A few days ago, the small net red living nearby sent a video of the library next door in the group. Perhaps it was because I rarely chat in the group. She deliberately@前 I like to read a book. For the sudden good intentions of others, my first reaction is to be polite thanks. After watching the video, I always feel that this library is a bit weird. The reason is as follows:

First, it is a library. There are few books, and most of them belong to social science books, such as parenting, cooking, massage and health care. There are also various dictionaries. Thinking of most residents in this community is tourists or hidden hiddenrs, is it suitable for social science books? Maybe the video display is not comprehensive enough, I did not see other books.

Second, it is better to say that it is a library. Each of the elegant screen partitions are placed with tea sets and incense. If you say that you drink tea with three or five friends here, it is appropriate. But why chat in the library? Is it elegant? And can such a screen partition really protect quietness? I do n’t know if it is due to the rainy days. The light in the partition room looks a little dim. I do n’t know what it feels like reading here.

Third, the decoration style is very similar to the lobby of the hotel. There are several coffee tables and chairs in the position of the window, and there are also specially set up reading areas. In this case, readers who choose books will not disturb the readers sitting on the steps on the steps? In fact, it is not uncommon for such settings. It is more suitable for large libraries, or schools. It is always weird to put it in the community. If the end of the step is a podium, some cultural lectures are often held, but it is also suitable, but there is no such setting.

Fourth, the library has a catering area, selling some coffee and simplified meals. I do n’t know if it ’s wrong. I only saw a few waiters walking from the video and did n’t see any readers. I boldly guess that it may also be affected by rainy days. When it is sunny, you should be able to be more readers.

Xiao Wanghong said that the library was newly opened in the community, and the environment was very good. I have no doubt about this introduction. I have been to this community when I was looking for a house before. The environment is really great, but what does the environment in the community have the relationship with the library environment? If you just say quiet, then I agree. But forgive me, I can't feel the incense of Shu. Whether it is a seat and long wooden bench like a restaurant in the public reading area, or the relatively compact settings of the bar reading area, it looks uncomfortable. I do n’t know if I am too picky. However, there may be another possibility that its artistic positioning is not appreciated by my taste.

Occasionally, I will post a few photos of reading in the newly -registered Xiaohongshu account. Put a book on the table, a glass of boiling water, and occasionally a few fruits. That's it. If you need to go to the library, I will choose the place where the book is greater than the decoration. Whether it is reading in the library or choosing a suitable book, I will feel very suitable for reading it slowly. For example, the Capital Library, Guangzhou Zhongshan Library, Xiamen Library I have visited before ... If you want to have a petty bourgeois experience, I will bring this book to Tianzifang or the Bund. The location of the window ... In short, I really don't think that reading is a thing that needs to be shaken.

Imagine that wearing a comfortable home service in the sofa of the room read a Bobo Wa's "Second Sex". Sitting in the gown of the park to enjoy the warm wind in the early autumn, and read a "Norwegian Forest" of Haruki Murakami. At midnight, lying in the quilt's "White Night Walk" in Higashino Keigo. After leaving the dining table lazily after meals, go to see Su Qing's "Ten Years of Marriage" ... I feel that reading is a person's business. For this reason, I really hate the disturbing scene when reading.

At that time, I liked to make a library, but there was no desire to communicate with others, and it was not allowed. I am very happy that this hobby has always been accompanied by myself until now. I admit that I have a clear high, and I also agree with the small net red for the traffic. However, forgive me, so that Dong Shixu's approach is just like this library that appears in the community. It feels weird.

I have seen some real scholars' studios, and some humbleness is unbearable. But the works of countless treasures in the world were born in this study that has not been loud. I have also seen the study room of the elegant men, and there is no doubt that the scent of books is undoubtedly exuded. Occasionally, they will be humble and say that they have read every book on the shelf. Someone will definitely refute that private study rooms and such business places cannot be the same as. So, the key to the problem is here: What kind of people are more suitable for operating libraries?

In this era of reading lonely, I can understand the painstaking pain in the community. However, if you do n’t really like one thing from the heart, but just to complete the decoration of political achievements, you do n’t have to. The nonsense of the personal point of view, I have no ambition to politics in my life.

Perhaps, whether it is this library or the small net red in the recommended library, we all need to look at them with a growth eye. From another perspective, they also strive to be on their own road.


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