When the moon was disguised in a touch of autumn clouds, the Beidou star began to review its shiny blinking team. The author Xue sat on the bed and listened to his mother about the past. The old man raised a bit of spasm and pointed at the old photo on the bedside table and said, "Son, look, how handsome your father was, but I did not establish a real couple at that time. Feelings, I did n’t know that he had gone through too many hardships in order to liberate Chengdu and Jiexi.

On April 29, 1949, the day when she held a wedding with Lao Xue, Lao Xue led the investigating team to set off from Taiyuan and start to Sichuan. Lao Xue was a member of the underground party. He was a member of the underground party in the county. He had a wealth of experience in underground struggle. Therefore, he was very disguised. He was dressed up like a young master who was doing business. He was full of horses. Following all his scouts, he was all dressed as a pick -up, Mafu, follower, and steward, and dozens of people kept a certain distance. At that time, there were the Kuomintang troops who had escaped along the way, and the Sichuan defenders who obeyed Chiang Kai -shek's "Decisive Battle in Chengdu Plain", as well as a large number of armed teams such as bandits and robes. The reconnaissance team is highly vigilant all the way, especially through multiple inspection levels set by enemy forces. They also need to investigate the enemy in detail and then report to the Corps headquarters, so they arrived in Mianyang County, Sichuan after more than half a year.

The danger came in dusk, and Li Xueyi, the younger reconnaissance chief, disappeared. Lao Xue is urgent, because this is related to the safety of the entire reconnaissance team, is Li Xueyi misfortune? Is the reconnaissance team's whereabouts? Lao Xue ordered to stop moving forward. In any case, he had to find Li Xueyi, seeing people, seeing the corpse, and the reconnaissance team. As a result, Lao Xue and the accompanying Jia Lingshan, Zhang Tingbing and others separated the team to find the streets, hotels, inn, and inn, such as the streets, hotels, and inn. The sky was getting late, and the strange whistle sounded from time to time on the blurred streets. These are all various secret numbers agreed by the reconnaissance team in advance. Finally, they found Li Xueyi at a inn.

It turned out that after Li Xueyi fascinated, in order to avoid the enemy, he temporarily entered the inn. What surprised Lao Xue was Li Xueyi's bed, and dozens of electric bulbs were placed densely around the bed. Lao Xue asked: "What does this mean? Player's game?" Li Xueyi reported: "This was borrowed by the owner of the inn. There are two meanings on my bed. One is that in case the enemy is touched and encountered encounters, I encountered encounters. Light bulbs, I will wake up immediately; the second is the cold day, I want to use these light bulbs to get heating. "

"What?" Lao Xue cried and laughed. "The light bulb is not powered on, where is the temperature? You, a little ghost in Anhui, do not even have this common sense. You still have the reconnaissance line. joke."

In any case, Lao Xue finally took down, and led the team to continue the next day, and arrived in Chengdu at the end of November. After entering the city, Lao Xue was busy connecting with the underground party organization to get the information where Chiang Kai -shek lived. Due to the limited troops of the reconnaissance team, it is impossible to catch Chiang Kai -shek and Mao Renfeng at all, and the superiors are not allowed to assassinate Chiang Kai -shek. Their main task is to try to find out how Chiang Kai -shek fights against the military deployment of liberating Chengdu. With the cooperation of the Chengdu Underground Party, they found the place where Chiang Kai -shek lived -Shaocheng Commercial Street "Inspirational Society".

