However, the peaceful liberation Chengdu is not very peaceful. On the eve of liberation, Mao Renfeng, the head of the military and the Ministry of Defense, to Chengdu to arrange a large number of latent spymen. While the Chengdu Twelve Bridge collectively massacred the Communist Party members, he organized the "swimming class" and "anti -communist army to save the national army". , "Self -Defense Save the National Army" and the "XX Border Guerrilla Corps" named after all counties in Sichuan. In less than a month, Chengdu, which was just liberated, was trapped in the crazy siege of a large number of gangsters. They harmed our military cadres, robbed public grains, adultery women, and destroying highway bridges and communication facilities. More than 70,000 gangsters surrounded 35 towns, including Chengdu, and some urban areas in Dayi County, Chongqing County and Mianyang were occupied by gangsters. According to the first week of the 18th Corps from the rebellion, the number of victims of our military politics and other people reached 1111. As a result, the 18th Corps launched a large -scale bandit Surton battle.

The old man said: "I think that the word" peace "in Chengdu is questionable. The bandit Sur has been lasted for more than a year. Many young soldiers can enjoy a peaceful life, but it hasn't been long in peace to liberate Chengdu. The son was sacrificed heroically. After being injured, the gangsters grabbed him, dug eyes, cut their ears, and threw him into a large pot to cook. He was cooked alive. As soon as she said this, she would be like a knife, crying, and her body couldn't stand it.

The enemy's atrocities angered all the commanders of the 18th Corps, and demanded that they would go to the bandit's first -line battle. However, her 62nd army suddenly received an order to advance to Xikang Province (at that time that she had not yet belonged to Sichuan Province). Some soldiers couldn't figure out. The 18th Corps 60, 61, 62, and the 7th Army of the 7th Army, including the 7th Army of the 7th Army. To this end, the 62nd Army held a party committee to expand the meeting on January 15, 1950. Director Hu came to the venue to make instructions: "The 62 -Army attacked Taiyuan to make a great achievement and entered the northwest. The people of Xikang have to make a success again. This is the glory of the 62nd Army. It will give instructions to encourage the 62nd Army to complete the glorious mission of entering Kang, and give it to "Historical feats, no glorious glory", "with great tenacious and tenacious, creating historical miracles", "The history of the Red Army, you have added new glory" Wait for multi -faceted flags. Then, the Party Committee of the Corps issued the "All Party Members and Guide to the Sixty Army and the Warrior":

The party gave you the task of liberating Xikang and building Xikang. Xikang, we must go, and we must go immediately. Our Party Central Committee, our leader, Chairman Mao attaches great importance to that place. why? because:

(1) There are 1.8 million people there, and they are still moaning under reactionary feudal forces, and they urgently ask us to liberate them.

(2) It is a large province in our country with an area of ​​more than 450,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to one -twenty -two -fi for territorial territories and a quarter larger than Sichuan Province.

(3) It is the frontier land ... There is a strong border defense army there to defend our sacred land.

(4) There are endless wealth in that vast area, and all the resources of all industrial resources are ..., therefore, it is one of the future industrial construction bases in my country.

Subsequently, the various departments of the Corps set off a climax of the 62nd Army's entry into Kang. Commander Zhou Shidi and Deputy Commander Wang Xinting, engraved on his own three -color round bead pen, "for the model for liberating Xikang to implement national policies" and "the hero of the people who gave liberation to the liberation of Xikang". On the top, he "given to the commander of the western part of Xikang in 186" and presented the British model of the 62nd Army. Each unit was sent to the condolences, laptops, pens and daily necessities of the 62nd Army Department.

The old man said that she did not get a souvenir at the time, but she got a message that surprised her. The associate officer said to her: "You will soon be a couple reunion."

"What husband and wife reunite?" She had forgotten Lao Xue out of the clouds.

"You are really a silly girl. Your husband, that is, Minister Xue, he led a team to Xikang before we arrived in Chengdu. You, there is no relationship between the husband and wife."

Oh, she remembered. Since she has been married to Taiyuan in Taiyuan, she has passed for ten months. She has never got the news of Lao Xue.

When the troops set off to Xikang, Commander He Long came to see him off. He affectionately encouraged: "Since the establishment of the 62 army, it is a troops that have improved rapidly. The name will be liberated as the people of Xikang in history. "

The old man said that she never thought that it would be a hundred generations, but she only felt that liberating Xikang was also her responsibility. She had to go and immediately. She looked forward to the entry -style of the city liberation again, and twisted the Yangge dance again.

At this time, she sat on the balcony, clinging her silver hair with her hands, as if she had to bring her hair into a young hair, and then added to the team of twisted Yangge to sing the song:

"The sky in the liberated area is a bright sky, the people in the liberated area like it ..."

The moon lavaed her lightly on her, proving to the world that the song was the logo of Li Fang when she was seventeen.

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