Always busy, always in a hurry, you will lose yourself

There is a philosophical story like this. A group of Westerners came to the virgin forest in Africa to survey, and they invited the locals to be their guides. They were opening the way and walking at the same time, on the third day the indigenous people said they would rest for a day. The Westerners were puzzled why they had to stop. The indigenous people said because we have traveled a long way so we have to stop and wait a bit for the soul to catch up.

Today's pace is getting faster, busy with adulthood, busy with college entrance exams, busy with work, busy getting married, so busy and in a hurry that when you suddenly look back you realize you have aged but everything is still unfinished. A philosopher once said I believe that everyone who comes to this world already has a position that suits them best. Truly talented people are never busy, nor in a hurry. They believe that there is always a place for them, what is needed will come, what should not be there will be forgotten early, the hardest thing in life is not to run fast but to walk calmly.

Establishing a career, not in a hurry, maybe just achieving success late

The ancients said haste makes waste, not being in a hurry means not caring about small gains, and if you care about small gains, it is difficult to achieve great things. The achievements of a person are accumulated over the years, still waters run deep, those who suddenly excel in a certain field, it is actually the result of years of accumulation, in the end it bursts out. We do not do well in everything because we worry too much and make many mistakes, only by living slowly can you see your flaws, reflect on life, learn lessons, and avoid making more mistakes. Everyone has their own rhythm and blooming period, no one is the same as another.

Do not underestimate yourself just because you see the achievements of others, also do not become arrogant and conceited because of your own little success. A common point of successful people is that they are not in a hurry, truly strong people are never in a hurry. They allow themselves to live slowly, allow everything to react, and allow life to happen not as desired for a while. The CEO of Amazon once asked investment legend Warren Buffet a question that his investment philosophy is very simple, why don't others copy his investment approach. Buffet replied that because most people do not want to get rich slowly.

In this busy pursuit of success era, there are many people craving for success to make money quickly, few are willing to stabilize themselves, but in reality those who crave for quick success and want to get rich overnight often fail early. On the contrary, those who are willing to slowly build a solid foundation and gradually improve themselves will step closer to success. Outstanding people are those who know how to persevere in learning, willing to endure and work harder than others. Only when you allow yourself to live slowly, good things will slowly happen.

Slowing down will make everything smooth, slowing down will bring peace to people, only by letting everything happen step by step can we move forward firmly. Life has ups and downs, this is very normal if you always want to be successful quickly, then you will be very tired. It is better to follow the flow, enjoy the process of development and maturity. It is not rare for a person living in the countryside to find the right direction for themselves at the age of 40, 50, or even 60, just like most ripe fruits on the mountain are not picked until the end of autumn, after the dew falls if not sure it will still be bitter.

Although many people think of many ways to make the fruit ripen faster, the taste will not be as desired. Just slow down, as long as the direction is not wrong, you will go through your whole life, although not brilliant, but certainly not regretful.

Let go of worries, not in a hurry, leave everything to time

In fact, the more a person forces themselves to do something or quickly forget something, the less likely they will achieve the desired results, moreover, each time they force themselves will make us remember some unpleasant memories that happened and then immerse ourselves in that vicious circle. Intelligent people will not deliberately forget anything, instead they leave everything to time. It is necessary to believe that time is the best medicine, it can heal all wounds. A Zen master once said people outside eat without focusing on eating, when they go to sleep they think randomly.

But when we eat, we eat, when we sleep, we sleep, just those two things. In life, out of 10 things, there are eight or nine things that do not go as desired. But in the end, there are still one or two good things. Most worries can only be resolved by ourselves, telling anyone will not be useful, do not rush to escape worries immediately, perhaps having many worries is just a way to challenge ourselves to gain the wisdom of calmness amidst the busyness.

Birth, old age, sickness, death, not in a hurry, just live your own way

Someone once said, sooner or later everyone will reach the end point of life, no one can escape it. If you go too fast, it means you are running towards your own end, from the day you were born if you keep running like that, you will soon run out of life. Living in this world, some people chase after money, some seek fame, some prefer a peaceful life. Everyone has a different way of living. If you are always jealous of others, then today you become Pham Ba, tomorrow you become Nguyen Tu, the day after tomorrow you become Tran Nam, like that you will not have time to be yourself.

How do you want a house, very big or very beautiful or must be very grand. There are people who are very poor all their lives living in an old small house, but still always happy. Some people live their whole lives in a bustling city. Those with a mind will never blindly imitate anyone. They live their lives in the way they like best, others may live and die pursuing a bustling city but they may sell their city house and return to the countryside to live a peaceful life. In life, we can choose a comfortable life, or we can choose a wealthy life, but we must live slowly, enjoy every moment of life. Try to give yourself certain moments of silence in life.

Those moments of silence to be able to forget all time, forget all worries, forget all age, you do not have to seek existence because you are yourself, not anyone else. We cannot decide our old age and death, but you can completely transform into your own happiness, and live according to your own desires. Starting from today, be a person who is not in a hurry, not busy, take a few steps to admire the scenery around, read books, talk to loved ones. When young, silently strive to slowly earn warm money, love, and slowly move forward.

Even though the world is in a hurry, we can still slow down

Life has long been dragging us away, causing many people to truly forget their original intentions, only when you live slowly can you get closer to the truth of life, feel how life is. Cherish the flowers, grass, wind, and moon, your heart will become strong and full of power. The most beautiful life is not a life with constantly increasing speed, but a life with a balance between speed and slowness, stopping and daring to slow down is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and transparency. There is a saying that people should learn from the camel's calmness. The camel never. Hurries. It walks slowly and chews slowly, it will always reach the destination and will always be full.

The hot-tempered person will not achieve anything, the calm and serene person will receive great blessings. Life has no shortcuts and no matter where you go, it is just full of tempting traps. Slowing down does not mean inaction, but recognizing the direction and repairing what is not complete in yourself, finding back the beauty of life. Spring has flowers, summer has cool wind, autumn has full moon, winter has white snow. Each season has its own rules, living in this world must follow the rules to enjoy the scenery along the way, be happy and gentle, love silently and walk slowly to feel life with your whole heart.

Even if someone is in a hurry, we can still pursue a state of slowing down in moments and live up to the most beautiful encounter in life. Life is truly a complex book that needs to be slowly flipped through each page, only by living slowly can you understand life and only by living slowly can your soul emit fragrance. Do not worry, the best things always come when you least doubt them, do not rush, living slowly is also a kind of wisdom in this life.

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