In life, everyone will encounter fair things, maybe the efforts that have been ignored in the workplace, or the misunderstanding between friends. But regardless of the dots, you need to adhere to your inner justice. It seems like a story of the fall. Although it is the judgment of ghosts, it actually reflects the truth of the world: only just to justice, you can get a innocent conscience, create a better living environment Essence

One day, there was a scholar named Huang Ying in Suzhou. He went to visit his old friend. This old friend was a rich merchant named Li in Hangzhou. Huang Ying was a talented scholar, but he was born in a poor background. When Li Fulian saw Qu Yan, he was so enthusiastic to receive the channel, and Zhong arranged for his own house.

One night, Huang Yingzhang was stunned and took a walk in the garden. I saw a good house in the garden, and there were two figures at the door, which seemed to talk tightly. Huang Ying felt curious, and approached the scary and scared.

I heard one of them said, "The personal heart is good, and you can let go of the canal this time." The other person said: "Even if the canal is good, you have to do things according to the rules." Huang Ying heard it It is even more curious. I want to know whether the two are people.

Huang Ying approached again, and finally cleared it. It turned out that the two were ghosts. One ghost is tall, and the other is short. The tall ghost words: "This time I am a judge, I can be soft -hearted." The chubby ghost nodded: "According to your words."

Huang Ying was scared and wanted to leave, but if he was a little bit, his two ghosts found the canal. Tall ghost words: "Someone wondered my speech!" The short ghost caught Huang Ying, then: "Are you sideways? How about doing it?"

Huang Ying was scared to face Qingqing, but he calmed down and replied: "I have been a scholar who has been a way, and I feel curious when I hear your speech, so I am ah." , But since you are 就, you have to help me do it. "

It turned out that the tall ghost was a land judge who was responsible for judging ghosts. The assistant of the chubby ghosts. Judge Lu explained: "I don't want to judge a person, but it is a human evidence. Since you are 嚟, you will be my witness."

Huang Ying had no choice but to agree. The judge Lu took Huang Ying into the house, and there was a large table in the face, and there were many documents on the table. Judge Lu sat down and started trial.

First of all, the judge Lu called a ghost on the ghost. This ghost became blood and was obviously miserable. Judge Lu asked: "Are you dying?" The ghost cried and said: "I am framed, and the wrongdoing is dead." Judge Lu asked: "Do you have evidence?" It states that the victims of the canal. Huang Ying finished paper and found that this ghost was really wrong.

The judge Lu patted the table, saying, "You have to find out clearly, you can't be wronged." The dwarf ghost to verify and find that there is evidence that there is evidence to prove that this ghost is wronged. Lu Judan said: "Since it is, it is necessary to repay a fairness." Then, the judge Lu wrote a verdict in the document and released the ghost.

Catching it, there were several ghosts on the ghost. The judge Lu tried one by one. Huang Ying found that the judge Lu was really a good and fair official, and he never had to be wronged.

In the end, there was a ghost on the ghost, and the judge of the Lu was so good to see Qu, and said, "You are a evil evil ghost!" Essence Lu Judge said: "You hurt many people, and you will be reserved today!" The ghost begged for mercy, but the judge Lu was relentless and sentenced to hell.

Huang Ying finished his trial, and his heart was full of emotions. Lu Judge said: "You see my trial, knowing that it is fair, I hope you must be fair." Huang Ying nodded and felt that he must be a fair person in the future.

Since then, Huang Ying returned to the world and became a well -known justice official, asking for his life for the people, and was respected. The judge of the Lu and the fat ghosts of the dwarf continued to the yin and judged every ghost in fairness.

Regardless of whether the yin is determined to be the yang, fairness is essential. Being a fair person, you can be respected by others, and you can take your own innocent conscience.

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