The video of the uncle in Beijing recently forcibly let the young people give up the video. When I saw this video, there were indeed some anger, but in the era when the media videos of the media today, this incident may soon be hot. I didn't expect it to be hot. Because I often brushed this video, I think it is necessary to say this on the incident of Uncle Beijing.

In the video, you can see that the emotions of the Beijing uncle are very excited to blame the little girl in front of him who does not know how to respect the elderly. He has stood over and does not give himself up. This uncle Beijing's voice was getting louder and louder, and he pushed the girl, pushed the back of the girl's hand to the mouth during the push.

At this time, a big sister -in -law saw this situation. In order to avoid the incident, he quickly left his seat. Although there is already a vacant position next to it, the uncle in Beijing still does not accuse the girl according to the unwillingness, and inserts the wooden stick into the girl's legs back and forth. I have to say that this behavior has been angered by the people of the whole country. This is obviously a hooligan.

The uncle in Beijing was blame while thinking about further actions, and then said with a lot of words that he would go to the police station to tell the girl that the girl would not let the seat. In order to avoid greater violations, the girl was conservatively resistant. She did not get used to the other person's temperament for such shameless elderly people. Instead, she said directly that others can (she) can give up the seat, just not give him a seat. That is, this sentence makes the old man crazy, and there is a phenomenon that the wooden stick is inserted between the girl's legs.

This behavior may be scared by girls, so you don't want to move me. This uncle in Beijing obviously did not realize his mistake. He sat on the empty seat next to him and began to attack.

If you do n’t record such a video, I am afraid that this incident will become a public -speaking public. Regarding the unreasonable behavior of the elderly, the people next to them did not dare to participate, that is, the subway security is also the words of the elderly, and there is no stopping action. However, this uncle Beijing is so arrogant, I am afraid it is not the first time. It should be arrogant, but he has not expected that the times are progressing. The short video he has taken can attract the attention of the people of the country. This is what he expected Unthime.

Think about the era when short videos and live broadcasts have not popularized. He treats young people so much, and he usually can't help but cultivate his self -righteous domineering behavior.

Therefore, after these evidence was announced to the Internet, the Beijing police quickly dispatched and adopted administrative penalties for this word of this word. I don't know if this uncle in Beijing was so arrogant when he was punished?

Uncle Beijing's arrogance is not an example. Soon, on the Hubei Metro, some elderly people asked the video of an office worker's aunt to make a seat. Then the aunt returned directly, why should I make your seat? For myself, why do I give you a seat, especially the early peak. Then the old man said angrily, what is early peak? Intersection Then the video is gone, but this video is obviously not as explosive as the video of Beijing Uncle.

Respecting the elderly and love is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. However, many social phenomena are challenging this virtue. Obviously, the education of education that year was not deep enough, so that many people thought that as long as they saw the elderly, they should suffer themselves and let the other party enjoy it. This unilateral understanding may be biased. Unfortunately, the education of China was like this. Therefore, I think it is necessary to understand and analyze this sentence.

It is based on the friendship of each other. If the friendly existence is lacking, this sentence will not have a real meaning. Therefore, this sentence has a big premise, that is, the friendly existence of each other.

From the performance of Uncle Beijing, this uncle is very unfriendly. He believes that he should enjoy rights and interests unconditionally, and others should provide various rights as long as he sees him. This is obviously a misunderstanding of respecting the elderly and love.

When the uncle Beijing's considers the rights and interests did not obtain, he showed a very angry emotion. To be honest, even if people really do not respect you, it is just no virtue, but when you beat people or even obscene, then you are committing the law. But obviously, the uncle in Beijing was wrong. He believed that as long as the other party did not give up, he was disrespectful to the elderly, which was illegal, and tried to let the police punish the girl? This is simply whimsical.

Protecting your own right to life and dignity is the basic right of everyone, not an exclusive elderly. On the basis of being friendly to each other, carrying out a certain degree of support for the weak, this is the true meaning of respecting the elderly and love. Obviously, in this incident, the old man was a strong man, but the girl became the weak, which violated the basic characteristics of friendliness and supporting the weak, but became the power of the elderly to infringe young people. Therefore, in this sense, the elderly lost virtue, because for the elderly, this girl is not only the weak or a young life. thinking.

Therefore, respecting the elderly and love is an inseparable vocabulary, and simply emphasizing that one aspect is unreasonable. Does the old man have no obligation to protect the young? Only the obligation to respect the elderly? Obviously this is a misunderstanding of respect for the elderly and love.

Of course, this incident also highlights the weak cultural thinking and legal awareness of some elderly people. They still stay at the backward self -understanding level of the past. They have not achieved the same frequency as the times, showing their selfishness.

Why did Uncle Beijing choose a girl as an attacking object instead of choosing others as an attacking object? Obviously, in the thinking and cognition of the elderly, this girl is easy to deal with and is a relatively weak person. Uncle Beijing did not even choose a middle -aged woman. He chose a girl who looked good at dealing with her dissatisfaction. She also told the subway security guards that I made her respect the elderly?

The security guard said, what you said is right. This behavior of security also promoted the arrogance of Uncle Beijing, so that he felt that he was correct, and began to be unreasonable. He was afraid that he was afraid that he would not be able to argue. What should the old man look like?

As some netizens say comments, the bad guys become old, so that the elderly are not worthy of respect. The sound on the Internet fell, and he thought that the uncle of Beijing should be punished. Fortunately, the Beijing police also made the right actions to characterize the behavior of uncle Beijing to disturb the order of ride and give administrative penalties. However, for the girl that victim, who knows to protect her legitimate rights and interests?

Therefore, young people must know how to protect themselves, and when their legitimate rights and interests are infringed, they should know how to pick up legal weapons to maintain themselves. Although this incident will eventually change from popular events to general events, this social problem is still worth thinking about whether we should give a reasonable explanation when we are popularized by traditional culture, rather than unilateral absolute understanding.

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