Recently, the Manner coffee shop was on fire because the two employees argued with customers. One female employee poured coffee powder on others because of the customer's reminder; the other male employee had repeatedly provoked the customer and hit others.

This matter is hot on the Internet. Some netizens said that the employee service attitude is too poor and should go home and lie flat: "Such a little pressure can not stand, what are the service industry!" But some people think that employees are not easy and think that The owner of the coffee shop is the "culprit".

It is said that the employee of the Manner coffee shop is short, only two people in one shop, more than ten hours a day, and maximum 300 cups of coffee. On average, the salary of a cup of coffee per hour. In addition to coffee, you have to clean up, and the complaint cannot be more than three times, otherwise it will be fried.

Some bloggers said that this management model is going back to the industrial revolution! If the employee is low -efficiency and poor attitude, why not use robots? The robot does not need to ask for leave, emotional stability, and will not smash the brand. But the robot is a bit expensive, the boss is reluctant to buy it.

The two disputes were also very funny. The female employees were fired. The male employees apologized. The customer forgive him, and he continued to work. The boss also posted a notice at the door of the store, reminding customers not to disturb employees to make coffee, lest they were attacked.

It can be seen that for the sake of life, employees have to swallow with a meager salary. The boss first exploited employees to save costs, and then asked employees to carry a pot. After the matter was over, the boss also issued a notice to satire employees and customers. The capitalist is really high, and it is not too big to see the excitement.

Why do people work hard to work with each other? For the salary, the clerk was busy with the group. The customer came to pick up the meal in person, and was afraid that the meal would be slow and delayed to work. Everyone is for life, and the pressure is great. Don't squeeze each other, okay?

The word "without business" is the evaluation of the ruler and the people in the previous slave society and the feudal society. At that time, the businessman was low and was looked down on by the scholars. In the level of "Shinan Farmers Industry and Commerce", merchants are at the end. Although they are economically important, because they do not directly produce things, and sometimes they do not match social concepts for their money, they are often degraded and rejected by society.

But at any time, most of the people (including capitalists) are controlled by others.

For example, in the early Han Dynasty, the country had just fought, the population was small, the economy was not good, and the Xiongnu people in the north were still making trouble. In order to get married and have children and strengthen the country's strength, the rulers stipulate that women will marry at the age of fifteen, otherwise they will pay a high "leftover female tax" or "single tax". There are tax discounts for having children. They also encouraged women with bad feelings or husbands and wives.

By the 17th century, the European bourgeois revolution broke out, and businessmen slowly became the protagonist, and the power of capital controlled the world.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the rise of two major fast -food giants (M and KFC) in the United States rose, accounting for 80 % of the national food and agricultural markets in just decades, but their main customers were poor. They open farms, pastures, and even factories to produce meat and vegetables with the lowest cost.

Some people say that the poor people always eat their fast food, resulting in a high rate of obesity in the United States, because the chickens they produce contain hormones (chickens have no chance to move in their lives, and they will be delivered to the table after the hormone is urged). Hormones can make the human body total The hot card exceeds the standard, affecting metabolism, causing obesity and hyperglycemia.

Some lawyers want to speak for the poor, saying that they violate the food safety law and endanger consumers' health. However, the lawsuit is not easy to fight (the US law protects the monopoly enterprise, and the lawyer's demand is not supported). She spent six years in exchange for a result of a victory. To.

The United States is a big country, and the legal system should be perfect. Why protect merchants and do not take care of consumers?

In fact, for the poor, fullness is happiness. If the law of the law against M (monopoly and KFC, such as Monomy, will not only harm the economy of the enterprise, affect the national taxation, but also allow the poor people to eat badly, hate society, and even affect social order.

The premise of making money is based on making money. It is impossible for companies to help the poor because of kindness -mainly to make big money. The cleverness of the monopoly enterprise is that while making money, they can alleviate social contradictions while making money. Therefore, what the government does for them is "open one eye and close one eye."

In our country, food safety problems have also occurred. In order to save money or earn more, some illegal merchants use inferior raw materials or adding harmful substances to produce foods, which seriously violates consumer rights. Some manufacturers do not pay attention to hygiene and safety, leading to frequent food safety issues. For example, Mr. Anhui Kitchen, Anhui Kitchen, Anhui Donghui, and Fuyang Spring Food Co., Ltd. exposed by the CCTV 3.15 Evening Party, and the problem of processing plums with inferior slot head meat, which has aroused widespread concern in society.

It can be seen that in the face of huge interests, human nature is often not tested, especially businessmen, they always linked to economic benefits, so it is more difficult to have enough conscience.

The power of capital has been secretly "weakening" the poor. It controls the operation of the world, and most of the time is self -interest, not altruism. Therefore, cheap things are definitely not expensive, expensive things are definitely not cheap, and labor force is the same. Most of them are cheap, otherwise they will damage the interests of capital.

My husband is a super "digging" person. In order to save money, he always bargain when he buys, and even buy fast -expired fruits and vegetables and daily necessities. More than half a year ago, in order to retrieve the umbrella on the road, he hit the lane guardrail with his right hand, fractured, and finally spent 20,000 yuan for surgery.

These "cattle and horses" who are running for life, don't "pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon". In the case of economic permission, we should be free and wasteful! After all, life is the most valuable thing in life. Even if we try our best to save a lot of money, we can't take it away when we die.

This free and easy and wastefulness is not unauthorized splurge, but when facing the various choices of life, you must have enough wisdom and courage to pursue the life you really want.

Today, the rapid development of science and technology and the continued growth of the economy, we have more choices and possibilities. But these choices and possibilities are also accompanied by more temptations and traps. How to keep awake in temptation and traps and make wise decisions is a problem that each of us needs to face.

Merchants are pursuing the maximization of economic benefits. This is their nature and the cornerstone of their survival and development. But in the process, they should also realize their social responsibilities, abide by laws and regulations, respect the rights and interests of consumers, and win the recognition of the market with integrity and quality.

For our consumers, we must improve consumption awareness, consume rationally, and choose products and services that truly meet demand and quality guarantee. At the same time, we must learn to protect their rights and interests, and are not confused by the false publicity and low -cost temptation of merchants.

In this era full of changes and challenges, we cannot predict the future, but we can choose our own lifestyle and attitude. Let's face life with a positive attitude, cherish every day, and enjoy every beautiful moment in life!

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