Today is the day when the score of Guangdong's college entrance examination starts and announces the minimum admission score. As a special group in the college entrance examination, "shielding" has caused people to have great interest and curiosity. The so -called "shielding" refers to candidates who obtain high scores in the college entrance examination but are blocked by the system. In 2012, Guangdong first sacrificed the "fierce trick" of the candidates who shielded high scores -candidates' college entrance examination scores ranked among the top ten in the province. They were blocked by the technical technology of the investigation system, and the candidates could not find it. The emergence of this phenomenon is to prevent excessive hype of the "college entrance examination champion" and maintain the fairness and fairness of education. However, with the continuous development of society, people have gradually discovered that the negative effects of shielded information opaque in the field of college entrance examination and education are becoming increasingly prominent.

1. Overview of the shielding phenomenon

The emergence of the phenomenon of "shielding" originated from the special treatment of the education department for the results of the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination is over, some candidates will be blocked by the system because of their excellent grades and will not be announced. The original intention of this approach is to avoid excessive hype of the "college entrance examination champion", reduce the psychological pressure of high -scoring candidates, but also to maintain the fairness and fairness of education. However, due to the opaque information, this approach has triggered a series of social response and misunderstandings.

Propaganda and hype were prohibited from high -student, champion, and advancement rate of high school entrance examinations. This is a ban issued by the Ministry of Education many years ago. The provincial education examination departments shielded the specific test score information of the top 20 or top 50 candidates in the province in the provincial education examination departments to implement the ban. However, because the shielded students are high -scoring students, they are shielded means that the ranking of test scores enters the forefront of the province. The media and schools and parents give these students a strange identity- "shielding".

Many people think that candidates who can be blocked by the system must be the "champion" level, and their grades must be very good. Therefore, these candidates often become the focus of attention, and their learning experience and family background are deeply excavated and reported. However, this expectation and attention often brings great psychological pressure to the shielding, making them feel at a loss.

On the other hand, due to the opaque information, the shielded identity also caused some misunderstandings and controversy.

Because there is no champion, I do n’t know my scores. The society and schools include shielding students. Form the conclusion of "shielding = the champion". The shielded operation stimulated high scores. In a province's top 50 candidates, there will be 50 "shielding", which is the top 10 of the publicity and speculation. There are more speculation objects, and the publicity and hype of "shielding" are undoubtedly undoubtedly the promotion and hype of "shielding". A very embarrassing thing, "shielding" flying all over the sky, what is the shielding? Because there is a certain range of shielding, there are more schools where the shielding students can take "shielding-champion" to hype, for example: our school issued 3 excellent shielding students in 2024! Isn't this a joke? Intersection

At the same time, some people will think that shielding is a measure taken by the education department to take care of certain special groups, and some people question whether there are corruption and dark box operations. These misunderstandings and disputes not only affect the shielded reputation and image, but also damage the credibility of the education department.

Second, the need for information disclosure and transparency

In the field of college entrance examinations and education, the importance of disclosure and transparency in information is self -evident.

First of all, information disclosure and transparency are an important guarantee for candidates' rights . As an important channel for selecting talents in the college entrance examination, its justice and fairness directly affect the vital interests of candidates. If the information is opaque, candidates will not be able to understand their scores and rankings, and they will not make reasonable volunteer reports and life planning . Therefore, the disclosure of information is a necessary condition for protecting the rights and interests of candidates.

Secondly, the disclosure of information is an important means to promote fair competition in schools . In the college entrance examination, competition between schools is very fierce. If the information is opaque, the school will not be able to accurately understand the enrollment and admission standards of other schools, and it will not be able to develop an effective enrollment strategy. This will not only affect the quality of the school's enrollment, but also destroy the fair competitive environment between schools. Therefore, the disclosure of information is an important means to promote fair competition in schools.

Finally, the disclosure of information is an important cornerstone to maintain social justice and stability . The college entrance examination is one of the hot topics of social concern, and its justice and fairness are directly related to the fairness and stability of society. If the information is opaque, it will cause various speculations and rumors to destroy the harmony and stability of society. Therefore, information disclosure and transparency are important cornerstones to maintain social justice and stability.

