I forgot to adjust my phone into a mute mode before going to bed. After a few hours, I was awakened by the phone ringtone. Although I didn't have time to answer, I couldn't sleep again and again. As a result, my "getting up" was very heavy throughout the morning. I was annoyed to read the call records, and suddenly found that there had been a call record with this number before, but I couldn't remember who the other party was. Countless speculations are superimposed in their minds, and their heads become more painful. Forget it, I do n’t want to do it. I just got up and cleaned up and packed up the house.

With the physical exercise, the mood gradually calmed down. When I went downstairs to throw garbage, I felt the breeze was comfortable. I planned to go to the cafe recommended by the previous two landlords. I don't know what happened. As soon as I opened the door and returned to the room, I was too lazy to move. At this time, I have passed the lunch time. Fortunately, there are a lot of fruits I bought yesterday. Baiki water+fruit+newly bought books, lazy nests began to enjoy today's reading time on the sofa.

During this time when I left my hometown, I deliberately avoided contact with the people over there. Too many bad experiences made me see the call over there and would have a stress reaction. It is inexplicably irritable when it comes from that city.

Last night, my cousin greeted me in WeChat, I ignored it. After a while, my aunt greeted me in WeChat again and let me call back a phone call, but I still didn't say anything. Maybe my irritability started from last night.

Compared to dealing with people, I prefer to do something quietly. The mobile phone is a must -have thing for the outside world, exist like a chicken rib. Although many times I will set it as a mute mode, I am also worried that I will miss important information. So, every time the ringing of the mobile phone sounded or the sound of WeChat came, it would make me feel offended. Especially when I am paying attention to work. Similarly, I do n’t call for information. I do n’t need to reply in time. Most I choose not to reply. I do n’t like to communicate with people very much, and I depend on those who can use text to do not speak as much as possible. Even the text is simple. Enjoy this kind of quietness that is not disturbed. But after all, he has not cultivated himself into a realm of "an island", and his attitude towards mobile phones has become more and more stuck. As a result, whenever the mobile phone rang, the annoying feeling was a bit aggravated.

I remember when I was watching Mr. Liu Zhenyun's novel "Mobile Phone" before, there was such a paragraph that was transparent: Don't open the box (mobile phone), and you are restless when you open the box. The mobile phone, it turned out to be convenient for people. When it was not there, people were very free. With it became a kite, don't blame the mobile phone. Life has no winning or losing, but if you have a victory or defeat, you must be a loser. Where is there a pure land now?

I remember using a Siemens M55 Scorpio model. I want to come to my first mobile phone. At that time, the university graduated. In order to find a job convenient, I discussed with my parents to buy a mobile phone. Of course, it is not all the parents, and I have saved some money myself. The mother counted "I can't want anything, and people don't have a mobile phone to find a job." My father also identified that I was vanity. After all, the mobile phone was considered luxury more than 20 years ago. Later, I forgot what happened, and I mentioned with my parents again to buy a mobile phone. My parents were reluctant, but I bought it for me. But in the voice of my parents, I lost my initial excitement. I just felt that this was a "Sword of the Fang Fang", and the time was inspected by my parents to supervise me. I don't remember how long this phone has been with me, and now it is still lying in the drawer of my hometown bedside table.

Later, after graduating from college, I discovered that there are so many styles of mobile phones! But it is still the existence of valuables. I remember that on the day I paid my salary, I was reluctant to take a taxi when I got back late with my colleagues, so I copied the place where I went back. Although people are okay, their mobile phones and wages that have not yet covered heat are gone. I kept the posture of being dragged down to the ground and forgot to cry. After a while, I fell up and climbed up and tried to hold any passers -by who was passing by for help. I didn't notice that when I was waiting for friends at the police station, I noticed that I was scratched on my legs, arms, and faces.

Later, my friend took me to the second -hand market to buy old mobile phones, and lent me hundreds of dollars, so I barely supported the salary next month.

Thinking about it this way, that Siemens M55 Scorpio should not be my first mobile phone. Because I clearly remember that my parents took me to buy it together, and with their aesthetics, I refused to let me buy such a shaking style. What is my first mobile phone?

Until now, the existence of mobile phones to me is to send information and call. If some functions must be achieved by some functions in these years, I really think that it would be easy to use older machines. Every time I seemed to just want to make a ticket, order takeaway, and return to WeChat or something, I unknowingly brushed a short video. It has been a long time when I find it, and I waste a lot of time. In fact, you also blame your self -binding power to improve.

Occasionally listening to people who are together discuss, which phone has the best photos, which mobile phone is not stuck, which phone is a limited edition, and which mobile phone has the most powerful functions ... I feel that I feel like this society with this society If you are out of touch, you can only lower your head and pretend to play your phone.

I remember that the most comfortable time was the busiest time at work, because I could close my phone and bury the phone, and sometimes I suddenly remembered what I was looking for a mobile phone to find a mobile phone for a few days. Afterwards, others asked why I couldn't contact me, and I would not have any guilt. This is really not enjoyable for me who is both a "community fear" and a little pleasing personality! Similarly, I am tired of frequent calls and video conferences. As if the naked violent leak was in front of the other side, there was no privacy at all. If it is a job, it's okay. But if it was a family, I had a long time to hang up the phone, and even a few days later, I still had a lot of heart.

I remember watching the Hong Kong film "Eavesdropping" before, and I felt panic. Although I was not an important person, who knew where I had offended each other, and there were bad guys in this world. Later, I knew the word "big data push", and I felt more and more felt that I had "victims of delusion". Because I woke up from the nightmare several times, I would feel that someone stared at myself in the dark. I admit that this is indeed related to the "suffocation" education of parents in childhood, but I have to admit that "big data" is also monitoring us while bringing us convenience.

Therefore, whether the phone that disturbs people in the morning or the call is indeed when there is a call, I feel that the mobile phone can be used as little as possible. After all, selfishly, "I don't like to disturb others, and I don't like to be disturbed by others." And, although mobile phones can bring us more convenience, but I always feel that human beings live because of its existence that human beings live too much to live. More and more like slaves.


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