Chapter 8: My high sensitivity

It's a sudden writing article. Perhaps it should be an article in my "Living Diary". I slowly wrote it first. I didn't know how to classify it after writing.

Seeing the end of the month, my monthly rental house is about to expire. The room is very bright, it is my favorite type, but because it was originally a rotten commercial street in the community. I do n’t know why I suddenly started to build it again recently. I have to have the idea of ​​moving.

Yesterday, I found the second landlord to see the house. It happened that there were also new tourists here and planned to rent a house, so they were together. I watched seven or eight sets. I think there is only a house near the elevator. It is the kind of hollow partition. Compared to the hotel -like house I live in the hotel style, this set is more like a homestay and more home. Although on the second floor, the mountain can be seen outside the window, and the last tenant should be a person who knows how to live. The room is very warm and intimately installed with the screens. Outside the balcony is a vegetable field, a big tree outside the bedroom window covering half of the window, it feels closer to nature. The only thing that dissatisfied was that the house was obliquely facing the elevator and fire channel, and the noise should be great.

Let's look at the house together with a pair of acquaintances that are similar to us. It seems that it should not be a couple. The boy also fancy this house, and the girls considers the one -bedroom and one room of another physical wall structure during the subsequent view of the house, and the sense of privacy is stronger.

After watching a few more houses, the boy and I intended to look at the house on the second floor of the elevator, so the second landlord contacted the main random electronic lock code. At this moment, the second landlord said that the homeowner would rent from three months. Before that, I asked the second landlord privately. What price if I rent this set? The second landlord said that it is the peak tourist season, and the rising rents in July and August are the most powerful. Even old tenants, I have to be two hundred dollars more expensive than the current rent. At that time, I had discounted this house in my heart. Now I have heard that it takes three months to rent, and basically it has completely dispelled the idea of ​​renting this house. In addition, the reason I originally intended to change the house was to be disturbed by the construction, and now it will inevitably be disturbed at the elevator. However, I still have a little hope in my heart. An intermediary, the water content is very high. If you talk about it, you may be rented to me at the current price? But what should I do? In the hesitation, I watched other houses again. There are a few sets of left sets, each has its own problems.

It's over 6 pm. At this time, the wife of the second landlord (Sister Yan) also took other guests to see the house and rushed over. Seeing a few of us hesitated in this house, Sister Yan proposed to go to eat first and then consider it slowly. Here I really admire the relaxation of Sichuan -Chongqing people. Because the other two had to rush back to live in the past, the two landlords proposed to send them to the high -speed rail station and by the way for a meal. I was too lazy to cook, and I passed together. Anyway, it is AA system, and it is normal. So we went to the streets of food in the city.

The reason why I chose to go here is because the girl said that there is a cake in a cake shop here. It is delicious. She wants to buy some more, and she is going to go back far away, so she won't eat with us. As a result, we all went to buy cakes. For boys, it is half an hour to take a taxi in the place where you want to go back, so he stays.

After eating, it was raining suddenly, and there was a tendency to pour in a bigger and bigger. The boys took a taxi and left, and I returned to the community with the car of the second landlord. The community was very large, and they sent me back to my place where I lived.

I don't know if it is psychological or other reasons, I can't sleep when I over and over. My mind was thinking about considering buying a used car and finding a house today, until the light was bright and the sides were still turning around. There was a pain in the lower abdomen, and it was found that the physiological period suddenly attacked.

After cleaning up, I was even more sleepy. I looked at the mobile phone and found a news about the rise in oil prices. I couldn't help but start thinking about whether to buy a car again. On the one hand, if you continue to live here or go to some other places, you really need to practice and mobilize second -hand cars. On the other hand, you are also considering that your work of freelance writers can not support the car. Since there is no particularly suitable car for a while, it is better to put it first and find more supply channels to add some income to yourself. Thinking about it, unknowingly approaching noon. Simply, I don't sleep at all.

It is still under construction outside the window, and the sound does not seem to be completely unbearable. Occasionally, the sound of the guest room cleaning carts occasionally appears in the corridor, and the sound of large waves of passengers in the weekend should be staged. Recalling what the second landlord said on the car yesterday, if I continue to rent the current house, he can continue to rent to me at the price before the price increase, and it will save the procedures for the back and forth. Originally, I made an appointment with the second landlord to go to him to continue looking at the house this afternoon, and hesitated again.

However, there is another question that makes me hesitate. Do I really like it here? What is my purpose here? I always feel that there is a pair of invisible big hands pushing me away. From the beginning of cleaning my luggage, to the anxiety of the stations on the road, I changed my journey, and then I planned to find a chef in Chengdu to change the way of life, and then Here here. Countless times to give up writing, but it does rely on this career to make a living. It seems that my touch is becoming more and more sensitive, just like octopus, it is easy to make up various bridges. Is this open or high -sensitivity?

Sometimes, writing makes me feel pain, and I really can't write the brainless text I don't agree with. At the same time, the style I like will not bring more benefits to myself, but I can barely live. Such a life -like life makes me feel depressed, but I also enjoy the comfort brought by this depression. I thought about the scene of being famous and getting rich overnight, and I also thought about the scene of my racking my mind before the death. No matter what kind of, I have seen it from the people you know. I know that I started to twist again. However, compared to this tangling, it is still the control of the native family that makes me delayed.

Many times, when I went back, I held a belief of "death and then lived", but "fleeing the desertedness of the way". Is it the binding of me by the native family, or would I not let myself go? When I was chatting with an old friend who had been violated for a long time before, he said that he was envious of my freedom. Suddenly thought that the purpose of my escape was to cure myself? So, whether the code is good, be a chef, let yourself survive first. What are panic? Intersection Surprise, it's not depressed!

Thinking is the biggest cage in this world. I plan to watch "Shawshank's Redemption" again.


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