In today's society, it seems that everyone desires to own more without realizing that only when we strip away all the flashy things and return to reality as ourselves can we have a simple and comfortable life. In 1845, American writer Henry David Thoreau went to Walden Pond and built a small wooden house, after living there for two years two months two days he realized a principle, if a person can satisfy basic needs, that person can live freely and comfortably. By getting rid of unnecessary things in life, you will realize what truly matters to you. Have you truly let go of anything among the four things below? If not, review it again and think carefully before making a decision.

First: Let go of meaningless social relationships

At home, rely on parents, go out, rely on friends. Perhaps because of this saying, many of us often do not forget to give out phone numbers everywhere, as well as willingly save others' numbers in our own phones. Many people consider getting phone numbers or taking photos with others as a sign of their social status. However, very few people understand that social relationships are natural products that cannot be forced. In society, many people have encountered those who always talk about social relationships and their biggest hobby is to show off how many good friends they have on social media. Visiting the personal pages of these people, you will see that today they go to this coffee shop, tomorrow they go to another karaoke place and get so drunk that they pass out.

Every party he attends, but what is called social relationships cannot be built on such drinking parties, then you will realize that social relationships consume a lot of your time and energy, in fact, they are useless relationships. You put your heart and soul into a relationship, but in the end, it's bitter to realize that the other person doesn't care about you at all, if you are not strong enough, those social relationships are actually useless. Only equal exchanges can receive proper help. Drinking a lot does not mean you are sociable, don't let meaningless drinking parties harm your health and miss out on many real opportunities for happiness. True friends do not need to rely on food and drinks or drinking parties to maintain relationships, instead of that, bring your spouse, parents, and children to enjoy more useful happiness.

Second: Let go of the habit of complaining that has become a habit

When faced with troubles, most of us often complain even though we know that complaining does not help. But still cannot hold back those words of complaint. However, everyone needs to understand that if this bad habit is not changed, it will make our lives more suffocating.

Accumulating the habit of complaining will manifest in every word, action, and look, then deeply ingrained into your personality. So, your life, your personality will be difficult to become beautiful. Poet Tago once said: If you cry because you miss the sun. Then you will miss the stars. Many times, if we complain a little bit, we will only continue to receive more complaints. Meanwhile, if we make an effort to escape the emotion of anger, you will find that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

Jack Ma also said: Don't let complaining and whining become a habit. If you occasionally complain or whine, it's okay. However, if it becomes a habit, it will be like young wine, the more you drink, the more thirsty you become. On the road to success, you will see that successful people are those who do not complain, nor do they often whine. The world will not remember what you say, but it will certainly not forget what you have done. So instead of forming a habit of complaining, find ways to improve your own life, it will be better for you and those around you.

Third: Let go of fake friends

Fake friends are there when you are successful, they will always be by your side, friendly, seemingly very compatible. However, when you encounter difficulties or failures, you will suddenly find that they become very busy. Interactions between people are mostly built on what is called value, the higher your value, the more friends you will have, and this type of friend needs to understand that they are only temporary friends, those who surround you all day and make you feel satisfied are not necessarily your true friends. True friends need to go through time, even a lot of time to truly understand.

Time cannot steal true friends, and conversely, years will reveal fake emotions. So associate with those who value you when you are poor, they will help you. Associate with a true friend when you fall to the depths of disappointment, they will be there to encourage you. Associate with someone who guides you, they will voluntarily be a stepping stone to lift you up and help you overcome the uncertainties. Associate with someone who dares to criticize you, always awaken you, supervise and urge you, they will help you realize that you are not perfect and actively change.

Fourth: Let go of those who do not love you

From which aspect of this world and the relationship between people makes people feel most painful. There is no doubt, the ethics of the world is nothing but our circumstances that we cannot change the environment, on the contrary, the relationship between people is the most troublesome place for us. You may think that it is simply that people's hearts are not good, human relationships have problems, and relationships with relatives and friends are absolutely reliable. Thinking about it this way is truly idealistic and idealizing in life is often not implemented.

Because life is ultimately real and will leave unforgettable pain for us. It can be said that the more relatives and friends you have, the less reliable they are, because their relationship with you is very close. Behind the close relationship is the betrayal and twistedness of human hearts. You may find this hard to believe. However, after experiencing it, people will understand that what the ancients said is relatively true or not. No matter how close they are to you, if your relatives and friends treat you like that, it shows that they don't think much of you.

There are always people in the world who don't like you and people you don't like, this is completely normal. Moreover, no matter how good you are, no matter how good the other person is, there will always be strict demands that both sides may not be able to satisfy. The reason is that good or bad is one thing and like or dislike is another. Emotions are something that cannot be forced, if you cannot get it, let go and give up. Don't let someone who doesn't love you waste your precious enthusiasm. Everyone living in this world should not lose their happiness, comfort in a place where they are not liked. Just live with those you like, love, that is the most positive attitude towards life.

Each age will have its own mentality, as people age, they learn to compromise rather than compete for victory, from clearly distinguishing between square and round, we become more flexible, no longer as stubborn as before. We will also understand that many things and people in this world are not important, not mandatory, and not necessary. Making others happy is not as good as making yourself happy first, you can live happily, live healthily, love yourself sincerely, and be happy with time, that's enough for life.

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