When Sigang was eighteen years old, he created "Hello, Sorrow", so she won the French "Literature Review Award". This book made her famous. In the eyes of the media, her appearance was inherited. It was the year when George Sang died, Kolt became famous, and Francoosa Sangang became famous a few months before. Kolit has just died. Elvi Bazan (author of "Poisonous Snake in Holding") was the first to make trouble to Sagan, questioning whether she was "meteor" or "new star". While affirming her writing and beautiful novel structure, she thought "she Over use the past tense, there is almost no need to complete the tense, the rhythm is chaotic, and it is uncomfortable to read.

Another writer Moriak wrote an article praising her and met in the dinner hosted by Greater Juli. In an interview, someone asked: "How do you conceive this story", she expressed her clear intention of writing: "I don’t know, this is an orderly and disorderly discussion, but it is just in In the process of writing, the idea is gradually clear. "

Public opinion is full of controversy with her. The novel protagonist Ceithier has not received any form of punishment and has always been regarded as a person who is indulgent and injured. Sagan once again quoted Oscar Wilde: "Sin is still the only color notes in modern world life." She worshiped this sentence, and believed that she was inspired from the vulgar life, forgot the passing of time and daily beautiful emotions. She was only willing to think about a despicable and shameless life. People accused Ceith, in fact criticizing Sigang. Sagan may not be able to forget her novels for two days and buy her own works at San Nikrima Street. The female book vendor even took another book from the counter of the book, and tried to discourage her to give up reading the book and remind her that it was a one. Author who has no shame.

In fact, the plot of the novel is extremely simple: That summer, the 17 -year -old girl Ceithie said goodbye to the boarding school to go home to the seaside vacation. Her father and mistress Elsa were together. Cyliey quickly met Hillir, all this It made Siens feel extremely comfortable. However, the arrival of the dead mother's friend Anna incorporated her original wild life into the right track, and she took care of the life of her father and daughter.

Seeing that her father and Anna were constantly escalating, she also fell into a contradiction. On the one hand, she admired Anna's beautiful and dignified temperament. Anna had put her family into happiness with her own cleverness and reason. On the one hand, Cyeiel was unruly, and she disgusted her life, so she designed a trap to let Anna leave. To this end, she obstructed her father and Anna's marriage, so that her boyfriend Hilil and his father had pretended to be in love.

Under her careful director, her father left Anna. However, on the surface, Anna, who was strong and good at arranging, lost the most important love, and had a car accident and fired a cliff. The death of Anna caught the life of Cyisal and his father, and they slipped down with the original trajectory for a month. But this incident made Ceithis taste the confusion on the road of life, her memory would not be abandoned, and she could not truly reconcile with life. She will repeat the name of Anna in the dark, very low in the dark, and a long time, and Anna's death became her lingering sorrow.

"Hello, Sorrow" came out as soon as he came out, and was loved by the majority of young people. The work was adapted into the movie "Yulou Spring Robbery" by Otto Preder, and the image of the sunset girl Ceithis almost became the representative of the rebellious French youth after the war. The rhythm of "Jade Tower Spring Robbery" is very good, but the whole film is full of American emphasis. If it is the affectionate model of French -style fragrance, it will not look light, and the touch of sorrow at the end has not come out.

Starring Segiel's actor Zhen Qianbao is a very personality actor. He has watched Luc Godal's "Fatigue". Zhen Qianbao graduated from Ava University in the United States. She stood out from more than 18,000 candidates when she was 18 years old and starred in Orth Poooming Ge's "Saint Joan", but this film is a failure. do. In 1958, she starred in "Hello, Sorrow", and the response was average. The two films have trapped her film career for a while. Unexpectedly, she became famous in the role of "exhausted". In 1955, the publishing company of "Hello, Sorrow" in 1955 made a request for writers to come to the United States. Meeting with director Otto Pretomel in Los Angeles, Sagan is a screenwriter of the film "Yulou Spring Robbery". She appreciates Ortyt Prudenge's movie style. She met her friends in the drama circle in the American film industry this time.

Francois Sagan has created more than 30 novels, 10 scripts and several movie scripts in his life. In addition, she also wrote some lyrics and short stories. The most famous is that in addition to "Hello, Sorrow", there are "Small Smile", "One year later", "Do you like Brahms?" "wait. The drama is represented by "Swedish Castle", followed by "Sometimes I Hear Violin" autumn and "Walatin's Light Purple Dress".

Most of her works describe the love life of the middle class, which is also the world she is very familiar with. In addition, she also has an incomprehensible bond in the movie. She is over 40 years old and is persuaded by George De Berlella (the producer of the Charlot Movie "Lange Lu"). Later, the short film "One Winter" won the New York International Short Film Festival's best work "Chris" award. Since then, she has shot a long film "Blue Fern Grass". Although she was very careful when she was filming, the evaluation was not high. Some people accused her of being too classic and narrated the lens to draw a snake. Sigang's electric shock was not as good as possible, and since then, he has not made a movie.

Sagan is a legendary talented woman. At the same time, she is still unruly and unique woman. She has short hair and dresses. She loves alcohol, she also loves to barefoot, and she almost died. She likes to participate in a crazy party and is still enthusiastic about gambling. She has entered prison for taking drugs. In the emotional life, Sigang married twice and divorced twice. She just married the first husband's divorce, for the future child. She married the second husband and divorced again a year later, but the two still maintained a cohabitation relationship. The legend of Sagan is to never write her story. She regards love as a kind of "pathological fascination", and admits that she can only love a man who can only last "three or four years, but it will never be longer." The last evening scene of Sagan was desolate, similar to Chinese female writer Zhang Ailing. The woman who had made 500 million francs in the ten -year fame after becoming famous finally died in a friend's house because she had no real estate.

Reporter: You are a friend of Puffal Dudu and Mitterlang. I want to know how you deal with them and become their friends?

Sagan: Pomi Dudu, I met him before he devoted himself to the political world, through my first husband. During his reign, I was invited to the Elysee Palace twice. As for Mitterlang, I knew him very late, and he was elected the year before the president. At that time, everyone opposed him, left, right. We sat next to the plane. I think he is wise and good -tempered. It was unexpected that he was elected. But he didn't change at all, and he hadn't changed.

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