of justice, and never obey my suggestions.

At that time at home, the thermos would explode suddenly, and some accidents appeared on the grave on the mountain. Weeds were ignited because of firecrackers, and they were finally extinguished. These things are not auspicious, so I let my mother do not participate in those things that have no results, which is not good for her. My mother agreed verbally that she was actually reluctant to obey.

During that time, her personality became very suffocating, and many behaviors were difficult to understand. For example, our family went to the bathhouse in the county to take a bath to welcome the New Year. As a result, the whole family was washed, and she was unwilling to wash it, just to save such money. The clothes she wore were red, and she was smoked within three meters, and she didn't care.

Since my brother already had two children after getting married, and I was not married yet, she started to suppress me with words while eating. Essence Then I encouraged my dad to borrow money from me to build a house for my brother.

What made me feel that she was swollen to the extreme is that she was actually present in outsiders that she did not see my dad at all, and she could find a better one casually. After so many years of divorce, I came to rear again. After the compound, such a rampant speech made people feel that she was too inflated.

Because I was a New Year, I did not get angry, but it did not mean that I agreed with her. Until the day of the third day of the year, her words would die.

At noon that day, she went out and went to the door. My brother's family also took a car to take the child to the county seat to buy delicious one. Their family was going to visit. Dad hotly gave me the dumplings, and then said, you want to eat first, it's not too early.

I said, wait for them to come back to eat together. As a result, I waited left and right. Until at one o'clock in the afternoon, my mother came back from the outside, and I just ate a dumplings at this time. My mother came to the house and looked at the dumplings that my dad had just hot, and then asked, where did you go?

My father answered that he took the children to the county.

My mother started to get angry, muttering, no wonder I went to the county seat, and I didn't eat it.

The meaning of my mother's words was that my dad and I abused her second son and did not give them, so they went to the county to find food. But the actual situation is that they go to the county seat to be their decision, and they want to take their children to play.

When I heard this, I was angry. These days, she either laughed at my dad or laughed at me every day. I suddenly said loudly, what do you say? What are you talking about? I don't give them a bite? Fortunately, you can say!

Then she was my mother after all. I couldn't beat her, but the anger still made me kick a woody miscellaneous. At this time, my dad and my grandma advised me. I came back for a year when I was working outside, and I did not expect that she had turned like this.

She saw my angry mood and was unwilling to show weakness, so she had to pack up and leave the house, and packed it again and again that I would break the relationship between my mother and child with you.

My dad and my grandma hurried to stop her, soothe him, and then blamed me again. So I said that she had begun to reverse black and white so that there would be an accident in this way.

My dad said that after all, it was your mother. When she was in the New Year, she went to your uncle's house to talk about these things and would come to you to comment.

I said, what should he do in the future?

My dad said that something happened in the accident. Now you can't let your mother go.

In the end, with my dad and my grandmother, she did not leave, but instead said this as this way: I am dissatisfied with my brother in my house.

So I returned to my room and started to get angry. After my brother came back, my mother said to my room again, "Don't say this matter, don't affect your relationship.

I don't understand why she is doing such right and wrong. I am not because of this reason, but because I am worried that she will have an accident in the future. She is almost reaching an indispensable point.

My dad may not be angry. When I cook and stir -fry, I found that he always seemed to be hesitant when he was cooking for cooking and did not dare to make the Lord. This shows that it may often be pushed by my dad Pua, which has been psychologically reflected.

Later, my dad's cousin, that is, my grandma's nephew, brought some gifts to visit my grandma after the year. After receiving these gifts, my mother felt that the gift was still exchanged. Good wine, take it for drinking.

I didn't expect my mother to say so suddenly. It is reasonable to spey it. But in her here, it became a gift.

When I came, my mother asked me about the two bottles of wine?

I said that Moutai was expensive for decades, so I gave this bottle of collecting version of Moutai. Uncle cousin is naturally very happy.

After my cousin left, I asked my mother, why did I ask my bottle expensive?

My mother said that he would send him a cheap. In fact, the cheap Wuliangye she didn't know was 660 yuan, and the collection of Moutai for so many years has been tens of thousands of. Then after knowing this truth, this year was even worse.

Then she seemed to be confused, and she didn't admit it at all about my transfer. These things made me very sad. For example, after building a house, I did not install the door at that time. I repeatedly urged me to say that I still needed some money, and I said that the roads had to be repaired. Every family had to pay money. Thousand yuan. I did not expect that a few years later, she actually said that it was not my money. You should know that because of some changes, I was borrowed from Boss Lin. For this reason, I was postponed to repay the time and was criticized by others.

There are too many things like this, so I don't want to involve money in money anymore. I can buy filial piety, but no longer money. When I went out to work again, no one in her home stopped her thoughts, and finally jumped into the trap.

I remember that she called me once and said that now the villagers are fighting for interests. Whoever donated one thousand and who donated 5,000, did you not express it?

I said, I do not support their unreasonable troubles, but I can switch to 200 yuan.

My mother then pushed me a WeChat and asked me to transfer to that person himself. I refused to add WeChat, and then said, I'll transfer it to you, you transfer to them, don't say that I transfer to me, I don't need these honors.

Later, I had a dream, and I dreamed that my mother jumped into the pits that others dug, and I couldn't climb again. That day my mother and a lot of people went to drink tea, and even the mobile phone confiscated. He still lost his temper with others. Unfortunately, people would not get used to her. It is estimated that she should be regretful in her life in the next year. It's time.

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