Inspirational society is a wide -body and tall building with a combination of Chinese and Western style. The magnificent appearance of the building is not only the most preferential in Chengdu that year, but also the top in large and medium cities behind it. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chengdu Inspiration Society was a guest house for the US Air Force pilot. Lao Xue and the investigators were carefully prepared, some dressed up as a fortune teller, some were dressed as manpower pornographic cars, as well as those who were dressed as wiping shoes, selling cigarettes and repairing bicycles. Due to strict alertness here, the agents are densely distributed, and the scouts cannot enter. There is only one underground party member called Zhong Ming under the clever arrangement of the organization to enter the inspirational club, and get the qualification to go to the north to participate in an important meeting. After listening to Chiang Kai -shek's training: "In order to defend Chengdu, you need to mobilize all the forces. The means, vowed to fight with the Communist Army. At the base, you must believe that the Communist Party can never stand firmly, and it is impossible for long -term rule. I will definitely lead the national army to restore the mainland. In the ground, he also cured his body with his own way and conducted anti -communist guerrillas on the mainland.

Chiang Kai -shek's training can be described as a shot, and he flew to Taiwan within a few days. This leaving by Chiang Kai -shek, the Sichuan defendant's army's heart was even more panicked, and some troops hurriedly fled. The Chengdu Underground Party has stepped up the work of liberating Chengdu, and the arrangement and surveillance transferred to underground agents. A underground party member named Zheng Chang, a pseudonym Jiangnan, he carried Li Shuojun, the wife of the underground party member, and entered the "Construction Daily" controlled by the Kuomintang agent as a reporter.

Seeing that Chengdu's liberation has been just around the corner, Lao Xue received an order from the Corps and led the team to the so -called "chaotic recovery of the country" in the rear of Xikang Province to provide intelligence for the liberation of Xikang.

Before departure, Lao Xue arranged some investigators to stay in Chengdu and nearby counties according to his superiors, and took only five people to Xikang. Due to the tight time, the task was urgent, and the horse was not working, so he set up a U.S. Jeep. The speed of moving forward is accelerated, but the jeep is too old, coupled with overload, the car is broken, and the road is stopped to repair. Suddenly, some people came here quickly. When I saw it, Lao Xue saw that the coming person was Li Xueyi, so he asked: "Haven't you left you in Jiange County? In the future, you still have an important job there. The Kuomintang police station, why are you here? "

Li Xueyi murmured: "The head is the head, I have been with you for five years, and I have never separated. Now it is good. You go to the big city and stay here. I don't care, you want to take me to Xikang. I want to fight "."

Lao Xue said angrily: "It's almost unorganized, I want to punish you! Well, get in the car first, send you to Chengdu, and don't allow me to go to Xikang."

After the jeep sent Li Xueyi to Chengdu, the old Xue and his party went to Xikang again. Because Lao Xue has always been serious and too serious about the revolutionary work, he really gave Li Xueyi a warning punishment and installed the file. More than ten years later, this warning punishment brought a disaster to Li Xueyi. After the "Cultural Revolution" began, the rebels found the "Criminal Certificate" from the archives of Li Xueyi, held a group of fighting conferences, and shouted the slogan of "defeat the fugitive Li Xueyi", named Li Xueyi bowed his head and pleaded guilty. Li Xueyi's confession speech was strange. He waved the "Chairman Mao's Quotations" in his hand and asked everyone to be quiet, and then said with an extremely innocent expression: "Comrades, what are you deserted? It is clear that the deserter is running the front line of the front line. . But I was running forward at that time, and I wanted to participate in the battle of Jiefang Xikang. Essence The rebels gritted their teeth and sighed: "People who come in the war years are really difficult."

The author Xue saw that the moon that was coldly stunned was hidden behind the clouds, but the old man's eyes clearly showed the moonlight. She said, "Actually, the enemy is also very cunning. Don't look at them being fled, but they are also like foxes. It seemed like, of course, no matter how cunning, the hunter could not fight. , Lao Xue Duo is witty, known as Zhuge Liang. He had been prepared for a long time. He changed the Kuomintang military uniform halfway and changed to several of his investigators. Entering Ya, unexpectedly, the enemy seemed to find something. Turn over a few walls and throw away the chase. You must pay attention, your dad is witty, smart, flexible, and you cannot say that you are deeply rooted in the enemy Xue Hero.

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