The proverb of "open mouth three points" is like a mirror, reflecting our attitude and way in interpersonal communication. It is not just as simple as the literal "opening talk", but also contains deep philosophical and psychological connotations. It tells us that on the road of pursuing success, actively expressing our ideas and needs is the key to gaining help and seizing opportunities.

"Open your mouth three points of profit" , this proverb reflects the relationship between people and society, people and others. In this complex and changeable world, we cannot exist in isolation, we must establish contact and cooperation with others. And "open mouth three points of profit" is a way to actively establish contact and seek cooperation. By expressing our own ideas and needs, we can not only get the help and support of others, but also establish a closer interpersonal network to lay a solid foundation for future success.

From a psychological point of view, "opening your mouth three points" reflects the inner needs and desires of human beings. Everyone has the need to be understood, respected, and recognized, and expression is an important way to meet these needs. When we dare to "open our mouths" to express our ideas and needs, we can not only get the attention and support of others, but also enhance our self -confidence and self -esteem. This inner sense of satisfaction and accomplishment will inspire us to work harder to pursue success.

In my life experience, I deeply realized the importance of "open mouth three points of profit". I remember in college, I was afraid to ask the professor to ask the professor because I was afraid of being rejected. However, over time, I gradually realized that this silence only made me miss more opportunities. So, I took the courage to ask the professor to ask the professor to ask for the questions one by one. Unexpectedly, the professor was very patient to answer my doubts one by one, and gave me a lot of valuable suggestions. This makes me aware that only if I dare to "open my mouth" to express my thoughts and needs, can I get more help and opportunities.

"Opening your mouth three points" is not only a technique of interpersonal communication, but also a life attitude and philosophical thinking. It tells us that on the road of pursuing success, we need to dare to express our ideas and needs, and be brave to face challenges and difficulties. Only in this way can we seize opportunities, get help, grow up, and finally realize our dreams.

At the same time, "open mouth three points" also reminds us that we must maintain a humble and open mentality. When expressing our own ideas and needs, we need to respect the opinions and opinions of others, and listen to their suggestions and criticism with an open mind. Only in this way can we establish a good interpersonal network and get more support and help.

In addition, "open mouth three points" also requires our courage and confidence. When expressing our own ideas and needs, we may face the risk of being rejected or ridiculed. However, only when we dare to take risks and try can we truly seize the opportunity and realize our dreams. Therefore, we need to continuously exercise our courage and self -confidence, and be brave to face various challenges and difficulties.

In addition, I want to mention the allusion of " shameless questioning ". This allusions comes from Confucius, educators during the Spring and Autumn Period and his student tribute. Confucius once praised the doctor of Wei Guo, because he was sensitive and easy to learn, and asked shamelessly. Even if Kong Yan's status is high, he is still willing to ask for advice from his status and learning as he is not as good as himself. This modest and well -known spirit is highly praised by Confucius. Confucius believes that Kong Yan's quality is the reason why he can be called "text".

This allusion tells us that on the road of pursuing knowledge and success, we should maintain a modest and well -learning attitude. Don't be complacent because of your status or knowledge, dare to ask others, not afraid of being joked or despised. Only in this way can we continue to improve, improve ourselves, and finally succeed.

"Open your mouth three points" and "shameless questions" both emphasize the importance of active expression and learning. They remind us that on the road of pursuing success, we need to dare to express our ideas and needs, and be brave to face challenges and difficulties. At the same time, we also need to maintain a modest and well -learning attitude and continue to ask and learn from others. Only in this way can we seize opportunities, get help, grow up, and finally realize our dreams.

In the voyage of life, in the face of unknown challenges and opportunities, how to use the wisdom of "open mouth three points" and "shamelessly questioning", just like the lighthouse and compass during sailing, guide us to illuminate the road of movement.

"Open your mouth three points" is like a lighthouse in sailing. In the vast sea, the lighthouse is the guidance of a ship. It tells us where it is a safe channel and where is the dangerous reef. Similarly, when we face choice and challenges, actively express our thoughts and needs, it is like lighting up the inner lighthouse, allowing us to see the road ahead more clearly. This initiative not only allows us to seize opportunities, but also make us more firm and brave in the face of difficulties.

"Shameless questioning" is like a compass during sailing. In a complex and changeable environment, the compass can help us find the right direction and avoid loss. Similarly, on the road of pursuing success, we need to maintain a modest and well -learning attitude and keep asking and learning from others. This attitude is like a compass, so that we can maintain the right direction and keep moving forward.

From the perspective of psychology, "open your mouth three points of profit" and "shamelessly ask" are the mirrors of our soul and the motivation to grow.

First of all, they are like a mirror, reflecting the real state of our hearts. When we dare to "open our mouths" to express our thoughts and needs, we are also showing our courage and confidence to others. This courage and confidence will inspire us to face more active challenges in life and work. And when we are "shamelessly ask", we are also showing our humility and learning to others. This modesty and good learning will make it easier for us to get the help and support of others.

At the same time, "open mouth three points" and "shameless questioning" are also our driving force for growth. By continuously expressing and learning, we can find our shortcomings and places that need to be improved. This self -awareness will promote our continuous learning and growth and continuously improve our ability and quality. And this growth and progress will bring us more opportunities and success.

Finally, "open mouth three points" and "shameless questioning" are the ladder and souls that lead to success.

On the road of pursuing success, we need to "open mouth" to express our ideas and needs, and establish contact and cooperation with others. This initiative and enthusiasm will allow us to get more opportunities and resources and promote our continuous development. At the same time, the humble and good attitude of "shameless questioning" will also allow us to continue to learn and grow and improve our ability and quality. This learning and growth will lay a solid foundation for us, making us easier to achieve our goals and dreams.

In this process, our soul will also be sublimated. By expressing and learning, we will better understand our inner world and needs, so as to pursue our goals and dreams more firmly. At the same time, we will also learn to respect others, understand others, and get along in harmony with others. This sublimation of the soul will make us more mature and confidently facing various challenges and opportunities in life and work.

This is exactly:

Smart navigation, open your mouth three points.

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