When thinking about Brazil, we will think of lively dances, colorful festivals, and sunny beaches. Brazil is a unique country with a combination of animals, plants, and people, entertainment culture, and many other things. The uniqueness of Brazil, what are the best things about Brazil, let's find out in today's article.

Brazil is the largest country in South America

This country occupies about half of South America with an area of 8.5 million km2, and is a country with an impressive area on the planet. Globally, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and all South American countries border Brazil. Because Brazil stretches across South America. With such a vast territory, Brazil is very rich in mineral resources, especially forest resources and metal resources, and Brazil's geographical location also helps this country to be advantageous in developing economic trade with surrounding countries, and of course the rest of the world as well.

Brazil faces the Atlantic Ocean with a coastline length of 7,491 km, creating a convenient exchange area for Brazil with countries in Europe and countries in Africa as well. From there, Brazil can easily import and export goods, Brazil's economy is also a major economy in the world and is the most developed country in Latin America. As of 2022, Brazil's population is 215 million. In Brazil, there are European features with what the Portuguese brought to it combined with elements of native South Americans and mixed with the blood of Africans who were brought here to explore the land of Brazil. This is especially evident in the music, dance brands, and in the way Brazilians celebrate their moments. Looking at the Brazilian national football team, we can also imagine the multiculturalism of this country.

Next unique thing about Brazil. Brazil hosts the world's largest carnival costume party

Brazil held the first costume party in the early 18th century and later millions of people poured into the streets for this festival called Carnival, including celebratory events at street parades combined with circus performances at street festivals and costumes. People often impersonate their favorite characters and try to transform into someone else wearing masks at these events. This festival is a blend of native Brazilian culture with Europeans and African cultures as well. Therefore, it is very unique, Carnival originates from the Portuguese word canifale, which means farewell to meat, but why farewell to meat, because for Catholics, this festival takes place 40 days before Easter.

Before starting the fasting season and after this festival, people must indulge in all physical pleasures according to the Guinness World Records, then Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is the largest Carnival and the most famous festival in the world. The main festival usually lasts for a week with about 2 million participants, not within a week but 2 million participants every day.

That's why every year millions, even tens of millions of people visit Rio de Janeiro to participate in the festival and usually street parties, Samba parades, and costumes leave an unforgettable impression on everyone. Including international tourists coming to Brazil, those who want to immerse themselves in the unique and exotic atmosphere of Brazil.

Next, Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer for over a century and a half

Yes, Brazil is the world's leading producer and exporter of coffee, producing more than 1/3 of the global coffee supply, a title this country has held for over 150 years to provide some insights into how they are a global powerhouse. In this industry, Vietnam, one of the world's largest coffee exporters, produces only half as much as Brazil, this massive industry has supported about 3.5 million people in Brazil, most of whom live in rural areas where the climate conditions are excellent for growing coffee.

Brazilian coffee has always been a specialty that many people are interested in. The coffee industry in Brazil dates back to the early 18th century when coffee trees were first planted in Para. Para is a northern state of Brazil, from Para, coffee spread to many places in Brazil. However, throughout the 18th century, coffee was mainly consumed domestically until the 19th century when Europeans became more interested in coffee, the coffee industry in Brazil began to export more, creating a coffee boom. From 1820, Brazil accounted for 20% of global coffee production, 30% globally in 1830, and in the 1840s reached 40% globally. Thus, for over a century and a half, if not to say nearly two centuries, Brazil has always been the number one coffee producer in the world.

Another unique thing about Brazil, Brazil is the country with the largest forest in the world.

The Amazon Rainforest is very familiar to you. In the Amazon region, it covers an area of 7 million km2, of which the rainforest covers 5.5 million km2 and this area is within the territories of 9 South American countries bordering Brazil, accounting for 60% of the Amazon rainforest area and the Amazon region is also one of the places with the highest biodiversity on the planet. It is estimated that this is the habitat of about 13% of the total animal species and nearly 21% of the total plant species known in the world. Many species are endemic to Brazil, the Amazon rainforest along with the Amazon River is a very magnificent river and the interesting thing is that along the Amazon River for thousands of kilometers, on the main branch of the Amazon River, there is no bridge crossing. The natural advantages for Brazil.

The world's largest emerald was once found in Brazil

Emeralds are a type of gemstone that has been of interest to many people since ancient times, the Egyptians showed their interest in emeralds and until now people still pay attention to this type of gemstone. They are mainly mined in Brazil and Colombia. The world's largest emerald is usually found in block form, that is the emerald named Bahia discovered in Bahia, Brazil in 2001. It contains about 1.7 million carats and is valued at around 400 million US dollars. The Bahia emerald is one of the most expensive and coveted gemstones on our planet.

Another unique thing about Brazil, Brazil has the world's largest statue of Christ

The statue of Christ in Rio De Janeiro is very famous, an iconic image of Brazil. The idea was conceived from the 1850s to the 1920s when this idea was finally realized. The statue of Christ the Redeemer was completed after a specific period in 1931 with a height of 38 m including the outstretched arms of 28 m on top of a mountain named Coco vano with a height of 700 m in the country of Brazil. Although signs of time and harsh nature have been imprinted on the statue, causing a lot of damage, that cannot diminish its majestic and grand appearance.

Today, this statue of Christ is still one of the most famous religious architectural works of humanity, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio De Janeiro has become an icon of both this city and the country of Brazil. This statue is made of reinforced concrete and steel, and in recent years, the Brazilian government has continuously renovated, repaired, including cleaning the statue and upgrading some parts that have been eroded by time. If you don't pay attention, almost in every travel poster related to Rio De Janeiro, the image of the statue of Christ the Redeemer will appear, and the last interesting fact related to a unique thing that may be a bit difficult to quantify.

The most beautiful road in the World Cup season

Every year during the World Cup season, the parage street in Brazil will be beautifully decorated with paintings of football and soccer stars. This has been a tradition in this place for nearly half a century, every World Cup, the streets must be adorned by the stars of the Brazilian national team. On the street, Brazilian flags and many other teams are also decorated everywhere, showing the World Cup atmosphere. Since the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, it was already very vibrant, and other World Cup seasons are no less vibrant, and usually if you have a keen eye, you will see a line of text saying "Welcome to the most beautiful road in the world". The main part of this road is the drawings of football players from the football king Pele to Rincha to the alien Ronaldo, Neymar, or other players from different generations of Brazilian football.

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