Dreaming again, I don't know why I always dream these days, but fortunately, it is not a nightmare. Waking up naturally in dreams, there is a feeling of being lost, and also trying to sleep again, but it is getting more and more sober. In this rainy season, the furniture occasionally a few crackling. Or the footsteps of the surrounding neighbors, the sound of the toilet, and the TV sound. In short, any movement can make me more and more sober.

This is the feeling of yesterday. Yesterday, I felt confused during the day, and I was washing, reading, eating, and sleeping with inertia. I remember when I came back from Zhaotang, I felt tired. I wanted to lean on the sofa to see the mobile phone and take a bath. After I woke up, I found that I was lying on the bed. The time has reached two o'clock in the morning today.

The discomfort from the lower abdomen reminds me that the physiological period should be approaching again, every time I was so inconsistent, and each time I signed it. This is also a balance.

Remembering the dream before waking up, as if it was a long -lost neighbor to watch the drama. At that time, I still lived in an art village on the suburbs of Beijing, and my neighbors were also artistic. I do n’t remember how to know it. Later, I often drink, cook, watch movies, and talk about movies together. Later, he returned to Xinjiang, and I would not contact Henan. This is a scene in dreams, but it is entangled with reality.

When watching the drama, I met my old colleague. In reality, the company did have a drama before the country. In the dream, the drama and the concert collided, and my old colleague and I met his friends in the empty gear of the theater processing. At this point, my neighbor went to smoke outside and was not by my side. My neighbors and my colleagues did not know, as if there were no three people greeted together.

Friends of colleagues touched about fifty years old and looked at the dresses like a government staff. Typical white shirts, black trousers, general belly. The reason why he feels that he is a government staff than the staff of the theater, or selling insurance. Because of his attitude and occasion.

Somehow, the four of us went to a unit building. The kind of old -fashioned unit building, the wall of the corridor is covered with small advertisements, and the door of the house is a wooden door with painted paint. It took a long time at a glance, and it was very similar to the door of the old toilet. Forgive me to say that, but it really looks like. Some doors are pale yellow, and some doors are green, so they go to the third floor. Suddenly I remembered that I lived on the fourth floor, but forgot to bring the key.

However, I have my way to enter the glass window with the same color wooden border from the top of the wooden door. I swear that I have definitely seen this scene in reality.

After entering the room, I didn't remember, I don't remember, I just know that the neighbors on the third floor soon came to shout for dinner. There are people in a house, with former colleagues, friends of colleagues, and neighbors' families. The meals are placed on a low -long table in the living room. The room with the door next to it should be the bedroom. Inside, the aunt was coaxing the child. The child was more than one year old. He jumped around in the bed. The sheets are old -fashioned coarse sheets printed with large flowers. Auntie wears dark brown half -sleeved tops and black leggings. The lights in the room were not too bright, maybe I read it wrong. But this is not tightened, only the light emitted by a goose yellow light bulb on the roof.

Everyone present was drinking beer around the dining table, and the dishes were almost ate. It is faintly seen that some fried beans, cashmere tomatoes, and fried peanuts in the printed porcelain plates. Tofu in pink thick soup. Except for that sugar mixed with tomatoes, I have eaten and seen other dishes in Zhaotang. It was just that tofu, who felt very weird and had no interest at the time.

I don't remember when I took a bath, I just remember that my clothes were dried on the third floor balcony.

Suddenly remembered, because I had slept again at this time, but now it is not my first dream, but it is the continuation of the first dream.

I remember in the first dream, I met my first love, and it was difficult to divide it to have to be separated. It seemed that we had a relationship. Yes, his semen was shot on the floor, and then I took a bath. In reality, we don't. But why did you dry the clothes on the balcony of your neighbor? What neighbors do I wear? I remember that I had only one suitcase and put it in the original art village's room. This time I came out to watch the drama. I just wore the casual outfit I usually wear. Dark blue and white stitching transition color trousers, white striped long -sleeved short T -shirts, white embroidered shoulder small shoulder bags.

The night was very deep, at this time a few of us had been familiar with. Friends of a former colleague said that I would go to the hospital for a while because I drank and asked me to be a driver for him. I wondered whether the hospital was still at work at this time? The neighbors of the art village said he had to go first. Now the place is far from the art village. He drove me by car. If he is gone, how do I go back myself? My colleague said that it might as well send his friends to the hospital first, and then drove home. It looks like knowing what a friend wants to stay in the hospital.

Things are arranged like this, and it will soon leave. I should wear home clothes at this time. Coincidentally, the female neighbor on the third floor hugged the child and asked me to help her receive the clothes on the balcony, so I put it in the clothes I was drying together. There are so many clothes drying on the balcony. Some adults, some children, some do it, some are not done. The balcony is very small and messy, many leaves on the ground, and the position of the corner is a bunch of messy honeycomb coal. Some of the clothes are supported on the rope with a hanger, and some are directly put on the bamboo poles raised between the anti -theft window and the window. I received waves of waves, and the people had set off before, saying that they were waiting for me downstairs. So, I hurriedly changed my clothes, but my clothes had not been dried yet, and I had to return to the fourth floor to open my suitcase to find other clothes.

How could my suitcase appear here?

Be too late to think about it, and a former colleague came to urge again. I had to wear pale blue jeans, white short -sleeved tops, sports shoes, and the white embroidered oblique shoulder bag rushed out of the room with him. This set of clothes is the clothes I wear in Zhaitang in reality.

The car of my colleagues and friends is an automatic Audi A8. I rarely drive an automatic transmission car, and I am a little afraid. Colleagues and friends are still wearing white shirts and black pants. A charity comfort me: "Don't worry, that is, the brakes and throttle, it means that individuals will drive." So I boldly got on the car, and they sat in the back row.

The car turned around in a school built on a mountain, and soon came to a steep slope. Seeing that I hesitated again, my colleagues and friends said, "Increase the throttle upwards." I rushed to the top of the slope, but found that there was no way. The brand stuck in front of me was strictly prohibited from entering the construction site. Some people outside the fence on the top of the slope are queuing to the end of the public toilet.

I panic, if I don't pay attention to the car, it will slide down. At this time, there was only me left in the car.

A student of a student jumped off the fence and directed the car. He asked me to transfer the car to the front of the car first, so that even if it was dangerous, it was better to deal with it. So I listened to his command. In this process, I was nervous. Thinking about letting him tune, but I dare not get out of the cab, worrying that the car will not be controlled for a moment if you do that.

After the car went down the mountain steadily, I saw my colleagues, friends, colleagues, neighbors on the third floor, and several strangers gathered next to a long table on a lawn. It is the long table with white tablecloths, and even the chair is a hollow white high chair. My colleagues and friends greeted me in the past, as if nothing had happened just now. I looked at a few cats and dogs on the lawn and ran around the dining table, and gradually relaxed, sitting down on the farthest side of them.

The dishes on the table are very abundant, like French afternoon tea, and there are actually roast ducks with oil. At this time, a lady in a dark red embroidered cheongsam was holding a white Haba dog sitting next to me. The lady reached out to feed a dog with a piece of meat from the roast duck, but the dog was raising corn in her mouth. Maybe it smelled the fragrance of meat, and it left the corn to eat the meat.

I looked at the dog's eyes at the colleagues and friends opposite the table, and he still kept a kind smile. I should know this person!

wake up. It was already at 8 o'clock in the morning, I was too late to wash, and sat on the sofa to record all this.


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