Third, the negative effects caused by the discretion of information

1. Candidates' rights and interests are damaged and affect fair competition

Information opaque causes candidates to accurately understand the scores and rankings of their various subjects, so that they may make wrong choices in voluntary reporting and life planning, but they may be in an unfavorable position in competition. Because the candidates starting 51st in Guangdong are basically no different from the 50th candidates, and they are also Xueba. But the 51 candidates know the results of their various subjects and know how to fill in their volunteers. From this we can see how high the damage to the shielded equity is.

2. Social trust crisis, question the credibility of the college entrance examination

Information opaque is likely to cause the public to question the education system and the college entrance examination system, leading to a crisis of social trust. The public began to doubt the fairness and fairness of the college entrance examination, and became distrustful of the education department.

This sense of dislocation will weaken the authority of the college entrance examination as an important channel for selecting talents, which will cause the credibility of the college entrance examination to be seriously damaged.

3. uneven distribution of educational resources, exacerbating unfair phenomenon

Information opaque may lead to the unreasonable distribution of educational resources. Some schools or regions may obtain more high -quality students and resources through improper means, and some excellent candidates may miss better education opportunities because of opaque information.

This unfair distribution method has exacerbated regional differences and inter -school differences in educational resources, making education fairness become empty words.

4. Misacumed public opinion and exacerbated "scoring theory"

Information opaque allows the public to evaluate the college entrance examination and shielding the phenomenon through one -sided information, which can easily cause misleading and deviation of public opinion. This may lead to excessive attention from scores and rankings, exacerbating the tendency of test -oriented education for "scoring theory".

This tendency not only affects the physical and mental health and comprehensive development of candidates, but also violates the original intention of the college entrance examination selection talents.

5. Provide a hotbed for corruption

Information opaque provides the opportunity for the college entrance examination corruption. Some criminals may use loopholes with opaque information for corruption recruitment activities, such as buying and selling scores, tampering with scores.

This corruption not only harms the fairness and fairness of the college entrance examination, but also seriously destroys the competitive order and morality of society.

6. Educational equity is damaged

Information opaque threatens education fairly. Some candidates may suffer unfair treatment in the recruitment because of the opaque information, such as being wrongly excluded from high -quality educational resources.

This unfairness not only affects the development opportunities of the individual, but also destroys the equity and fairness of the entire society.

Fourth, strengthen the measures of information disclosure and transparency

In order to strengthen the degree of information disclosure and transparency in the field of college entrance examination and education, we can take the following measures:

First of all, the education department should cancel the shielding system, clarify the information disclosure policy, and release relevant information in a timely manner. The education department should formulate detailed information disclosure policies to clarify the public content and methods. At the same time, they should also publish relevant information in time, such as candidates' scores, rankings, admission standards, etc. to ensure that the public can understand and master the relevant situation in time.

Secondly, the school should openly show the results of education and enrollment . The school should openly show their educational results and enrollment, including admission students' scores, rankings, family backgrounds and other information. This can not only improve the transparency and credibility of the school, but also help the public to better understand the school's enrollment standards and admission.

Third, the media should objectively report the relevant situation in the field of college entrance examinations and education. As one of the important channels for information transmission, the media should objectively report the relevant situations in the field of college entrance examinations and education. They should avoid excessive hype and guessing, ensure the accuracy and fairness of the information. At the same time, they should also strengthen the supervision and criticism of the education department, and promote their continuous improvement and improvement of information disclosure.

In addition, the public should also improve the ability to identify information and treat education rationally. In the era of information explosion, the public should learn to screen and distinguish information, and do not blindly follow the trend or trust rumors. Regarding relevant reports and rumors in the field of college entrance examinations and education, the public should maintain rational thinking and comprehensively judge in combination with multiple aspects to avoid being misled or incited.

This is exactly:

The shield is ugly and transparent,

Information disclosure is important.

Fair and fair people's heart stable,

Society is harmonious.

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