Looking for in Changying Park

On Monday, June 24, 2024, in the evening, the wife returned earlier. Originally, she said that the form I filled in today was gone, but she returned home, turned on the computer, and found it again. She was happy for a while. She decided to relax. Originally, I planned to go to Jingcheng Liyuan to walk on the road, and I proposed to go to Changying Park. She said that it is better to ride an electric car. Riding on an electric car, I found that there were only twenty electricity. I was worried that I could not ride back. She said: We bring the charger, we go to Changying, and then look for charging piles from there. Following the navigation, we arrived nearby and could not see the gate of the park. Asked the people around, they told us that they had to go back and walked about a stop, and it really reached the Changying Marathon Sports Park.

The gate of the park is very elegant and concise, with red walls of white walls. In the inside, there are many trees and flowers, Huang Chengcheng, which is very beautiful. There are cultural squares here, and many people are doing gymnastics. More people are running on the plastic runway, and there are also bicycles. This park cannot be prohibited from bicycles. We also walked along the big road, but we didn't follow the routes they stipulated, seven corners, and the end of the park had not been found, but we walked to a stream. There are iron railings by the stream, and people must not pass. We walked along the railing and found a small iron door. From here, we could enter the stream and walked in.

Walking around, the stream gradually became a river, and the houses on both sides were getting lower and low and deserted. There was still a person in front of it, wearing a light blue unified cultural shirt. Long, ask them if this road can be connected and where can they lead? A middle -aged man told us that there is a road to the south three or five hundred meters in front of the front, but there is no bus there. It turned out that there was a courier transfer station here. They all worked here. This site belongs to Zhongtong Company, and they have more than a thousand people. They asked: Is our environment okay? We said: Very good and good! Very good!

Since they say that they can go through, we continue to move forward. Going forward, there is still the stream on the right, and there is a poplar tree on the left. Here are few people. The poplar trees are very strong and full. After about 500 meters, they only meet a woman who comes on. We asked the road again. She said that there was a road to Dingfuzhuang before, and there was a car not far away.

We look at the darkness, and the twilight is shrouded in the surrounding Bai poplar, streams, houses, and mixed peanut trees. With a confusion, we did not continue to go. Along the way, I also took some photos. I like this unknown place very much. There are always new things waiting for you.

Seeing the big road, we stopped. Here, it is also like a park and plastic runway. We also saw someone walking here, followed, followed, and found it back. I didn't dare to follow, the woman who brought us the way told us that the road along the stream could return to the gate of the park, so we still returned to the original road honestly.

After walking, I returned to the park. People on the road walked in a hurry, most of them came to us. I saw a couple in front of us. Walking in front of us, the same direction with us, accelerated their pace and finally caught up with them. Asked with them, they just wanted to go to the park exit and let me follow them. In the forest, although there are street lights, they are all loud and bright. When people walk over, the lights will die.

In view of a close view, it is still a bright piece. From a distance, it is an endless forest. According to the couple, there are about 1,000 acres. Nearby, there is such a large park, we have lived for more than 20 years, but we have never been involved. It is really a waste of resources and it is too unsubscribed.

The couple were nearby people. They said that this park has been more than ten years, and they come to walk almost every day. Now, children are also big, there is no burden, exercise is the first priority. Although they are returning people, they do not often go to the mosque, but they only go to the mosque when they are in the big festival of Islam. Mosque can not be available casually, and it is generally not open to outsiders.

After walking for about half an hour, we don't know how many bays we turned. We finally saw the flowers we saw when they came in, and we saw the shops, and turned around again. As soon as you look at the gate, our electric car is still there. The wife has been communicating with friends with a mobile phone, and later followed us. After the wife caught up, the couple also said goodbye to leave. They are really responsible.

There are wonderful things in every place, especially these urban -rural areas, from time to time, something comes out and surprised you. We know a place name, that is not a real knowledge. We must step on that land in person, breathe the fragrance of the soil, contact trees and flowers, and remember all this, so I really know it. I feel it.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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