For the first time, Tang Shangjun took the college entrance examination in 2009. Because the results of the exam were not satisfactory, he chose to repeat it, and then opened the 16 -year college entrance examination career. His spirit is worthy of admiration. It is also a concentrated spirit to be able to persist in his goals for so long, but for ordinary people, such behaviors are not worthy of advocating.

The current era is different. College graduates are a lot every year, and employment is very difficult. It is an unwise choice to hover in the college entrance examination. However, for Tang Shangzheng, he seems to make money every time he re -reads, even more than ordinary migrant workers, which allows him to have enough money to support re -reading.

Today is the era when the Internet and live broadcast are rampant. It is said that he can earn a lot of money through live broadcasts. This is unmatched by ordinary university graduates. From this perspective, Tang Shangzhang, who has now become a celebrity, seems to be better than ordinary people.

If it wasn't for his deeds, I didn't know that the college entrance examination could be repeated like this, which shows that my information is relatively backward.

I took the college entrance examination in 2001 that year, and graduates could basically get good job treatment at that time. However, I was worried because of the problem of tuition and had to give up the opportunity to continue studying. I remember that the re -reading at that time needed to go to a special school. At that time, there was a repeated school in the county. The one -year re -reading fee was more than a thousand. The re -reading fee is not uniform.

Although the college entrance examination was lost at the time, I knew that I had some potential subjects that had not been played. However, at that time, I was a single -parent family. My father had no culture, grandma and no culture. It was very unrealistic to rely on them to supply me to college to graduate.

However, because I have been dissatisfied with my heart, and I have a real helplessness, I am very upset. I even did a lot of dreams to return to school. Sometimes I dreamed that I went back to elementary school again and then went to the exam step by step. Dreaming of the exam, but I was very sad after dreaming.

The reason why I have such a dream is that I guess because of the low tuition fees of elementary school, which can be buried, and then affecting my subconscious, so I comforted me to think about studying and appeared in my dreams. I have done a lot and a lot of such dreams. Then follow some adults in the village to work, but the work was very unstable and the income was very limited. It was impossible to support the dream in my heart.

At that time, I really thought that the college entrance examination had to go to the school. This was the only way. I couldn't sign up for the college entrance examination without re -reading. I knew this information was wrong today, but in that year I thought it was true, so that tuition was the mountain that I could not pass.

Because the information was closed, I thought that the college entrance examination could only give a chance to repeat it once. I was permanently deprived of it without using it. It can be seen that the occlusion of information is desperate.

Later, I met my mother and others, but they had fewer information than me. I thought that the college entrance examination could only be tested once, and I fixed life at a time, so I never considers re -reading.

I ca n’t study the formal ways, and I do n’t know what to study, but the enthusiasm of learning is still there. What can I do? I have a tendency to learn from Chinese studies. Basically, I am self -study. I like to watch the military law of the grandson and recite the military law.

I also wrote some poems and articles. I remember writing a lot, but after so many years, I may have been sold by my mother as garbage. I went home a few years ago and lost my various diplomas. For this reason, I was angry for a long time.

Therefore, I still envy Tang Shangzheng. He did not live in an environment of information occlusion. There are normal ways to take the college entrance examination, and I am completely drowned in an environment of information backward, and I miss the opportunity to continue the college entrance examination.

At that time, the people around me may have some unwillingness, or they may not understand at all, and no one is willing to share the information with me. Some people even transmit wrong messages to me. For example, when someone heard that I wanted to take a driver's license, someone who had taken a driver's license immediately told me that you are close to school. Don't want to go to the test. People don't want it.

Because I believe in these people very much, I have no idea of ​​going to the driving test again. I did not sign up for the driving test and obtained a qualification certificate until a few years ago.

So, do you say the environment is important? At least for me, I think it is extremely important. Although philosophy said, internal causes are the most important. But from the perspective of my life, I will not take the detour in the past to get the right information and guidance in the past. Therefore, from my personal perspective, I think that internal and external causes are also dialectical, not internal causes must be the most important. Under certain conditions, external causes may be the most important. The doctrine is definitely not learned in books, because the knowledge of books is rigid, and even wrong guidance will even occur in reality.

I remember when I was in high school at that time, because our class did not get fairly, the real strength was not exerted, and important awards were missed. However, at the class conference, the teacher quoted the philosophy theory that internal causes and external causes were fundamental, so we should not demand this unfair phenomenon, we should find the cause from ourselves.

Since the teacher said this, no one dares to refute personally because he is very harsh. Once there are different views, he will usually be invited to drink tea for a long time. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. For so many years of life experience, I can say responsiblely that the correct use of internal and external causes is that it is not more important, but that when you are blocked, you can get correct information and guidance.

To this day, I still don't understand why Tang Shangzheng does not need to go to a special repetition school. I can go to regular schools to continue re -reading, and I can get a similar bonus to support him. Because I am a place where he is, at least for me, I don't know these details. I always think that regular public high schools do not receive re -enrollment.

At that time, some people said that in addition to the college entrance examination, there were adult college entrance examinations, but I didn't like to take the adult college entrance examination. I was marked on the third year of high school. I remember that at the time, our school was still one of the test rooms for adult college entrance examinations. At that time, some people were not English. They also paid bold money to ask for the exam, which was about 500 yuan. This has made me a serious sense of rejection of the adult college entrance examination, so although I think there is no chance of the college entrance examination, I am still unwilling to take the adult college entrance examination.

Until I still participated in online education, I always thought that online education should be very strict, but in fact it is no different from the adult college entrance examination. There is still a lot of cheating. So later, I have rejected all the ways of online education and will not participate. This kind of exam is too watery, making me feel shameful. Until five years ago, someone sold me to my self -examination to me. I just tried the mentality. I found that the normal process was very formal and strict, which caused my interest and obtained a double degree through my own efforts. Like the college entrance examination, the person who has experienced it is naturally clear, which is also the confidence of his confidence.

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