When a person cannot implement the principle he insists on, internal consumption is generated. And when we constantly escape the main topics of life, internal consumption is inevitable.

In recent years, I have been in this internal consumption. As a straight person who has been "died" to die, he has admitted his failure to the first half of his life, and nearly "pure body" to return home. Triggered and helpless.

It is not to say that I can't work to make money, but that I am afraid to face the workplace, and I will consume this fear for nearly two years. Now I finally start to face the fear, and is integrating myself and external resources to prepare for entrepreneurship.

At the same time, as the price of vision is priceless, on the one hand, because of my weakness, I strives to pursue the internal growth. On the other hand, as long as the friends around me have a need, I will ignore my current situation and want to help.

That's it to study this time. After studying in Beijing for three days, the teacher allowed me to pay the payment fee in installments. This is also what I am very grateful. The intensity of this learning was very strong. Before I went, I learned that a Beijing close friend was also a single mother who wanted to move and lived with her father who had been conflicting. Possibilities, so at the time of being happy, she also wanted to support her with her, and decided that the course ended to give her a handle and stay for a few days.

In the course of the course, the teacher and me mentioned that I had to participate in the students who held a few days later, and introduced my entrepreneurial matter to other old students to help me open the situation. This is a very big one for me. support. However, just a few days when I helped this close friend to move, because I was too invested, I forgot myself, and temporarily pushed out the interview. Times.

I have a reason to complain about this close friend. I just came to want to set up a handle, thinking that she had moved from the original place during my class. I just need to help her settle down, the purpose is to accompany him. But after contacting her after class, she learned that she hadn't moved yet, but she hadn't even started packaging, so I successfully packed myself and put it on, until she moved the house a week later.

During this period, she was not slow or anxious when she packed, and I had to cooperate with her pace. For a person who died in things, it was very distressed to waste time. At the same time, there was one that made me make me Uncomfortable, she is not slow because she wants to make money, because she opens an online shop, and she has to communicate with the guests at any time, and I can only spend time with her.

Just after I realized that I was too concerned about her, and forgot my own affairs, I found that this was a model I have formed in the past. In the past, I thought this was self -sacrifice and kind. The rescuer complex is a kind of self -move. When I can't settle myself first, I will fight against myself. This is also the source of many harm in the past. If you can't break this model, the same is true now.

So I also communicated with my close friends very frankly about my awareness and discovery of this. She was also sorry for this. I also suggested that she distinguish the priority of the matter. While earning money, she had to cook the lives of her and children. After doing this, I also put down my own savior mentality, arranged the subsequent schedule, and left Beijing the day before yesterday.

The process of this awareness is very painful, because I see that I have always used this model, paralyzing myself, and feeling that I am valuable, but it is a blind eye to my own crisis. Clear, this time, three insidious friends reminded me in different ways to pay attention to the boundaries of the boundaries. It is grateful that I finally woke up in this matter.

Growth is a process of constant awareness and letting go. I always think that my situation is extreme and special, but the more I go global, the more I find that everyone has a similar predicament, but when we are ashamed, our vision will be clearer.

My dilemma is that I do n’t know my own dilemma, and I always want to help others to reflect my own sense of value. Now I finally realize that only by facing my own dilemma and breaking the solution, can I use my own actions that my own actions Inspired by people, after all, the burden of each person must bear and bear themselves.

Besides, my dilemma is my card point that breaks through the money. In this process, time is a very valuable resource. I must use it on things related to making money, rather than using it. Rady your own pace.

Writing this article is a sortingation. I don't regret the help I give to my friends this time. From the bottom of my heart, I still hope that my actions can bring her blessings. I hope she can open it more. Limit ourselves in the world of the Internet, only to make money. When we face face to face with more life links, pay trust, we will also gain beauty, but first, we must achieve beauty.

What is the principle I want to implement? I think I am willing to love, but I have a little clear. I have to settle myself in love in love before I can give it better. Write this experience, and I look forward to myself in the growing growth. Be well yourself.

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