Shanghai is an economic prosperous city, and there are too many strange stories behind prosperity. One news said that after a 30 -year -old man and a 28 -year -old female doctor married, when the man couldn't wait to go to Zhou Gong's gift, the woman did not panic and took out an agreement to ask for AA to make life. Sign, go to bed in the future. Although the man was unhappy, he signed a contract. Soon after, the female doctor gave birth to the next boy. At this time, the female doctor wanted to abolish the AA system, but the man did not agree.

After sending the last group of relatives and friends, Xiao Zuo rushed to take a bath, thinking about the cave room flower night, he was very happy.

When he finished bathing and climbing into the bed, he had to implement Zhou Gong's gift, but the bride pushed him aside, and his face was unhappy.

Xiao Zuo suddenly heard his arms subconsciously, and then asked doubtfully, what happened? There is no odor on me.

Xiao Zuo knew that his wife was clean and cleaned, so he saw his wife's disgusting expression, and then asked in the question. Unexpectedly, his wife's next move made him feel very shocked.

I saw his wife took out a AA system that was prepared beforehand and said seriously that this was the AA system that I planned. If you agree, we will live a normal husband and wife life. Sleep in bed.

After Xiao Zuo saw this agreement, his desire suddenly reduced his holdings. He wanted to refuse. He thought that the AA system was implemented by the husband and wife. This is the relationship. What about it?

However, the words of Xiao Zuo's wife immediately made him dumb. Xiao Zuo's wife said that my pure income every month is about 167, and the income is stable. You are only about eight thousand a month. Therefore, we should make money each. Well, we must distinguish it clearly so that we will not be chaotic.

Xiao Zuo was a little dissatisfied, so he murmured, why should the couple think about this?

Just muttering, Xiao Zuo was almost kicked out of the bed. Helpless Xiao Zuo could only agree. He signed the AA system, full of complicated emotions in his heart, and completed Zhou Gong's gift.

Xiao Zuo is a handsome man and talented, but his marriage road is very twists. His peers have long been full of children, but he is still on a blind date. The parents arranged all kinds of blind date for his marriage.

Perhaps fate came. In a friend's party, Xiao Zuo was attracted by the female doctor at once. The two of them touched each other and immediately flashed each other.

So the next two people were in love, but during the love period, they did not talk about the so -called AA system, but they did not expect to be so disappointed on the wedding night.

Perhaps because his wife works in a foreign company, the way of thinking has been affected by the West. It is believed that this kind of AA system that originated from the West is normal. However, although Xiao Zuo chose to accept, as a traditional man, he felt more like a roommate with his wife, which made him feel very painful.

However, a year later, with the birth of their co -sons, his wife regretted the AA system that he formulated. She thought that she paid more, but did not get the due return. But after all, this is her own agreement. In the spirit of the contract, she still insists.

However, there are unexpected situations, and people are blessed. When the maternity leave is over, after she returned to her job, she was very anxious in the face of no one in her family. Xiao Zuo suggested letting his parents come to help, but his wife felt that it was inappropriate, insisting on hiring a nanny, and she would bring her baby in the evening.

Because it was not easy to rest at night, this caused his wife's mental condition to have a problem, and low -level errors often occurred during work. This made the company very angry and finally decided to fire her.

She lost her source of income and had to reflect on the AA system and asked her husband to cancel the AA system. However, Xiao Zuo refused immediately after receiving the request.

In Xiaozuo, his wife is a double standard and standing person. Since it is the agreement she formulated, the two parties have signed to comply with each other, and they must not be canceled because they are unfavorable to themselves.

The reason why Xiao Zuo resolutely did not give up is that one thing made him even more chilling. Once his father was hospitalized, so he borrowed money from his wife. As a result, his wife not only asked him to borrow, but also returned interest, which made him mixed in his heart.

So, from a legal perspective, how do you think of this?

Xiao Zuo's wife lost her income and asked him to bear the support of his son, which was legal.

According to the "Civil Code", parents have the obligation to support their children. If the parents do not fulfill their support obligations, the children who are uncomfortable or the children who cannot live independently have the right to ask their parents to pay the support fee.

Even if Xiao Zuo divorced, one party who raised the child had the right to ask the other party to pay a part or all of the living expenses and educational expenses. Therefore, after his wife lost his job, it was reasonable and legal to ask him to bear the cost of living, and Xiao Zuo had no right to refuse.

At the same time, in addition to the support fee of his son, Xiao Zuo also obliged to pay his wife's living expenses.

Article 109 of the Civil Code stipulates that couples have the obligation to support each other. If one party does not fulfill its support obligations, the other party has the right to request them to pay for the support fee. The support obligation between husband and wife is an important part of the marriage relationship, and it is also a material manifestation of the common life of husband and wife.

So is it legal in the Chinese couple's AA system?

Article 1650 of the Civil Code stipulates that couples may agree that the property obtained by the pre -marital property and the duration of the marriage relationship is owned by each.

Therefore, couples can agree to implement the AA system, but it is recommended to confirm and retain them in writing. Once agreed, their respective property can be freely dominated, which is the right to give couples by the law

However, such AA constraints are not as limited. Legally, although the husband and wife can agreed that the property is owned by each other, many matters in the marriage relationship are not just property issues, but more about emotion, responsibility, and responsibility.

The AA system of Xiaozuo's wife may be to protect their own property rights, but in actual life, it has caused many inconvenience and contradictions. Especially after having children, family expenses and responsibilities have greatly increased. If you still adhere to the AA system, it will easily lead to gaps and misunderstandings between husbands and wives.

Xiao Zuo refused to cancel the AA system after his wife was unemployed. To some extent, he adhered to their agreement. But this also revealed his bias of his understanding and responsibility in marriage. Marriage is not only a contract for two people to live together, but also an emotional connection and responsibility. In the face of difficulties and challenges, couples should work together and face them together, rather than their respective politics.

For his wife, she may pay too much attention to the protection of individual independence and property rights, but ignores the importance of mutual support and jointly assumed in marriage. She asked to cancel the AA system after unemployment. Although it seemed out of helplessness and need, it also reflected her inadequate understanding of the responsibility and responsibility in marriage.

On this issue, both husband and wife need to reflect and communicate in -depth. They need to realize that marriage is a common cause of two people and requires the joint efforts and efforts of both parties. In the face of difficulties and challenges, they should work together and face them together, rather than their own politics. Only in this way can their marriage be long and stable.

At the same time, this also gives us a wake -up: before signing any agreement, we should think deeply and fully consider various possible situations and consequences. Especially for important matters such as marriage, we should treat it carefully and do not make a decision lightly. After all, marriage is a matter of life, and we need to operate and maintain with the heart.

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