Before misfortune strikes, these four signs will appear around the table. All issues in the world have certain signs that are foretold before they happen. For example, when a person is about to experience a decline, the following four signs often appear around them.

1. Sudden disappearance of financial luck

The financial luck we are referring to here is not about monthly salary jobs but rather about personal business or career-building paths. The types of paths that can make a person wealthy are closely related to luck. When your luck is at its peak, you will encounter many paths to make money. Simply put, money will come to you on its own, but luck also has its limits. It may visit your house at this time, but a few days later, it may leave for someone else's house. Impermanence is something no one can avoid.

There was a businessman who, for four consecutive years, encountered luck that helped him earn a lot of money and become wealthy. However, by the fifth year, he noticed that his luck was starting to decline. His business no longer made a profit, and eventually, he had to close it down. Fortunately, he still had a large sum of money earned before. This money could provide him with a peaceful and stable life. It can be said that this is a gift from above. The cycle of rise and fall is something no one can avoid. All we can do is earn more money and plan ahead before our luck runs out.

2. Internal and external conflicts occur continuously

There is a saying that fits this situation well: "When it rains, it pours." At the beginning of 2022, a middle-class family had a very large fortune, so they never thought they would go bankrupt one day, not even having enough money to pay the mortgage for their house. Just when the head of the family was worried about the house payment, his son fell into depression due to poor academic performance.

The father suddenly fell ill and needed thousands of dollars for surgery. At that time, when his spirit was shaken, he heard his wife say she wanted a divorce. He kept wondering why he was being treated like this. When misfortune strikes, it brings about numerous problems and conflicts simultaneously, making it difficult for people to cope. If you cannot withstand this phase, your life afterwards will be very miserable.

3. People involved make mistakes in a hurry

It is often said that those involved in a situation cannot see clearly, while outsiders can. Many times, when we are the main characters in our own story, we may find it difficult to see the full picture of the problem. At that point, you are very likely to make mistakes that you will later not understand why you did. It may seem like you were careless and made mistakes.

But in reality, there are some things in life that no matter how careful you are, it is difficult to avoid making mistakes. For example, you may not have wanted to invest in a certain project, but somehow you ended up investing in it. You may not have wanted to say something, but your mind couldn't control itself and you said it. This shows that some things are predetermined and cannot be changed by us.

4. Everyone and everything seem to be against you

As the saying goes, when you are unlucky, even drinking water can choke you. Some people are so unlucky that they get into a traffic accident just by walking, or they choke while eating, leading to death. Therefore, it is said that if you are unlucky, no matter what you do, you will encounter problems. In ancient times, there was a brave general who, at first, was renowned for his victories on the battlefield. However, he unknowingly made a foolish mistake that eventually led to his defeat by an unknown soldier.

When luck is on your side, even facing a thousand enemies is not a problem. But when misfortune strikes, even a small stone can trip you. Small luck may not mean much in life. However, misfortune is different; just a little bit can make you bow your head. Usually, a period of bad luck lasts for about one to two years. So, when facing misfortune, what should we do? Remember this mantra: speak less when meeting people, stay silent when facing tasks, be humble as everything in the world follows a natural order, and when the time comes, things will turn around.

Every event in a person's life, whether it's life or death, fortune or misfortune, wealth or poverty, success or failure, passing exams or failing, profitable business or losses, marriage or divorce, all are predetermined by the divine. The decree of fate does not only apply to human life but extends to all things in the universe, all prearranged by the divine. Humans have a process of birth, aging, sickness, and death, while things have a process of creation, existence, destruction, and annihilation, all of which are not random but predestined by the divine. An era, a nation has a process of growth, prosperity, decline, and destruction in the mortal world. There are too many things that do not go according to human desires, such as failing to achieve business goals, which do not harm people.

Some people, even after graduating, cannot find a job despite their efforts, while others who are lucky enough to find a job have very low incomes. I often think that if you want to live freely and independently, when feeling troubled, just go with the flow and choose the best things in life. When things don't go your way, choose to follow your instincts. Everything that follows a natural course is not forced; on the contrary, it may yield unexpected results. There is a proverb that intentionally planting flowers, but they do not bloom, accidentally holding a willow branch, it turns green. Holding onto too many things, being too demanding, will result in loss, like sand slipping through clenched fists.

In reality, the root of all mental troubles is the same: not wanting to go with the flow, not wanting to accept the divine arrangement. In the dark realm of life, it is always tiring because happiness is not the destination we achieve; happiness is when we enjoy the journey of life, facing continuous challenges even when things do not go smoothly because we are not content with life's arrangements. Therefore, when misfortune strikes, it is a test to see how resilient we can be.

When things do not go smoothly, there is definitely a reason. The journey to find the cause and overcome it is a journey of self-love and development at its strongest, and the truth is that no one is lucky all their life. A little turmoil may make your spirit collapse, but remember, if it doesn't happen, it means you are bored with your own life. Mental shocks, pains from love or work, are all highlights for us to change. It's like a thorn; lift your head and smile to start over. You are not alone, and I am also tired of this life, as are many others.

Each of us is struggling with all our might with what is happening in our lives, and happiness is only when you enjoy the changes from misfortune to luck in your own life. There is nothing called misfortune or luck if you do not find a way to blame it and become stronger. Even when everything is chaotic and terribly unlucky, it allows this article to be written, and it makes me feel more loved every day by those around me, and it allows me to convey this story to you, someone who may not see any luck in their life. If you have a sad story and are reluctant to share it with loved ones, feel free to tell me. A stranger is willing to listen to your story and hopefully provide you with a different perspective and more happiness.

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