According to the imagination of most people, the lives of successful people are always busy, under pressure, and rarely have time for themselves. However, there is a secret that few people know about successful people that helps them become less stressed, happier, and more effective. They understand that personal priorities are more valuable than the priorities of others. After waking up, most successful people do not immediately check their email but instead spend the first time of the day for themselves. Here are nine morning habits that make executive directors achieve outstanding success.

Author Brian Tracy: Eat Your Frog

The talented writer Mar Green once famously said that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a frog, the rest of the day will be great. Not stopping there, Mar also added that if you have to eat a frog, don't look at it for too long. These seemingly joking remarks of this famous satirical writer carry a very profound meaning and can be understood and applied to many aspects of life, especially in the workplace. Specifically, these remarks have become a source of inspiration and theory for the main content in Brian Tracy's book "Eat That Frog," a renowned American entrepreneur, author, and personal development expert.

The frog in Mar Green's statement symbolizes the biggest and most important tasks of the day that are likely to make us procrastinate or postpone. In his book, Brian Tracy provides a secret to help us eat these frogs well, thereby maximizing work productivity. When a task is always there and you are already at work, our basic obligation is to complete it. So why waste time thinking and hesitating instead of immediately getting to work on completing that task.

For example, imagine you are a writer struggling to write a difficult chapter in your novel, a chapter that is complex and requires a lot of research, and you are not sure how to write it. Instead of procrastinating and doing easier tasks like cleaning the house, cooking, or scrolling through Facebook to see what your friends are up to, you decide to eat the frog and tackle that chapter early in the morning. You set a specific goal to write continuously for an hour without interruption. By the end of the hour, you have made significant progress in writing and you feel a sense of accomplishment, which continues to fuel you to eat the rest of the frog and move on to eating even bigger frogs.

In the morning, the willpower of successful people is usually at its highest and it is also when they are ready to move forward. So this is the best time to take advantage of the power of will to accomplish the most difficult tasks for you. In other words, this is your first frog of the day, this way you are more likely to complete it with the greatest energy and without anyone else interfering with you like at other times of the day.

Choose your frog of the day, but only one, grab it and swallow it even before you can have breakfast. Overcoming laziness, procrastination is always the most difficult thing, especially for the younger generation when it is very difficult to determine motivation and goals every morning when waking up, but more than that, overcoming laziness is not just for anyone. By creating the habit of eating your frog first, you can overcome what we need to do and how to do it.

  • 1. List your frogs, meaning challenging but important tasks for each evening, write them down to reflect on whether it is really a frog and if there are other frogs, because instinct makes us always avoid frogs.
  • 2. Identify your biggest frog.
  • 3. Make a plan to eat this biggest frog.
  • 4. Commit to eating the live frog will be very difficult on the first day of eating live frogs, but it's okay, you will get used to it.

Morning habit of Pepsi CEO: Wake up early

One thing is for sure, you understand that time is an invaluable asset, and successful people understand this even more and they often make use of time by waking up early at 5:30, 4:30, and even 4:00 in the morning. This not only gives them more control in their first hour but also gives them more opportunities to do important things for themselves. Start by waking up 15 minutes earlier than your usual time. Then gradually adjust to the time you desire.

Habit of Xerox CEO: Burn your energy

This does not mean you need a high-intensity workout routine, it could just be yoga, exercise will not only make you think clearer, become healthier and happier. It also allows you to effectively combat stress, so take the time to exercise. If a one-hour workout routine seems too difficult for you, try dancing or even walking around the neighborhood for at least 10 minutes.

Morning habit of speaker Tony Robbins: Perform "Hour of Power"

Motivation is something that cannot last forever, so you need to constantly replenish it for yourself. Successful people understand this well, so they spend a lot of time boosting motivation for themselves, you are more likely to continue to complete a difficult task when you invest emotional into it. Spend 30 minutes listening to inspiring speeches or motivational quotes from famous successful people.

Morning habit of pharmaceutical CEO Wendy Kay: Record things you appreciate

For many people, happiness is simply being grateful for what they have by listing the things they are thankful for. Successful people become more open to inspire optimism and improve their desires in life. Every day, write down at least one thing you appreciate. Learn from caring about small victories.

Morning habit of former Apple CEO - Steve Jobs: Ask yourself an important question

If today is the last day of your life, do you want to do what you are still planning to do today? This difficult question puts you in the right direction. If you find yourself answering it not many times in a week, go out and change something, you never know when you will have the opportunity to do it in the future.

Morning habit of investment consulting firm manager Obie Mackenzie: Connect with your partner

This director's habit is to use the morning time to reconnect with his partner, you should try to apply this as well. Talk about financial plans, financial goals, and even your interests as a way to always be present in their lives. In the morning, successful people understand that they will have more energy and focus to perform this habit as an important ritual. You can even set a day of the week for a breakfast date or go to the nearest coffee shop for breakfast, or run around the neighborhood with your partner. It can make your relationship even better.

Morning habit of bank CEO Christine Galib: Plan and strategize

If you don't take a few minutes to map out your day, how will you know if you are heading in the right direction? Spend at least 10 minutes a day to envision your life goals, review your tasks for the day, and allocate time for breaks, it will help you manage your day better and reduce stress.

Habit of MoneyZen asset management expert Manisha Thakor: Meditate and clear your mind

This expert believes in keeping calm and letting inner peace guide you by spending a few minutes praying or meditating to keep you relaxed. Remember that 90% of stress-related illnesses, so forget the hectic pace of life and enjoy a few moments of silence with yourself. Practicing meditation to combat stress is increasingly spreading worldwide. Hopefully, the above sharing can help you and others in life and work.

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