Night, night

Night is always so compassionate

Simply black

Cover the truth you don't want to see

Nothing is easier for us to confess more than night

Desire, attempt, not decorative

Sadness, fear, pain ... admit that the names you have loved

Various privacy with other deeper privacy

The boundary of wake -in and sleeping

Thoughts walk into deeper black alone

Never leaving any shoe printing

There are some fabrications that cannot be worn

You can also give it to the night storage, so

Every time I go back to night, it is more like for

Find the light of faith

And at night, we will also abandon us

When the black is like a tide

We were thrown into dawn again

Become a night of abandoned babies, throw into the chaotic red dust

Continue to depart from medium wind and rain

Introduction to a firewood that picks up in the daytime

It's enough to illuminate the lover's face at night

Settling sometimes makes me illusory

All panic during the day, it seems

It's all to work hard to return to night

Back to the last and last nest

In addition, we are destined to have nowhere to return


We returned to the night, but we couldn't return to yesterday

I can't even go back to the person who wants to go back

2024.06.25 ~ 26

(Picture source network, thank you)

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